'Fear' in the Bible
All the living creatures of the earth will be filled with fear and terror of you from now on, including all the creatures that fly in the sky, everything that crawls on the ground, and all the fish of the ocean. They've been assigned to live under your dominion.
"I thought that there's no fear of God in this place," Abraham replied, "and that they would kill me because of my wife.
"Don't lay your hand on the youth!" he said. "Don't do anything to him, because I've just demonstrated that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only unique one, from me."
So Jacob made an oath by his father's Fear, offered sacrifices there on the mountain, and called on his relatives to eat some food. So they ate the food and spent the night on the mountain.
While she was suffering due to her difficult labor, the midwife told her, "Don't fear! You're going to have another son."
Three days later, Joseph told them, "I fear God, so do this and you'll live.
But as for you and your officials, I know that you don't yet fear the LORD God."
Dread and fear have fallen on them, because of the strength of your arm. They have become silent as a stone, until your people pass by, LORD, until this people you acquired pass by.
You are to look for capable men among the people, men who fear God, men of integrity who hate dishonest gain. You are to set these men over them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.
Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid, for God has come to test you, so that you may fear him in order that you don't sin."
"Each of you is to fear his mother and father. "Observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God.
"You are not to curse a deaf person or put a stumbling block before the blind. "You are to fear God. I am the LORD.
"Rise in the presence of the aged and honor the elderly face-to-face. "Fear your God. I am the LORD.
No one is to cheat his neighbor. Instead, you are to fear your God, because I am the LORD your God.
You are not to take interest or profit from him. Instead, you are to fear your God and let your relative live with you.
You are not to rule over them with harshness. You are to fear your God."
"You are to keep my Sabbath and fear my sanctuary. I am the LORD.
I'll give peace in the land so that you'll lie down without fear. I'll remove wild beasts from the land, and not even war will come to your land.
The LORD told Moses, "You are not to fear him, because I'm going to deliver him, his entire army, and his land into your control. Do to him just what you've done to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who used to live in Heshbon."
When you hold a hearing, don't be partial in judgment toward the least important or toward the great. Never fear men, because judgment belongs to God. If the matter is difficult for you, bring it to me for a hearing.'
Starting today I will begin to instill fear and terror of you on the part of every nation under heaven who hears reports about you. They'll tremble in anguish before you.'"
Then the LORD told me, "Don't fear him, because I've delivered him, his army, and his territory into your control. Do to him just as you have done to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon.'
You are not to fear them, because the LORD your God will fight for you.'"
If only they would commit to fear me and keep all my commands, then it will go well with them and their children forever.
so that you, your children, and your grandchildren may fear the LORD your God. Keep all his decrees and commandments that I'm giving you every day of your life, so you may live a long time.
Fear the LORD your God, serve him, and make your oaths in his name.
Then the LORD commanded us to observe all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God for our own good, so that he may keep us alive as we are today.
But you mustn't fear them. Be sure to remember what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and all of Egypt.
Your eyes saw the great trials, the signs and wonders, and the awesome power with which the LORD your God brought you out. The LORD your God will do the same to all the people whom you fear.
"Now Israel, what does the LORD your God desire from you? Only this: fear him, walk in all his ways, love him, serve him with all your heart and in all your life,
You are to fear the LORD your God and serve him. Cling to him and swear by his name.
No one will be able to stand against you. The LORD your God will instill terror and fear of you throughout the entire land wherever you go, just as he promised you.
You must follow the LORD your God, fear him, observe his commandments, listen to his voice, serve him, and cling to him.
It is to remain with him the rest of his life so he may learn to fear the LORD his God and observe all the words of this Law and these statutes, in order to fulfill them.
Whenever a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD and the oracle does not come about or the word is not fulfilled, then the LORD has not spoken it. The prophet will have spoken presumptuously, so you need not fear him."
how when you were very tired and weary, they lay in wait for you on the road and eliminated everyone who was lagging behind. They had no fear of God.
"Then all the people of the earth will observe that the name of the LORDis proclaimed among you, and they will fear you.
"If you aren't careful to observe all the words of this Law that have been written in this book, instructing you to fear this glorious and awesome name of the LORD your God,
Be strong and courageous. Don't fear or tremble before them, because the LORD your God will be the one who keeps on walking with you he won't leave you or abandon you."
Gather the people the men, women, children, and the foreigners that live in your cities so they may hear and fear the LORD your God, and so they may be careful to obey the words contained in this Law.
Their children who don't know will hear and learn to fear the LORD your God as long as you live in the land that you are crossing the Jordan River to possess."
"I'm really convinced that the LORD has given you the land," she said, "because we're overwhelmed with fear of you. All the other inhabitants of the land are demoralized at your presence,
Do this so that all of the people of the earth may know how strong the power of the LORD is, and so that you may fear the LORD your God every day."
The LORD told Joshua, "Don't fear them, because I have handed them over to you. Not one of them will withstand you."
Joshua told the army, "Don't fear or be dismayed! Be strong and courageous, because this is how the LORD will treat all of your enemies whom you fight."
"Now you must fear the LORD and serve him in faithfulness and truth. Throw away the gods that your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Instead, serve the LORD.
I told you, "I am the LORD your God. You are not to fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you'll be living."' But you haven't obeyed what I said."
He took a yoke of oxen, cut them in pieces, and sent the pieces by messengers through all the territory of Israel: "This is what will be done to the oxen of anyone who does not come out and join Saul and Samuel!" The fear of the LORD fell on the people and they came out as one man.
If you fear the LORD, serve him, obey him, and don't rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then both you and the king who rules over you will truly follow the LORD your God.
Only, fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. Indeed, consider what great things he has done for you.
so they will fear you every day and live on the surface of the land that you have given to our ancestors.
then hear in heaven where you reside, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the people of the earth may know your name, fear you as do your people Israel, and so they may know that this Temple that I have built is called by your name.
When they first began to live there, the settlers did not fear the LORD, so he sent lions among them, and they killed a few of them.
So one of the priests whom they had carried away from Samaria went to live in Bethel to teach them how they ought to fear the LORD.
While they continued to fear the LORD, they served their own gods, following the custom of the nations whom they had carried away from there.
To this very day, they still follow the former customs: they don't fear the LORD and they don't live in accordance with the statutes, ordinances, laws, or commandments that the LORD had given to the descendants of Jacob whom he renamed Israel
"You are not to fear other gods, bow down to them, serve them, or sacrifice to them. Instead, it is to be the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, showing great power and public demonstrations of might, whom you are to fear, worship, and to whom you are to offer sacrifice.
Furthermore, you are to be careful to observe forever the statutes, ordinances, law, and the commandment that he wrote for you. And you are not to fear other gods.
You are not to forget the covenant that I've made with you, and you are not to fear other gods.
But you are to fear the LORD, and he will deliver you from the control of all your enemies."
Then you will be successful, if you keep on observing the statutes and ordinances that the LORD commanded Moses concerning Israel. Be strong, be courageous, and never give in to fear or dismay.
so they will fear you and live life your way as long as they live in the land that you have given to our ancestors.
then hear from heaven where you reside, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the people of the earth may know your name, fear you as do your people Israel, and so they may know that this Temple that I have built is called by your name.
They attacked all the cities that surrounded Gerar, because fear of the LORD had overwhelmed them. The Israelis spoiled all the cities, because there was a lot to plunder in them.
So let the fear of the LORD rest upon you, be on your guard, and act carefully, because with the LORD our God there is neither injustice, nor partiality, nor bribery."
"You are to carry out your duties in the fear of the LORD, serving him faithfully with your whole heart. No matter what case comes before you from your fellow citizens who live in their own cities, whether it's a dispute between blood relatives or a dispute regarding the Law and the commands, statutes, or verdicts, you are to warn the parties so that they do not become guilty in the LORD's presence and so that anger does not come upon you and your fellow citizens.
In mounting fear, Jehoshaphat devoted himself to seek the LORD. He proclaimed a period of fasting throughout all of the territory of Judah,
You won't be fighting in this battle. Take your stand, but stand still, and watch the LORD's salvation on your behalf, Judah and Jerusalem! Never fear and never be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, since the LORD is with you.'"
Fear of God seized all of the kingdoms in the surrounding territories when they heard that the LORD had battled Israel's enemies.
Uzziah kept on seeking God during the lifetime of Zechariah, who taught him how to fear God, and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him prosperous.
Then I was filled with fear. I replied to the king, "May the king live forever. Why shouldn't I be troubled, since the city where my ancestral sepulchers are located lies waste, with its gates burned by fire?"
Looking things over, I stood up and spoke to the officials, the military leaders, and the rest of the people: "Don't fear them. Remember the great and awe-inspiring Lord. Fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes."
So I said, "What you're doing isn't right! Shouldn't you live in the fear of our God to avoid shame from our foreign enemies?
In each and every province, and in each and every city, in the places where the king's order and edict reached, there was gladness and joy among the Jewish people, along with a festival and a holiday. Many of the people of the land became Jews, because they had come to fear the Jewish people.
The Jewish people assembled in their towns throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus to strike out against those who intended to harm them, and no one could oppose them because all the people had come to fear the Jews.
All the provincial officials, the regional authorities, the governors, and those doing the king's work supported the Jewish people because the fear of Mordecai had come over them.
But in response, Satan asked the LORD, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
"Your fear of God has been your confidence, hasn't it? The integrity of your life has been your hope, hasn't it?
A fear fell upon me, along with trembling that caused all my bones to shake in terror.
You'll be protected from the accusing tongue; you need not fear destruction when it heads your way.
You'll laugh at destruction and famine; and you need not fear the beasts of the earth.
The friend shows gracious love for his friend, even if he has forsaken the fear of the Almighty.
When you sleep, there'll be nothing to fear; and many will court your favor.
His splendor will petrify you with terror, paralyzing you with fear, won't it?
Yet you dispense with fear of God and hinder meditations before God.
Their houses are safe from fear, and God's chastisement never visits them.
Will he acquit you just because you fear him, and render a verdict on your behalf?
As a group, deep darkness is their morning time; fear that lives in darkness is their friend."
"Dominion and fear belong to God; who fashions peace in his high heaven.
He has commanded mankind: "To fear the Lord that is wisdom; to move away from evil that is understanding.'"
She mistreats her young as though they're not hers, and she has no fear that her labor may be in vain,
He scoffs at fear and is never scared; he never retreats from a sword.
"There's nothing like him on earth; he was created without the ability to fear.
I will not fear multitudes of people, who set themselves against me on every side.
The fear of the LORD is clean, standing forever. The judgments of the LORD are true; they are altogether righteous.
"All who fear the LORD, praise him! All the seed of Jacob, glorify him! All the seed of Israel, fear him!
My praise in the great congregation is because of you; I will pay my vows before those who fear you.
The intimate counsel of the LORD is for those who fear him so they may know his covenant.
The LORD is my light and my salvation whom will I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom will I be afraid?
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- Fear Of God
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- Fearing God
- Fearlessness
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