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and Jehovah's wrath be kindled against you, and He shut up the heavens so that there will be no rain, and so that the land will not yield her fruit, and you perish quickly from off the good land which Jehovah gives you.

If there is among you a poor man of one of your brothers inside any of your gates in your land which Jehovah your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart nor shut your hand from your poor brother.

so that innocent blood may not be shed in your land which Jehovah your God gives you for an inheritance, and blood may not be on you.

When you come near a city to fight against it, then shout peace to it.

And they shall answer and say, Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen.

How shall one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them and Jehovah had shut them up?