66 occurrences

'Judge' in the Bible

'Be agreeing with thy opponent quickly, while thou art in the way with him, that the opponent may not deliver thee to the judge, and the judge may deliver thee to the officer, and to prison thou mayest be cast,

Verse ConceptsAgreementDiscorddisagreementsLawyersJudgesOfficersAttorneyLawsuitsLitigationQuarrelsDebtorsAgreeingHanding Over PeopleImprisonmentsCourt SessionsPeople Accusing PeopleMisunderstandingsMaking Peace With EnemiesReconciliationConflictResolving Conflictjail

And Simon answering said, 'I suppose that to whom he forgave the more;' and he said to him, 'Rightly thou didst judge.'

Verse ConceptsReckoningPeople Forgiving OthersDebtGod's ForgivenessLove And ForgivenessForgiveness Kjvforgiving

And he said to him, 'Man, who set me a judge or a divider over you?'

Verse ConceptsJudgesArbitrationChrist JudgingDecision Making

for, as thou art going away with thy opponent to the ruler, in the way give diligence to be released from him, lest he may drag thee unto the judge, and the judge may deliver thee to the officer, and the officer may cast thee into prison;

Verse ConceptsdisagreementsImprisonmentsJudgesOfficersReconciliation, Between BelieversLitigationHanding Over PeopleStress And Hard TimesReconciliationPurgatoryeffortjail

saying, 'A certain judge was in a certain city -- God he is not fearing, and man he is not regarding --

Verse ConceptsIrreverenceBeing Seen By ManNo Fear Of GodRespectFearing GodPersistencefearless

And the Lord said, 'Hear ye what the unrighteous judge saith:

Verse ConceptsPay Attention To People!

'And he saith to him, Out of thy mouth I will judge thee, evil servant: thou knewest that I am an austere man, taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow!

Verse ConceptsNot SowingNot Reaping What You SowCondemnation Of The WickedBeware Of Your SpeechStrictnessKnowing God's CharacterReaping What You Sow

'Doth our law judge the man, if it may not hear from him first, and know what he doth?'

Verse ConceptsJudging RightlyExcellent LawNo Condemnationcondemnation

and even if I do judge my judgment is true, because I am not alone, but I and the Father who sent me;

Verse ConceptsGod, Unity OfDiscernment of JesusChrist JudgingPerforming The TruthNot AloneThe One Who Sent ChristMaking Decisions

many things I have to speak concerning you and to judge, but He who sent me is true, and I -- what things I heard from Him -- these I say to the world.'

Verse ConceptsGod, Revelation OfReliabilityGod Is TruthfulJesus Christ, JudgeChrist JudgingThe One Who Sent ChristGod's Things Revealed

and if any one may hear my sayings, and not believe, I -- I do not judge him, for I came not that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.

Verse ConceptsChrist JudgingNot JudgingIf You Do Not Keep Commands

Pilate, therefore, said to them, 'Take ye him -- ye -- and according to your law judge him;' the Jews, therefore, said to him, 'It is not lawful to us to put any one to death;'

Verse ConceptsLimitednessDeath Penalty For KillingFulfilling The Lawautonomy

and the nation whom they shall serve I will judge, said God; and after these things they shall come forth and shall do Me service in this place.

Verse ConceptsLeaving EgyptWorshipping God

and he who is doing injustice to the neighbour, did thrust him away, saying, Who set thee a ruler and a judge over us?

Verse ConceptsRulers

'This Moses, whom they did refuse, saying, Who did set thee a ruler and a judge? this one God a ruler and a redeemer did send, in the hand of a messenger who appeared to him in the bush;

Verse ConceptsBurning bushMoses, Significance OfRejection Of GodIndividuals Saving OthersRejection

And speaking boldly, Paul and Barnabas said, 'To you it was necessary that first the word of God be spoken, and seeing ye do thrust it away, and do not judge yourselves worthy of the life age-during, lo, we do turn to the nations;

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtCourage, In Facing EnemiesBoldness, Proclaiming Gospeldenial of Jesus ChristNecessityRejection Of GodRejection Of God's CallUnworthinessAdvice, Rejecting God's AdvicePreaching Gospel To ForeignersNot Maintaining LifeTo The Jew Firstholy Boldness

but if it is a question concerning words and names, and of your law, look ye yourselves to it, for a judge of these things I do not wish to be,'

Verse ConceptsNot Judging

who also the temple did try to profane, whom also we took, and according to our law did wish to judge,

Verse ConceptsTaking The Law To HeartLack Of Holiness

And Paul answered -- the governor having beckoned to him to speak -- 'Knowing that for many years thou hast been a judge to this nation, the more cheerfully the things concerning myself I do answer;

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofJudgesSelf DefenceCheerfulnessMan Defending

Therefore, thou art inexcusable, O man -- every one who is judging -- for in that in which thou dost judge the other, thyself thou dost condemn, for the same things thou dost practise who art judging,

Verse ConceptsCondemnation, Causes OfExcusesUncharitablenessLike Bad PeopleFound GuiltyJudgingBeing YourselfJudgementJudging Others Actionscondemnationothers

and the uncircumcision, by nature, fulfilling the law, shall judge thee who, through letter and circumcision, art a transgressor of law.

Verse ConceptsBook of the LawNecessity Of CircumcisionThey Do Not Keep Commands

let it not be! since how shall God judge the world?

Verse ConceptsFar Be It!Judging Others Actions

And thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? or again, thou, why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand at the tribunal of the Christ;

Verse ConceptsJudgment SeatStandingJesus Christ, JudgeNot JudgingDo Not DespiseJudgement SeatBelittlingJudging Others Actionscriticism

and to me it is for a very little thing that by you I may be judged, or by man's day, but not even myself do I judge,

Verse ConceptsNot JudgingUnimportant ThingsJudgmentsJudgingSelf WorthSelf EsteemBeing YourselfJudgementJudging Others Actionsmyself

have ye not known that the saints shall judge the world? and if by you the world is judged, are ye unworthy of the smaller judgments?

Verse ConceptsCourtsHoliness, Purpose OfMillenniumSaintsBelievers JudgingFamily ProblemsJudgement DayJudgementJudging Others Actions

have ye not known that we shall judge messengers? why not then the things of life?

Verse ConceptsHeaven And Serving GodBelievers JudgingAngelsJudgingJudgement DayJudgement

In your own selves judge ye; is it seemly for a woman uncovered to pray to God?

Verse ConceptsCovering HeadsBare HeadsWomen's RolesBeing A Woman Of God

for we have known Him who is saying, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will recompense, saith the Lord;' and again, 'The Lord shall judge His people;' --

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeRetributionGod Executes VengeanceRevenge

ye did not judge fully in yourselves, and did become ill-reasoning judges.

Verse ConceptsMan Differentiatingdiscriminationmotives

and I heard the messenger of the waters, saying, 'righteous, O Lord, art Thou, who art, and who wast, and who shalt be, because these things Thou didst judge,

Verse ConceptsThe Existence Of GodAngels Doing God's Worklegacy

'Be glad over her, O heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets, because God did judge your judgment of her!'

Verse ConceptsAngels RejoicingInjustice, Hated By GodRejoicing Over JusticeTitles And Names Of Ministers

because true and righteous are His judgments, because He did judge the great whore who did corrupt the earth in her whoredom, and He did avenge the blood of His servants at her hand;'

Verse ConceptsBabylonAvenger of bloodInjustice, Hated By GodRevenge, And RetaliationSatan, Agents OfSexual Sin, Nature OfResponsibility For Blood ShedSlaves Of GodThey Committed ImmoralityThe Great ProstituteJudgmentsGay Marriage

Bible Theasaurus

Appreciate (18 instances)
Arbiter (5 instances)
Arbitrator (2 instances)
Ascertain (6 instances)
Chancellor (3 instances)
Conclude (14 instances)
Determine (43 instances)
Estimate (11 instances)
Evaluate (19 instances)
Gauge (1 instance)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 203

Usage: 9

Usage: 8

'adargazer (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

Usage: 2600

דּוּן דּין 
Usage: 24

Diyn (Aramaic) 
Usage: 0

דּוּן דּין 
Usage: 20

Diyn (Aramaic) 
Usage: 6

Usage: 2

Dayan (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 13

מד מד 
Usage: 13

Usage: 421

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 84

Usage: 303

שׁפוּט שׁפוט 
Usage: 2

Usage: 16

Usage: 16

Usage: 12

judgment , mind , purpose 9 , advice , will , agree 9
Usage: 9

Usage: 16

Usage: 1

Usage: 10

Usage: 2

Usage: 4

Usage: 23

judge , determine , condemn , go to law , call in question , esteem ,
Usage: 84

Usage: 21

Usage: 3