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knowing that Christ, [because he] has been raised from the dead, is going to die no more, death no longer being master over him.

Know ye not, that whomever ye choose to obey as a master, his bondmen ye are, whether of sin whose fruit is death, or of obedience whose fruit is righteousness?

Or do you not know, brothers (for I am speaking to those who know the law), that the law is master of a person for as long a time [as] he lives?

is not the potter the master of his own clay, of the same mass to make one vessel for use and ornament, and another for a meaner purpose?

He who regards the day as sacred, so regards it for the Master's sake; and he who eats certain food eats it for the Master's sake, for he gives thanks to God; and he who refrains from eating it refrains for the Master's sake, and he also gives thanks to God.

To Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who have worked hard for the Master; to my dear friend Persis, for she has done much hard work for the Master;