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Perish, the day wherein I was born, and the night it was said, Lo! a manchild!

Because it closed not the doors of the womb wherein I was, and so hid trouble from mine eyes.

There, the lawless, cease from raging, and there the toil-worn are at rest:

Disputing with discourse that doth no good, or with speech, wherein is no profit?

And had inhabited demolished cities, houses, wherein men would not dwell, that were destined to become heaps.

That, with a stylus of iron and with lead, for all time - in the rock, they could be graven!

He shall flee from the armour of iron, - There shall pierce him, a bow of bronze!

Iron, out of the ore, is taken, and, stone, poureth out copper;

Whereon were the pedestals thereof sunk? Or who laid the corner stone thereof; -

Canst thou bind the fetters of the Pleiades? Or, the bands of Orion, canst thou unloose?

His bones, are barrels of bronze, his frame, is like hammered bars of iron:

He counteth iron as broken straw, and bronze as rotten wood: