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No man shall stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, I will be with thee: I will not forsake thee and I will not leave thee.

And thou shalt command the priests lifting up the ark of the covenant, saying, When ye come to the extremity of the water of Jordan ye shall stand in Jordan.

And it was as the soles of the feet of the priests lifting up the ark of Jehovah, the Lord of all the earth, rested in the water of Jordan, the water of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters coming down from above; and they shall stand one heap.

And the waters coming down from above will stand, they rose up one heap very far off in Adam, the city which is by the side of Zaretan; and coming down upon the sea of the desert, the salt sea, they ceased, they were cut off: and the people passed through over against Jericho.

And the priests lifting up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah will stand firm upon the dry land that in the midst of Jordan, and all Israel passing over upon the dry till all the peoples finished to pass over Jordan.

And Jehovah will say to Joshua, Thou shalt not be afraid of them, for into thy hands I gave them; a man of them shall not stand before thee.

And the sun will be silent, and the moon stood, till the people will be avenged upon its enemies. Is it not written upon the book of the upright? and the sun will stand in the half of the heavens, and it hasted not to go down for a whole day.

And ye shall not stand; pursue after your enemies; cut off the rear of them; ye shall not give them to come in to their cities, for Jehovah your God gave them into your hand.

And they divided it into seven portions: Judah shall stand upon his bound from the south, and the house of Joseph shall stand upon their bound from the north.

And Joshua will gather together all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and he will call for the old men of Israel, and for the heads, and for the judges, and for the scribes; and they will stand before God.