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AND entering again into Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was in the house.

And he went out again by the lake, and all the multitude came to him, and he taught them.

And he entered again into the synagogue, and there was a man there having a withered hand.

AND again he taught by the lake; and a very great multitude came together to him, so that entering into a ship he sat on the lake, and all the multitude were by the lake on the land.

And Jesus having crossed again in the ship to the other side, a great multitude came together to him; and he was by the lake.

And again calling all the people, he said to them, Hear me, all of you, and understand.

And again going out of the bounds of Tyre, he came through Sidon, to the lake of Galilee, in the midst of the bounds of Decapolis.

IN those days, again a very great multitude being [around him], and not having any thing to eat, calling his disciples, he said to them,

And leaving them, he entered again into the ship, and went away to the other side.

Then he put his hands on his eyes again, and he looked, and was restored, and saw all things clearly.

for he taught his disciples, and said to them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him. And when he is killed, on the third day he shall rise again.

AND he arose and went thence into the bounds of Judea, and beyond the Jordan; and again multitudes came together to him, and again he taught them as he was accustomed.

And his disciples asked him again, in the house, concerning this.

And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, Children, with what difficulty shall those who trust in riches enter into the kingdom of God!

And they were on the way going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus went before them; and they were amazed, and afraid, as they followed him. And again taking the twelve aside, he told them the things that were about to befall him;

and they will mock him, and spit on him, and scourge him, and kill him, and after three days he shall rise again.

And they came again to Jerusalem; and as he was walking in the temple, the chief priests, and scribes, and elders came to him,

And again he sent another servant to them, and they wounded him on the head, and treated him shamefully.

And again going away he prayed, saying the same words.

And again coming he found them sleeping; for their eyes were heavy; and they knew not what to answer him.

But he again denied it. And after a short time those standing by again said to Peter, You are certainly one of them, for you are also a Galilean.

And Pilate again asked him saying, Do you answer nothing? see how many things they charge against you.

And Pilate again answered and said to them, What, then, do you wish me to do to him whom you call the king of the Jews?