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Behold, your servant has found favor in your eyes and {you have shown me great kindness} in saving my life. But I cannot flee to the mountains, lest the disaster overtake me and I die.

And let it be [that] the girl to whom I shall say, 'Please, offer your jar that I may drink' and [who] says, 'Drink--and I will also water your camels,' she [is the one] you have chosen for your servant, for Isaac. By her I will know that you have shown loyal love to my master."

{I am not worthy} of all the loyal love and all the faithfulness that you have shown your servant, for with [only] my staff I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two camps.

This [is] the word that I have spoken to Pharaoh; God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do.

Then Pharaoh removed his signet ring from his finger and put it on the finger of Joseph. And he clothed him with garments of fine linen, and he put a chain of gold around his neck.

The sons of Gad: Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli.

And Israel said to Joseph, "I did not expect to see your face and behold, God has also shown me your offspring."

And see and make [all] according to their pattern, which you were shown in the mountain.

And you will erect the tabernacle according to its plan, which you have been shown on the mountain.

You will make it hollow with boards. As it was shown you on the mountain, so they will do.

{And} when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony [were] in the hand of Moses at his coming down from the mountain; and Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with him.

And Aaron and all the {Israelites} saw Moses, and, {to their amazement}, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid of coming near to him.

And the {Israelites} would see the face of Moses, that the skin of the face of Moses shone, and Moses would put back the veil on his face until his coming to speak with him.

and [if] the infection is yellowish green or reddish on the garment or on the leather or on the woven material or on the fabric or on any leather object, it [is] an infectious skin disease and it shall be shown [to] the priest.

The descendants of Gad according to their clans: of Zephon, the clan of the Zephonites; of Haggi, the clan of the Haggites; of Shuni, the clan of the Shunites;

You [yourselves] were shown [this wonder] in order [for you] to acknowledge that Yahweh [is] the God; there is no other [God] {besides him}.

you said, 'Look, Yahweh our God has shown us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire; this day we have seen that God can speak with a human being, {yet he remains alive}.

Then he said, "Yahweh came from Sinai, and he dawned upon them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran, and he came with myriads of holy ones, at his right hand a fiery law for them.

So then please swear to me by Yahweh, because {I have shown loyalty to you}, and {you will also show loyalty} {to my family}. You must give me a sign of good faith,

In Issachar and Asher, Manasseh had Beth-shean and its villages, Ibleam and its villages, the inhabitants of Dor and its villages, the inhabitants of En-dor and its villages, the inhabitants of Taanach and its villages, the inhabitants of Megiddo and its villages; the third is Napheth.

And the descendants of Joseph said, "The hill country is not enough for us, and all of the Canaanites living in the land of the valley [have] chariots of iron, those in Beth-shean and its villages, and those in the Jezreel Valley."

Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath,

Jephthah said to the elders, "Did you not shun me and drive me out from the house of my father? Why do you come to me now when you have trouble?"

But his wife said to him, "If Yahweh wanted to kill us he would not have taken from our hand the burnt offering and the grain offering, or shown us all these things, or now announced to us things such as these."

So Samuel took a single stone and put [it] between Mizpah and Shen, and he named it Ebenezer and said, "Up to here Yahweh has helped us."

Saul said to the Kenites, "Go, leave! Withdraw from among the Amalekites so that I do not destroy you with them. You have shown loyal love to all the {Israelites} when they came up from Egypt." So the Kenites left from among [the] Amalekites.

And Saul said to them, "May you be blessed by Yahweh, for you have shown me compassion

And they put his armor [in] the temple of the Ashtoreth, and they fastened his corpse to the wall of Beth Shan.

all of {the valiant men} set out and went all night and took the corpse of Saul and the corpses of his sons from the wall of Beth Shan, and they came to Jabesh and burned them there.

So David left and took the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the rulers of Jabesh Gilead, who had stolen them from the public square of Beth Shan, where [the] Philistines hung them {when} [the] Philistines killed Saul on Gilboa.

Then Solomon said, "You have shown great loyal love with your servant David my father, as he walked before you in faithfulness and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with you. You have shown for him this great loyal love, and you have given a son to him who is sitting on his throne as [it is] this day.

Baanah the son of Ahilud [was] in Taanach and Megiddo and all Beth-Shean which [is] beside Zarethan below Jezreel, of Beth-Shean up to Abel-Meholah up to the other side of Jokmeam.

On the eighth day, he sent the people away, and they blessed the king, and they went to their tents rejoicing and {in good spirits} because of all the goodness that Yahweh had shown to David his servant and to Israel his people.

When they arose early in the morning, the sun shone on the waters, and Moab saw the waters from the opposite [side] as red as blood.

Elisha said to him, "Go; say to him, 'You shall certainly recover,' but Yahweh has shown me that he certainly will die."

Then Hazael said, "But how could your servant, who [is] like a dog, do this great thing?" Elisha said, "Yahweh has shown me [that] you [are to be] king over Aram."

And along the borders of the sons of Manasseh: Beth-Shean and its towns, Taanach and its towns, Megiddo and its towns, and Dor and its towns. In these lived the sons of Joseph the son of Israel.

And this was a small [matter] in your eyes, O God. And you have spoken concerning the house of your servant for a long [time] and have shown me {future generations to come}, O Yahweh God.

Then Solomon said to God, "You yourself have shown steadfast loyal love to David my father and have made me king in his place.

So King Joash did not remember the loyal love that Jehoiada had shown to him, and he killed his son. And as he was dying he said, "May Yahweh see and avenge!"

But now for a brief moment mercy has been shown by Yahweh our God, who left behind for us a remnant, and given us security in his holy place--for our God to brighten our eyes and to give us brief relief in our bondage.

Let that day become darkness; may God not seek it from above, nor may daylight shine on it.

Furthermore, the light of [the] wicked is put out, and the flame of his fire will not shine.

And you will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.

Do you know {how God commands them} and [how] he causes his cloud's lightning to shine?

They also forgot his deeds, and his wonders that he had shown them.

O Yahweh God [of] hosts, restore us; cause your face to shine that we may be saved.

Who [is] like the sage? Who knows [the] interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed.

For the stars of the heavens and their constellations will not flash forth their light; the sun will keep back when it comes out, and [the] moon will not cause its light to shine.

[Though the] wicked person is shown compassion, he does not learn righteousness; he acts unjustly in [the] land [of] uprightness, and he does not see the majesty of Yahweh.

And Hezekiah rejoiced over them and showed them his house of aromatic gum, the silver, gold, spices, good oil, all the house of his weapons, and all that was found in his storehouses. There was nothing that Hezekiah had not shown them in his house or in all his dominion.

And he said, "What have they seen in your house?" And Hezekiah {answered}, "They have seen all that [is] in my house. There is nothing that I have not shown them in my storehouses."

Extend your ear, and come to me! Listen so that your soul may live, and I will {make} an everlasting covenant with you, the enduring proofs of {the mercies shown to} David.

But if you [are] refusing to surrender, this [is] the thing that Yahweh has shown me.

They have not shown contrition up to this day, and they have not shown reverence, and they have not walked in my law and in my statutes that I set {before you} and {before} your ancestors.'

The Lord has devoured; he has not shown mercy to all the dwellings of Jacob; he has broken down in his wrath the fortifications of the daughter of Judah; he has leveled to the ground, he has dishonored the kingdom and its commanders.

Yahweh has done what he has planned; he has fulfilled his promise that he ordained from the days of old; he has demolished and not shown mercy; he has made an enemy rejoice over you, he has exalted the {might} of your foes.

They lie in [the] soil of [the] streets, young and old; my young women and young men, they have fallen by the sword; you have slain on the day of {your anger}, you have slaughtered and not shown mercy.

You have covered [yourself] {in anger} and pursued us, you have slain and not shown mercy.

And I spoke to the exiles all of the words of Yahweh that he had shown me.

"And now, listen to the prayer of your servant and to his pleas for mercy. Shine your face upon your desolate sanctuary {for your sake, O Lord}.

Should you not also have shown mercy to your fellow slave as I also showed mercy to you?'

who {lived} among the tombs. And no one was able to bind him any longer, not even with a chain,

And her neighbors and relatives heard that {the Lord had shown his great mercy to her}, and they rejoiced with her.

Jesus answered them, "I have shown you many good deeds from the Father. For which one of them are you going to stone me?"

And he said to them, "You know that it is forbidden for a Jewish man to associate with or to approach a foreigner. And to me God has shown [that] I should call no man common or unclean.

And behold, an angel of the Lord stood near [him], and a light shone in the prison cell. And striking Peter's side, he woke him up, saying, "Get up {quickly}!" And his chains fell off of [his] hands.

Therefore for this reason I have requested to see you and to speak with [you], for because of the hope of Israel I am wearing this chain!"

For just as you formerly were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of the disobedience of these,

so also these have now been disobedient for your mercy, in order that they also may now be shown mercy.

Now concerning virgins I do not have a command from the Lord, but I am giving an opinion as one shown mercy by the Lord to be trustworthy.

being well-attested by good works, if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality, if she has washed the feet of the saints, if she has helped those who are oppressed, if she has devoted herself to every good work.

who serve a sketch and shadow of the heavenly [things], just as Moses was warned [when he] was about to complete the tabernacle, for he says, "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern which was shown to you on the mountain."