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Ought you not to have shown mercy to your fellow-slave, as I too had done for you?'

This man lived among the tombs, and no one could any longer subdue him even with a chain,

And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and so they were rejoicing with her.

for the sun had failed to shine. And the curtain before the sanctuary was torn in two.

Jesus answered them, "I have shown you many good deeds from my Father. For which of them are you going to stone me?"

so that the utterance of the prophet Isaiah was fulfilled: "Lord, who has believed what they heard from us? And to whom has the mighty arm of the Lord been shown?"

and I made known to them your very self, and I will make you known still further, so that the love which you have shown to me may be felt in them, and I in union with them."

And suddenly an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in his cell, and by striking Peter on the side the angel woke him, and said, "Get up quickly!" At once the chains fell off his hands.

Since I could not see because of the dazzling sheen of that light, I was led by the hand by my companions and in this way I reached Damascus.

Now it is for this reason that I invited you to come, namely, to see you and speak with you, for it is on account of Israel's hope that I am wearing this chain."

because what can be known of God is clear to their inner moral sense; for in this way God Himself has shown it to them.

nor evil forces above or beneath, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God as shown in Christ Jesus our Lord.

For just as you once disobeyed God, but now have had mercy shown you because of their disobedience,

so they too are now disobedient because of the mercy shown you, that they too may now have mercy shown them.

And yet, to refresh your memories, I have written you rather freely on some details, because of the unmerited favor shown me by God

So where is your philosopher? Where is your man of letters? Where is your logician of this age? Has not God shown up the nonsense of the world's wisdom?

About unmarried women I have no command from the Lord, but I will give you my opinion as of one who is trustworthy, since I have had mercy shown me by the Lord.

For all the time I continue to live I am being given up to death for Jesus' sake, so that in my mortal lower nature the life of Jesus may be clearly shown.

Indeed, if I have been doing some boasting of you to him, I have never been ashamed of it; but just as all I said to him was true, so now my boasting before Titus has been shown to be true.

and so in their prayers for you they will continue longing for you, because of God's surpassing favor shown you.

and because they recognized the favor God had shown me, James, Cephas, and John, the so-called pillar apostles, gave Barnabas and me the right hand of fellowship, with the understanding that we should go to the heathen and they to the Jews.

and yet they officiate in a sanctuary that is a mere copy and shadow of the heavenly one, as Moses, when he was about to make the tent of worship, was warned, for, said He, "See to it that you make it all just like the pattern shown you on the mountain."

Was not our forefather Abraham shown to be upright by his good deeds, namely, by offering Isaac his son upon the altar?

Was not even Rahab the prostitute shown to be upright by her good deeds, namely, by entertaining the scouts and sending them off by a different road?

because I know that the removal of my bodily tent is to be very soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me.

Whoever leads others into captivity will go into captivity himself. Whoever kills with the sword must be killed with the sword himself. In this way will be shown the patient endurance and the fidelity of God's people.

the light of the lamp will never shine in you again; the voice of bride and bridegroom will never be heard in you again. For your businessmen were the great men of the earth; by your magic all the nations have been led astray;

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand.