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God of the Heavenly Armies, restore us and show your favor, so we may be delivered.

God of the Heavenly Armies, return! Look down from heaven and see. Show care toward this vine.

God of hosts, restore to us the light of your favor. Then we'll be delivered. For the Director: On the Gittith. By Asaph.

because it is a statute in Israel, an ordinance by the God of Jacob,

God takes his stand in the divine assembly; among the divine beings he renders judgment:

Arise, God, to judge the earth, for all nations belong to you. A song. A Psalm of Asaph

God, do not rest! Don't be silent! Don't stay inactive, God!

who said, "Let us possess the pastures of God."

God, set them up like dried thistles, like straw before the wind.

Fill their faces with shame until they seek your name, God.

I desire and long for the Temple courts of the LORD. My heart and body sing for joy to the living God.

Even the sparrow found a house for herself and the swallow a nest to lay her young at your altar, LORD of the Heavenly Armies, my king and God.

They will walk from strength to strength; each will appear before God in Zion.

LORD God of the Heavenly Armies, hear my prayer! Listen, God of Jacob! Interlude

God, look at our shield, and show favor to your anointed,

for a day in your Temple courts is better than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather stand at the entrance of God's house than live in the tent of wickedness.

Restore us, God of our salvation, and stop being angry with us.

Let me listen to what God, the LORD, says; for the LORD will promise peace to his people, to his holy ones; may they not return to foolishness.

The LORD will also provide what is good, and our land will yield its produce.

Protect me, for I am faithful; My God, deliver your servant who trusts in you.

God, arrogant men rise up against me, while a company of ruthless individuals want to kill me. They do not have regard for you.

God's foundation is in the holy mountains.

Glorious things are spoken about you, city of God. Interlude

released to remain with the dead, lying in a grave like a corpse, remembered no longer, and cut off from your power.

He will announce to me "You are my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.'

But I will not cut off my gracious love from him, and I will not stop being faithful.

You have caused the days of his youth to be cut short; you have covered him with shame Interlude

Planted in the LORD's Temple, they will flourish in the courtyard of our God.

God of vengeance, LORD God of vengeance, display your splendor!

They say, "The LORD cannot see, and the God of Jacob will not notice."

He will repay them for their sin; he will annihilate them because of their evil. The LORD our God will annihilate them.

For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the flock in his care. If only you would listen to his voice today,

He has remembered his gracious love; his faithfulness toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth saw our God's deliverance.

LORD our God, you answered them; you were their God who forgave them, but also avenged their evil deeds.

Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy! A psalm of thanksgiving

for the LORD is good and his gracious love stands forever. His faithfulness remains from generation to generation. A Davidic Psalm

He has weakened my strength along the way. He has cut short my days.

I say, "My God, whose years continue through all generations, do not take me in the middle of my life.

They receive what you give them; when you open your hand, they are filled with good things.

He is the LORD our God; his judgments extend to the entire earth.

They were overwhelmed with craving in the wilderness, so God tested them in the wasteland.

God granted them their request, but sent leanness into their lives.

They forgot God their Savior, who performed great things in Egypt

Deliver us, LORD our God, gather us from among the nations so we may praise your holy name and rejoice in praising you.

Blessed are you, LORD God of Israel, from eternity to eternity; Let all the people say, "Amen!" Hallelujah!

So they rejoiced that the waves became quiet, and he led them to their desired haven.

God had promised in his sanctuary: "I will triumph and divide Shechem, then I will measure the valley of Succoth!

God, you have rejected us, have you not, since you did not march out with our army, God?

I will find strength in God, for he will trample on our foes. To the Director. A Davidic psalm.

Now you, LORD my God, defend me for your name's sake; because your gracious love is good, deliver me!

Help me, LORD my God! Deliver me in accord with your gracious love!

Who is like the LORD our God, enthroned on high,

Tremble then, earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob,

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his gracious love is eternal.

This is the LORD's gate The righteous will enter through it.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good and his gracious love is eternal. Alef

Turn away the shame that I dread, because your ordinances are good.

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