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And Zillah, she also will bear Tubal Cain, sharpening every cutting instrument of brass and iron: and Tubal Cain's sister was Naamah.
And he will press upon them greatly; and they will turn aside to him, and they will come in to his house; and he will make to them a drinking, and he baked unleavened loaves, and they will eat
And they will say, Stand off. And they will say, This same came to sojourn, and shall he judge judgment: now will we do evil to thee above them: and they will press upon the man, upon Lot greatly, and they will come near to break the door.
And Jacob will be greatly afraid and it will press upon him: and he will divide the people which were with him, and the sheep and the oxen, and the camels, into two camps.
Take now my blessing which was brought to thee, for God compassionated me, and because all things are to me; and he will press upon him, and he will take.
And Pharaoh's cup in my hand; and I shall take the grapes and press them into Pharaoh's cup, and I shall give the cup into Pharaoh's hand.
Gad, a troop, shall press upon him; and this shall press upon the heel.
If an expiation shall be put upon him, the price of redemption of his soul according to all which shall be put upon him.
Thou shalt not treat evil the stranger, and thou shalt not press him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
Thou shalt not press the stranger: and ye knew the soul of the stranger, for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt
And this the offering which ye shall take from them; gold, and silver, and brass.
And make fifty brass hooks, and bring the hooks to the loops, and join the tent, and it was one.
And make for the covering five acacia pillars, and spread them over with gold, their pegs gold: and cast for them five bases of brass.
And make horns upon its four faces: its horns shall be from it: and spread over it brass.
And make pots for its ashes, and its shovels, and its vessels, and its flesh hooks, and its fire pans: and for all its vessels, thou shalt make brass.
And make to it a grate a net work of brass; and make upon the net four four brass rings over its four ends.
And make bars for the altar, bars of acacia wood, and spread them over with brass.
And twenty pillars and their twenty brass bases: the pegs of the pillars and their joinings of silver.
And thus for the north side, in length, hangings a hundred the length, and its pillars twenty, and their bases twenty of brass: the pegs of the pillars and their joinings of silver.
All the pillars of the enclosure round about, joined with silver: and their pegs of silver, and their bases of brass.
The length of the enclosure a hundred by cubits, and the breadth, fifty by fifty, and the height five cubits of twisted byssus, and the bases brass.
For all the vessels of the tent in all its work, and all its pegs, and all the pegs of the enclosure, brass.
Make a brass wash-basin, and its pedestal brass, for washing: and give it between the tent of appointment and between the altar, and give water there.
To meditate work of skill, to work in gold and in silver and in brass.
Take ye from you an offering to Jehovah: all of a willing heart shall bring an offering to Jehovah; gold and silver and brass,
The altar of burnt-offering, and the grate of brass which is to it, its staves, and all its vessel; and the washbasin and its base;
All lifting up an offering of silver and brass, brought the offering of Jehovah: and all with whom was found acacia wood for all the work of the service, brought
And to invent works of skill, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,
And he will make fifty brass hooks to join the tent together to be one.
And its five pillars and their pegs: and he spread over their heads and their joinings with gold; and their five bases brass.
And he will make its horns upon its four faces; from out of it were its horns: and he will spread it over with brass.
And he will make all the vessels of the altar, the pots and the shovels and the vases and the forks, and the fire pans; all its vessels he made of brass.
And he will make for the altar a grate of brass net work under its border from below; even to the half of it
And he will cast four rings for the four ends for the grate of brass, the inner parts for the poles.
And he will make the bars of acacia wood; and he will spread them over with brass.
And he will make the wash-basin of brass, and its foot of brass, in the sight of those coming who came to the door of the tent of appointment
Their pillars twenty, and their brass bases twenty; the pegs of the pillars and their joinings, of silver.
And the bases for the pillars, brass; the pegs of the pillars and their joinings, silver; and the overspreading their heads, silver; and all the pillars of the enclosure, their joinings, silver.
And their pillars four, and their bases four, of brass; and their pegs of silver, and the spreading over the heads and their joinings of silver.
And all the pegs for the temple and for the enclosure round about of brass.
And the brass of the waving, seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred shekels.
And he will make with it the bases to the door of the tent of appointment, and the altar of brass, and the grate of brass which is to it, and all the vessels of the altar.
The altar of brass, and the grate of brass which is to it, its bars and all its vessels, and the wash-basin and its foot;
And he sprinkled from the blood of the sin upon the wall of the altar; and that remaining of the blood he shall press out at the foundation of the altar: it is sin.
And the earthen vessel in which it shall be boiled, shall be broken: and if it was boiled in a brass vessel, it was scoured and washed in water.
And a wife to her sister thou shalt not take to press to uncover her nakedness with her, in her living.
And I broke the pride of your strength: and I gave your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:
And the price of redemption of the three and seventy and two hundred, of those remaining over the Levites, from the first-born of the sons of Israel:
And give the silver to Aaron and to his sons, the price of redemption of those remaining over among them.
And Moses will take the silver of the price of their redemption, from those remaining over them redeemed of the Levites.
And say to them, In your offering its fat from it, and it was reckoned to the Levites as the produce of the threshing-floor, and as the produce of the wine-press.
And the sons of Israel will say to him, By the highway will we come up; and if we shall drink of thy waters, I and my cattle, I gave a price: only not speaking, I will pass through on my feet. .
And Moses will make a brass serpent, and will set it up for a signal, and it was if the serpent bit a man and he looked upon the brass serpent, and he lived.
And the ass will see the messenger of Jehovah and she will press to the wall, and she will press Balaam's foot to the wall; and he will add to strike her,
Only the gold and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead,
And they will remove from Rithmah, and encamp in Rimmon-Parez.
And they will remove from Rimmon-Parez, and encamp in Libnah.
And Jehovah will say to me, Thou shalt not press Moab, and thou shalt not contend with them in war; for I shall not give to thee his land a possession, for to the sons of Lot I gave Ar a possession.
And thou camest near over against the sons of Ammon, thou shalt not press them, and thou shalt not contend with them: for I will not give from the land of the sons of Ammon to thee a possession; for to the sons of Lot I gave it a possession.
A land where thou shalt eat bread in it not with poverty; thou shalt not want any thing in it; a land whose stones, iron, and out of its mountains thou shalt hew out brass.
The festival of booths thou shalt do to thee seven days, in thy gathering of thy threshing floor and of thy wine press.
Thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, and the price of a dog to the house of Jehovah thy God, for any vow: for these two are also an abomination to Jehovah thy God.
And the heavens which over thy head were brass, and the earth which is under thee, iron.
And thou atest the fruit of thy belly, the flesh of thy sons and thy daughters, which Jehovah thy God gave to thee, in the distress and in the straitness which thine enemy shall press upon thee:
The gift to one of them of the flesh of his sons which he shall eat from: nothing remaining to him of all things in the distress and in the straitness which his enemy shall press upon thee in all thy gates.
And upon her afterbirth coming forth from between her feet, and upon her sons which she shall bear: for she will eat them in want of all things, in secret, in the distress and in the straitness which thine enemy shall press upon thee in thy gates.
Thy bolt, iron and brass; and as thy days, thy rest.
And all the silver and gold and vessels of brass and iron, it holy to Jehovah: it shall be brought to the treasury of Jehovah.
And they burnt the city in fire and all which is in it: only the silver and the gold and the vessels of brass and iron they gave to the treasury of the house of Jehovah.
And Jehud and the Sons of Lightning, and the Press of the Pomegranate,
Ailon and her area, and the Press of the Pomegranate and her area: four cities.
And from half the tribe of Manasseh, Tanach and her area, and the Press of the Pomegranate and her area: two cities.
And he will say to them, saying, With much riches turn back to your tents, and with exceeding many cattle, with silver and with gold and with brass and with iron and with exceeding many garments: divide the spoil of your enemies with your brethren.
And the Amorites will press the sons of Dan to the mountain: for they gave not to come down to the valley:
In all where they will go forth, the hand of Jehovah was against them for evil, as Jehovah spake and as Jehovah sware to them: and he will press them greatly.
And a messenger of Jehovah will come and sit under an oak which is in Ophrah, which is to Joash, father of Ezri: and Gideon his son threshed wheat in the wine press to place in safety from the face of Midian.
And it will be so: and he will rise early upon the morrow, and he will press the fleece together, and the dew will press out from the fleece, a bowl full of water.
And they will take the two chiefs of Midian. Oreb and Zeeb; and they will kill Oreb upon the rock of Oreb, ' and Zeeb they killed at the wine press of Zeeb, and they pursued against Midian, and the heads of Oreb and Zeeb they brought to Gideon beyond Jordan.
And the sons of Ammon will pan over Jordan to war also against Judah, and against Benjamin, and against the house of Ephraim: and it will press upon Israel greatly.
And Philisteim will seize him, and they will bore out his eyes, and will bring him down to Gaza and bind him with fetters of brass, and he will be grinding in the house of bonds.
And the man will rise up to go, and his father-in-law will press upon him, and he will sit down and lodge there.
And a helmet of brass upon his head, and a coat of mail of scales he put on; and the weight of the coat of mail five thousand shekels of brass.
And brass fronts upon his feet, and a javelin of brass between his shoulders.
And Saul will put his garments upon David, and give a helmet of brass upon his head, and put on him a coat of mail
And Saul will summon all the people to war to go down to Keilah to press against David and against his men.
And he will refuse, and say, I will not eat And his servants will press upon him, and also the woman, and he will hear to their voice. And he will rise up from the earth and sit upon the bed.
And it will press upon David greatly, for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was bitter, each for his sons and for his daughters: and David will be strengthened in Jehovah his God.
And from Betah and from Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, king David took exceeding much brass.
And Toi will send Joram his son to king David to ask him for peace and to bless him, because he fought with Hadadezer and struck him; (for Hadadezer was a man of war with Toi.) And in his hand were vessels of silver and vessels of gold and vessels of brass:
And the king will say to Absalom, No, my son, not now will we all go, and we will not be heavy upon thee. And he will press upon him, and he would not go, and he will bless him.
And Absalom will press upon him, and he will send with him Amnon and all the king's sons.
And Ishbi-Benob who was from the children of Rephaim, and the weight of his spear three hundred weight of brass, and he being girded with a new one, and he will say to strike David.
And the king will say to Araunah, Nay, but buying, I will buy of thee at a price; and I will not bring up to Jehovah my God a burnt-offering gratuitously. And David will buy the threshing-floor and the oxen for the silver of fifty shekels.
The son of Geber in Ramoth-Gilead; to him Havoth-Jair son of Manasseh, which was in Gilead; to him a portion of Ergab which is in Bashan, sixty great cities, with a wall and bars of brass.
Son of a widow woman from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father a Tyrian man, an artificer of brass; and he will be filled with wisdom and understanding, and knowledge to do all the work in brass. And he will come to king Solomon and do all his works.
And he formed two pillars of brass, eighteen cubits the height of the one pillar: and a thread of twelve cubits will surround the two pillars.
And he made two crowns upon the heads of the pillars, of molten brass: five cubits the height of the one crown, and five cubits the height of the second crown.
And he will make ten bases of brass, four by the cubit the length of the one base, and four by the cubit its breadth, and three by the cubit its height
And four wheels of brass to the one base, and axles of brass: and its four steps, shoulders to them: from under to the wash basin the shoulders molten from beyond each of the wreaths.
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