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And it will be despised in his eyes to stretch forth the hand against Mordecai alone; for they announced to him the people of Mordecai: and Haman will seek to destroy all the Jews which are in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus, the people of Mordecai.

If good to the king, it shall be written to destroy them: and I will weigh ten thousand talents of silver to the hands of those doing the work, to bring to the king's treasures.

{ And the letters were sent by the hand of the runners to all the king's provinces, to cut off, to kill and to destroy, all the Jews, from the youth and even to the old man, the little ones and women, in one day, in the thirteenth to the twelfth month, (this the month Adar) and their spoil for plunder.}

And Mordecai will announce to him all which befell him, and the exposition of the silver which Haman said to weigh to the king's treasures for the Jews to destroy them.

And the copy of the writing of the edict which was given in Shushan to destroy them, he gave to him to cause Esther to see, and to announce to her, and to charge upon her to go in to the king to implore mercy, and to seek from before him for her people.

For we were sold, I and my people, to cut off, to kill and to destroy. And if for servants and for maids we were sold, I was silent, but the enemy made not even for the loss of the king.

And she will say, If good to the king, and if I found favor before him, and the word be right before the king, and I good in his eyes, it shall be written to turn back the writings, the purposes of Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, that he wrote to destroy the Jews that were in all the king's provinces:

Which the king gave to the Jews which were in every city and city to gather together, and to stand for their soul, to cut off, and to kill and to destroy all the power of the people and province pressing upon them, little ones and women, and their spoil for booty,

For Haman son of Hammedatha the Amite, oppressing all the Jews, purposed against the Jews to destroy them, and he cast Pur (this the lot) to discomfit them and to destroy them;