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What if there are five less than 50 righteous ones? Will you bring destruction upon the city because of those five?" The LORD said, "I won't destroy it if I find 45 there."

Later, Isaac brought Rebekah into the tent that had belonged to his mother Sarah and married her. Isaac loved her, and that's how he was comforted following the loss of his mother.

In mounting terror, he cried out, "How scary this place is! This is nothing less than God's house and the gateway to heaven!"

and named the place Beth-el, although previously the city had been named Luz.

Eventually, Jacob and everyone with him arrived at Luz (also called Beth-el) in the territory of Canaan.

Their father Jacob told them, "You're causing me to lose my children! Joseph is gone. Now Simeon is gone, and you're planning to take Benjamin, too. Everything's going against me!"

and may God Almighty cause the man to show compassion toward you. May he send all of you back, including your other brother and Benjamin. Now as for me, if I lose my children, I lose them."

Jacob reminded Joseph, "God Almighty revealed himself to me at Luz in Canaan and blessed me.