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There will stand up men of Nineveh at the Judgement together with the present generation, and will condemn it; because they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and mark! there is One greater than Jonah here.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, nature ofevangelists, identity ofPreaching, Effects OfGreatness Of ChristThe Final JudgementSigns Of RepentanceThe Dead Are RaisedJudgement

The Queen of the south will awake at the Judgement together with the present generation, and will condemn it; because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and mark! there is One greater than Solomon here.

Verse ConceptsQueensSolomon, Character OfSouthOld Testament People As TypesGreatness Of ChristThe Final JudgementPeople From Far AwayThe Dead Are RaisedJudgmentsJudgement DayJudgementcondemnation

The Queen of the South will awake at the Judgement together with the men of the present generation, and will condemn them; because she came from the extremity of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; but mark! One greater than Solomon is here.

Verse ConceptsQueensSouthGreatness Of ChristThe Final JudgementPeople From Far AwayThe Dead Are Raised

There will stand up men of Nineveh at the Judgement together with the present generation, and will condemn it; because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and mark! One greater than Jonah is here.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, nature ofevangelists, identity ofPreaching, Effects OfStandingGreatness Of ChristThe Final JudgementThe Dead Are Raised

So, after thinking things over, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John surnamed Mark, where a large number of people were assembled, praying.

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Before GodHousesPrayer, In The ChurchSleeplessnessPrayer MeetingsChurch GatheringsPraying TogetherPrayer During PersecutionIdentity

And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having discharged their mission, and they brought with them John, surnamed Mark.

Verse ConceptsMissionaries, Task OfMissionaries

Barnabas, however, was bent on taking with them John, whose other name was Mark,

Verse ConceptsGoing Togetherflexibility

So there arose a serious disagreement between them, which resulted in their parting from one another, Barnabas taking Mark and setting sail for Cyprus.

Verse ConceptsIslandsSeafaringSuffering, Causes OfAlienation, Examples OfSharpnessPeople PartingMissionariesMisunderstandings

Before, not after. And he received circumcision as a sign, a mark attesting the reality of the faith-righteousness which was his while still uncircumcised, that he might be the forefather of all those who believe even though they are uncircumcised--in order that this righteousness might be placed to their credit;

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, spiritualPraiseSealsAbraham, God's Covenant WithAbraham, New Testament ReferencesReckoningRighteous By FaithRighteousness imputed

For mark the effects of this very thing--your having sorrowed with a godly sorrow--what earnestness it has called forth in you, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing affection, what jealousy, what meting out of justice! You have completely wiped away reproach from yourselves in the matter.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingeagernessPlea Of Innocence

Aristarchus my fellow prisoner sends greeting to you, and so does Barnabas's cousin Mark. You have received instructions as to him; if he comes to you, give him a welcome.

Verse ConceptsCousinsHospitality, A Duty Of God's PeoplePrisonersCompanionshipWelcoming Believers

and if any one refuses to obey these our written instructions, mark that man and hold no communication with him--so that he may be made to feel ashamed.

Verse Conceptsdiscipline, divineParticipation, In SinShameChurch DisciplineConfronting SinsDisfellowshipGood AssoiciatesCompanionshipHaving No DealingsNo Dealings

Luke is the only friend I now have with me. Call for Mark on your way and bring him with you, for he is a great help to me in my ministry.

Verse ConceptsdisagreementsApostasy, RestoredCompanionshipServing IndividualsUseful PeopleMinistryministering

and from Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.

Verse ConceptsFellow Workers

And he causes all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slaves, to have stamped upon them a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

Verse ConceptsForeheadsSmallnessDisfigurement Of SinGreat And SmallEvil For The Right HandPoor Or RichSlave Or FreeMark Of The Beastbranding

in order that no one should be allowed to buy or sell unless he had the mark--either the name of the Wild Beast or the number which his name represents.

Verse ConceptsThe False ProphetMark Of The Beast On ForeheadMark Of The BeastSaving Money

And another, a third angel, followed them, exclaiming in a loud voice, "If any one worships the Wild Beast and his statue, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,

Verse ConceptsForeheadsDisfigurement Of SinMarks On PeopleThird PersonAngels Doing God's WorkFate Of IdolatersWorshipping The Devil

So the first angel went away and poured his bowl on to the earth; and it brought a bad and painful sore upon the men who had on them the mark of the Wild Beast and worshipped his statue.

Verse ConceptsThe BeastDisfigurement Of SinCosmic CreaturesMarks On PeopleFirst ThingsFate Of IdolatersBowl JudgmentsCatastrophic EventsMark Of The BeastHealing CancerAbscesscancerserenity

And I saw thrones, and some who were seated on them, to whom judgment was entrusted. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message, and also the souls of those who had not worshipped the Wild Beast or his statue, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands; and they came to Life and were kings with Christ for a thousand years.

Verse ConceptsForeheads666Faithfulness, To Godevil, victory overdefianceBeheadingThe BeastJudgesJudgment SeatPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf SacrificeThe Immortal SoulMartyrdom, Methods OfSufferings RewardedRemoving HeadsCosmic CreaturesBelievers JudgingMarks On PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesAvoiding IdolatrySubsequent Witness To ChristWorshipping The DevilMark Of The BeastHow First Resurrection Is Spread OutSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyMartyrdom