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Any earthen vessel into which any of these things fall becomes unclean, along with everything in it. You are to destroy it, along with all its contents."

I'll send wild beasts against you from the open country to deprive you of your children, destroy your cattle, and decrease your number so that your roads become desolate.

When I destroy the source of your bread, ten women will bake bread in one oven. Then they'll return back your bread by weight. You'll eat but won't be satisfied.

I'll destroy your high places and cut down your sun pillars. Then I'll cast your dead bodies on top of the bodies of your idols. I'll loathe you.

I'll lay your cities to waste and destroy your sanctuaries so I don't have to smell the scent of your soothing odors.

Yet, despite all of these things, when they're in the land of their enemies, I won't reject or despise them so as to completely destroy them and by doing so violate my covenant with them, because I am the LORD their God.