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And she will call the name of Jehovah, having spoken to her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Here also I looked after him seeing me.

And Abimelech will say to Abraham, What sawest thou that thou didst this thing?

And Laban will answer and say to Jacob, The daughters, my daughters, and the sons, my sons, and the sheep, my sheep, and all which thou sawest, this to me, and to my daughters: what shall I do to these this day, or to their sons which they brought forth?

And raise up the tent according to its judgment which thou sawest in the mount

And Moses will say to Jehovah, See, thou sayest to me, Bring up this people: and thou madest not known to me whom thou wilt send with me. And thou saidst, I knew thee by name, and also thou didst find favor in mine eyes.

And thou sawest it, and wert gathered to thy people, thou also, as Aaron thy brother was gathered.

And in the desert where thou sawest that Jehovah thy God lifted thee up, as a man will lift up his son, in all the way that ye went till your coming to this place.

When thou shalt go forth to war against thine enemy, and thou sawest horse and chariot, a multitude of people more than thou, thou shalt not be afraid of them, for Jehovah thy God is with thee, he bringing thee up out of the land of Egypt

And thou sawest in the captivity a woman of beautiful form, and thou didst delight in her, and thou didst take her to thee for a wife;

And Gaal will see the people, and he will say to Zebul, Behold, people coming down from the heads of the mountains. And Zebul will say to him, Thou seest the shadow of the mountains as men.

And he put his soul in his hand and smote the rover, and Jehovah will make great salvation to all Israel: thou sawest and thou wilt rejoice; and wherefore wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to kill David gratuitously? .

And the king will say to her, Thou shalt not fear: What sawest thou? And the woman will say to Saul, I saw gods coming up out of the earth.

And the king will say to Zadok the priest., Thou seest: turn back to the city in peace, and Ahimaaz thy son, and Jonathan son of Abiathar, your two sons with you.

And Joab will say to the man announcing to him, And behold, thou sawest, and wherefore didst thou not strike him there to the earth? and for me to give to thee ten of silver and one girdle.

And Joab will say to Cushi, Go, announce to the king what thou sawest. And Cushi will worship to Joab, and run.

And now thou sayest, Go, say to thy lord, Behold Elijah.

And now thou sayest., Go, say to thy lord, Behold, Elijah; and he will kill me.

And behold, one prophet drew near to Ahab king of Israel, and he will say, Thus said Jehovah, Sawest thou all this great multitude? Behold me giving it into thy hand this day and thou knewest that I am Jehovah.

Thou sawest that Ahab humbled himself from before me. Because that he humbled. himself from before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: in the days of his sons I will bring the evil upon his house.

And this will be small in thine eyes, O God; and thou wilt speak upon the house of thy servant to far off, and thou sawest me according to the manner of the man of the ascent, O Jehovah God.

And they will say, We will turn back, and we will not seek from them; thus will we do as thou sayest And I shall call the priests and shall cause them to swear to do according to this word.

And I shall send to him saying, It was not according to these words which thou sayest, for from thy heart thou feignest them.

Thou sawest; for thou wilt look upon trouble and anger, to give with thine hand: the poor will be left to thee; thou wert the helper of the orphan.

I will rejoice and be glad in thy mercy, for thou sawest mine affliction; thou knewest my soul in straits;

Thou sawest, O Jehovah: thou wilt not be silent: O Jehovah, thou wilt not remove far off from me.

If thou sawest a thief, and thou wilt run with him, and thy portion with those committing adultery.

For what did we fast, and thou sawest not? we humbled our soul and thou wilt not know? Behold, in the day of your fasting ye will find desire, and ye will exact all your labors.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me the second time, saying, What seest thou? and saying, I see a pot blown under, and its face from the face of the north.

And Jehovah will say to me in the days of Josiah the king, Sawest thou what Israel turning back, did? She went up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and she will commit fornication there.

Seest thou not what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?

And Jehovah will say to me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? and saying, Figs: the good figs, exceedingly good; and the evil, exceedingly evil, which shall not be eaten from being evil.

Sawest thou not what this people spake, saying, The two families which Jehovah chose in them, and he will reject them? and they will despise my people from being yet a nation before them.

And Jeremiah will say to Seraiah, When thou comest to Babel, and thou sawest, and didst read all these words,

Thou sawest, O Jehovah, my bowing down: judge thou my judgment

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man, what the old men of the house of Israel are doing in darkness, a man in the chambers of his images? for they are saying, Jehovah sees us not; Jehovah forsook the earth.

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? yet shalt thou turn back, thou shalt see abominations great above these.

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? Was it light to the house of Judah doing the abominations which they did here? for they filled the land with violence, and they turned back to irritate me: and behold them sending the branch to their nose.

And it was when they shall say to thee, For what sighest thou? and say, For the report, because it came: and every heart melted and all hands were relaxed, and every spirit was weak, and all knees shall go into water: behold, it came, and it was, says the Lord Jehovah.

And the man will speak to me, Son of man, see with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thy heart to all which I cause thee to see; for in order to cause thee to see thou went brought hither: announce all which thou seest to the house of Israel.

And that thou sawest the feet and toes, part of burnt clay of the potter, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; and from the firmness of iron to be in it, for which cause that thou sawest iron mingled with earthen-ware.

That thou sawest the iron mingled with the earthen-ware, mingling for themselves with the seed of men: and not cleaving to them this with this, so as iron not mingling with burnt clay.

Because that thou sawest that the stone being cut from the rock not with hands, and it beat small the iron, the brass, the burnt clay, the silver and the gold: the great God made known to the king what to be after this: and the dream certain, and its interpretation faithful.

The tree that thou sawest that increased and was strong, and its height will reach to the heavens, and its sight to all the earth,

The ram which thou sawest possessing horns, the kings of Media and Persia.

And Jehovah will say to me, What seest thou, Amos? And saying, Lead. And Jehovah will say to me: Behold me setting lead in the midst of my people Israel: I will no more add to pass by to him.

And now hear the word of Jehovah: Thou sayest thou shalt not prophesy against Israel, and thou shalt not drop against the house of Isaak.

And he will say, Amos, what seest thou? And saying, A basket of fruit. And Jehovah will say to me: The end came upon my people Israel; I will no more add to pass by to him.

And he will say to me, What seest thou? And saying, I saw, and behold, a candlestick of gold, all of it, and a bowl upon its head, and its seven lights upon it, and seven tubes to the seven lights which were upon its head:

And he will say to me, What seest thou? And saying, I see a roll flying; its length twenty by the cubit, and its breadth, ten by the cubit