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Be it far from us; for in that case how could God judge the world?

Verse ConceptsFar Be It!Judging Others Actions

Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law; so that every mouth may be shut, and all the world may be brought under the judgment of God.

Verse ConceptsLast JudgmentMutenessSilenceUnder The LawAccountabilityGuilt

For the promise that he should be heir of the world did not come to Abraham or to his posterity through law, but through faith-righteousness.

Verse ConceptsImputed RighteousnessGod's Promise To AbrahamRighteous By FaithPromisesTrust In Relationships

For prior to the Law, sin actually existed in the world, but sin was not set down to man's account when there was no law.

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of SinReckoningThe Entrance Of SinWithout The Lawaccounting

For I am fully persuaded that neither death nor life, Neither angels nor principalities, nor powers, Neither the present world nor the world to come, Nor the powers of Nature,

Verse Conceptsdemons, Kinds ofDemons, Christ's AuthorityThe Present AgeDeath Of God's PeopleEvil Angelsboyfriendsprincipalities

But I ask, Did they fail to hear? Yes, truly, Their sound has gone out unto all the earth, And their words unto the ends of the world.

Verse ConceptsGod's Call, EveryoneHearing God's WordThe Gospel WorldwideThe End Of The WorldThe WorldSpreading The Gospel

Now if their stumbling enriches the world, and their loss enriches the Gentiles, how much more must their fulness do!

Verse ConceptsGrowth Of The ChurchFullness Of The KingdomIsrael HardenedDefeat Of God's People

I say this, for the tidings of your obedience have been told throughout the world. On your own behalf, then, I rejoice; but I want you to be wise unto the good, but innocents in evil.

Verse ConceptsGenuinenessInnocence, Teaching OnJoy, Of The ChurchWisdom, Human ImportanceCharacter Of SaintsHarmlessnessGuileBe Wise!Obeying The GospelYou Will Rejoice In Salvation