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Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the Lord.”

Verse ConceptsAdam, PriviledgesAbel and CainOne FleshPregnancyDesign Of MarriageSexual LoveMarital SexMarital Sex BetweenTrue GainThe Promise Of A BabyBabies Sinful From BirthAdam and evewomanhood

So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground.

Verse ConceptsAbel and CainAbraham, Testing And Victoryprocess

Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is too great to bear!

Verse ConceptsBearingStrictnessPunishments

So the Lord said to him, “Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.

Verse ConceptsAbel and CainBlood, as symbol of guiltDeath penaltyRevenge, And RetaliationSanctity Of LifeSevenfoldRestraints From KillingMarks On PeopleDeath Penalty For KillingMan AvengingRevenge

Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

Verse ConceptsAbel and CaineastEdenDriven From God's PresenceLeaving God's PresenceGardens

Cain had relations with his wife and she conceived, and gave birth to Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city Enoch, after the name of his son.

Verse ConceptsBuild, LiterallyCityBuildingPregnancyCitiesCivilizationBuildersMarital SexMarital Sex BetweenPeople Naming ThingsSame Sex MarriageBuilding Relationships

As for Zillah, she also gave birth to Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron; and the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofAbel and CainBronzeequipping, physicalIronMetalsToolsInventionsBlacksmithsBrassNamed SistersBronze Shacklesmakeup

Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, “God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him.”

Verse ConceptsAdam, After The FallAbelAbel and CainMarital SexMarital Sex BetweenExchange Of IndividualsKilling Named IndividualsPeople With Apt NamesAdam and evepremarital

I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalDust, Figurative UseUncountableNumerous As DustImpossible For People

Now it came about, as soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had hardly gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother came in from his hunting.

Verse ConceptsGoing Outside

But Isaac replied to Esau, “Behold, I have made him your master, and all his relatives I have given to him as servants; and with grain and new wine I have sustained him. Now as for you then, what can I do, my son?”

Verse ConceptsServing PeopleProviding Wine

and that Jacob had obeyed his father and his mother and had gone to Paddan-aram.

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good Kids

When Laban had gone to shear his flock, then Rachel stole the household idols that were her father’s.

Verse ConceptsCriminalsHousehold GodsSheepStealingSuffering, Causes OfSheep ShearingRobbing Gods

Now you have indeed gone away because you longed greatly for your father’s house; but why did you steal my gods?”

Verse ConceptsHomeLove, And The WorldRight DesiresRobbing Gods

Then Laban replied to Jacob, “The daughters are my daughters, and the children are my children, and the flocks are my flocks, and all that you see is mine. But what can I do this day to these my daughters or to their children whom they have borne?

Verse ConceptsPeople Possessing Other Things

and let us arise and go up to Bethel, and I will make an altar there to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and has been with me wherever I have gone.”

Verse ConceptsDistressGod AnsweredGod Has Been With YouGod With Specific People

Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have had a dream, but no one can interpret it; and I have heard it said about you, that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.”

Verse ConceptsWisdom, Source Of HumanInventionsInterpretation Of DreamsDreams InterpretedNo One Available

Then Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is a divine spirit?”

Verse ConceptsFindingThe Spirit Of GodUnique IndividualsExcellence

Then he commanded his house steward, saying, “Fill the men’s sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man’s money in the mouth of his sack.

Verse ConceptsIndeterminate Sums Of Money

They had just gone out of the city, and were not far off, when Joseph said to his house steward, “Up, follow the men; and when you overtake them, say to them, ‘Why have you repaid evil for good?

Verse ConceptsIngratitudePeople Not Far AwayRepaying Evil For Good

Joseph said to them, “What is this deed that you have done? Do you not know that such a man as I can indeed practice divination?”

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?

So Judah said, “What can we say to my lord? What can we speak? And how can we justify ourselves? God has found out the iniquity of your servants; behold, we are my lord’s slaves, both we and the one in whose possession the cup has been found.”

Verse ConceptsBeing Found OutAcquitting The Just

The sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel and Guni and Jezer and Shillem.

When the money was all spent in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, “Give us food, for why should we die in your presence? For our money is gone.”

Verse ConceptsRequesting FoodPossibility Of DeathIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyShortage Other Than FoodFinancesSaving Money

Then Joseph said, “Give up your livestock, and I will give you food for your livestock, since your money is gone.”

Verse ConceptsIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyShortage Other Than Food

“Judah is a lion’s whelp;
From the prey, my son, you have gone up.
He couches, he lies down as a lion,
And as a lion, who dares rouse him up?

Verse ConceptsHuntingLions, Figurative Use OfLionsYoung AnimalVigourCrouchingLike Creatures

After he had buried his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, he and his brothers, and all who had gone up with him to bury his father.

Verse ConceptsReturning to their land

The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them.”

Verse ConceptsVigourNot Like PeopleBirthWomen WorkingHaving A Babychildbearing

You go and get straw for yourselves wherever you can find it, but none of your labor will be reduced.’”

Verse ConceptsNo Reduction

The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, even Pharaoh’s entire army that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them remained.

Verse ConceptsPride, Results OfNo SurvivorsDestroying ChariotsDeath Of Other Groups

In the third month after the sons of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on that very day they came into the wilderness of Sinai.

Verse ConceptsMonthMonth 3

“Take also for yourself the finest of spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, two hundred and fifty, and of fragrant cane two hundred and fifty,

Verse ConceptsMyrrhCinnamonDelicacies

On the next day Moses said to the people, “You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the Lord, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.”

Verse ConceptsExpiationSin, Deliverance From GodGod's People SinningReconciliation

For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?”

Verse ConceptsAssurance in the life of faithSure KnowledgeGod DifferentiatingGod Goes With YouBeing Different

If the leprosy breaks out farther on the skin, and the leprosy covers all the skin of him who has the infection from his head even to his feet, as far as the priest can see,

Verse ConceptsHeads

He shall offer what he can afford, the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering, together with the grain offering. So the priest shall make atonement before the Lord on behalf of the one to be cleansed.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsPriests Atoning

Then the land will yield its produce, so that you can eat your fill and live securely on it.

Verse ConceptsLand Producingland

When you are sowing the eighth year, you can still eat old things from the crop, eating the old until the ninth year when its crop comes in.

Verse ConceptsOld ThingsReaping What You SowSowing Seedssowing

You shall not give him your silver at interest, nor your food for gain.

Verse ConceptsProfitslent

Then, too, it is out of the sons of the sojourners who live as aliens among you that you may gain acquisition, and out of their families who are with you, whom they will have produced in your land; they also may become your possession.

Verse ConceptsForeignersMaking SlavesLaws Restricting ForeignersPropertyImmigrantsAliens

You may even bequeath them to your sons after you, to receive as a possession; you can use them as permanent slaves. But in respect to your countrymen, the sons of Israel, you shall not rule with severity over one another.

Verse ConceptsSlavery, In OtPropertyslavery

‘Now if it is an animal of the kind which men can present as an offering to the Lord, any such that one gives to the Lord shall be holy.

Verse ConceptsHoliness, As Set Apart For GodVows

The priest shall have her take an oath and shall say to the woman, “If no man has lain with you and if you have not gone astray into uncleanness, being under the authority of your husband, be immune to this water of bitterness that brings a curse;

Verse ConceptsOaths, HumanBitter WaterAbsence Of SexBad WaterUnpunishedPeople Bound By Oaths

if you, however, have gone astray, being under the authority of your husband, and if you have defiled yourself and a man other than your husband has had intercourse with you”

Verse ConceptsLaws Of Sexual UnionSame Sex Marriage

“This is the law of the Nazirite who vows his offering to the Lord according to his separation, in addition to what else he can afford; according to his vow which he takes, so he shall do according to the law of his separation.”

Verse ConceptsSeparated To God

but now our appetite is gone. There is nothing at all to look at except this manna.”

Verse ConceptsAppetite, PhysicalPhysical HungerLost Appetite

But two men had remained in the camp; the name of one was Eldad and the name of the other Medad. And the Spirit rested upon them (now they were among those who had been registered, but had not gone out to the tent), and they prophesied in the camp.

Verse ConceptsTwo Other Men

When they had gone up into the Negev, they came to Hebron where Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of Anak were. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.)

Verse ConceptsSeven YearsGiants

But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are too strong for us.”

Verse Conceptsdoubt, results ofBad Decision Making ExamplesStrong NationsUnable To Expel

So they gave out to the sons of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great size.

Verse ConceptsBad Newsdoubt, results ofGiantsexploring

They assembled together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “You have gone far enough, for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?”

Verse ConceptsFalse Accusations, Examples OfAaron, Life EventsConfrontationSelf Righteousness, Nature OfWorldly Ambition ExamplesEnvy, Example OfPlottingGod Is Among YouA Holy NationSeeking Honourorganization

and put fire in them, and lay incense upon them in the presence of the Lord tomorrow; and the man whom the Lord chooses shall be the one who is holy. You have gone far enough, you sons of Levi!”

Verse ConceptsHoliness, Believers' Growth In

Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer and put in it fire from the altar, and lay incense on it; then bring it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them, for wrath has gone forth from the Lord, the plague has begun!”

Verse ConceptsMoses, Significance OfAaron, As High PriestCensers

How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?
And how can I denounce whom the Lord has not denounced?

Verse ConceptsCursing Israelcurses

Who can count the dust of Jacob,
Or number the fourth part of Israel?
Let me die the death of the upright,
And let my end be like his!”

Verse ConceptsUncountableNumerous As DustA Fourth PartDeath Of God's PeopleMany In Israelcredibility

“Nevertheless Kain will be consumed;
How long will Asshur keep you captive?”

Verse ConceptsBefore People Act

Then he took up his discourse and said,
“Alas, who can live except God has ordained it?

Verse ConceptsWise Proverbs

The sons of Naphtali according to their families: of Jahzeel, the family of the Jahzeelites; of Guni, the family of the Gunites;

Then Eleazar the priest said to the men of war who had gone to battle, “This is the statute of the law which the Lord has commanded Moses:

Verse ConceptsOrdinances

everything that can stand the fire, you shall pass through the fire, and it shall be clean, but it shall be purified with water for impurity. But whatever cannot stand the fire you shall pass through the water.

As for the sons of Israel’s half, which Moses separated from the men who had gone to war—

Verse ConceptsHalf Of Possessions

So you shall not pollute the land in which you are; for blood pollutes the land and no expiation can be made for the land for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahAtonement, in OTSheddingHuman Blood ShedPolluting The LandLifebloodAtoning By SacrificesJudgement On MurderersThe Environmentcleansing

How can I alone bear the load and burden of you and your strife?

Verse ConceptsHeavy BurdensNot Alonepressure

Where can we go up? Our brethren have made our hearts melt, saying, “The people are bigger and taller than we; the cities are large and fortified to heaven. And besides, we saw the sons of the Anakim there.”’

Verse ConceptsFortificationsFortified CitiesExaggerationsCitydoubt, results ofdiscouragementHeart, HumanLargenessPessimismSkyHuman EmotionFaint HeartednessGiantsLosing CourageWhere To?Sky, Figurative Use

‘O Lord God, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours?

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfMiracles, Nature OfStrength, DivinePower Of God, DescribedMiracles Showing God's PowerBeginning Of SalvationNo One Is Like GodNo Other Acts Like Godgreatness

“If you should say in your heart, ‘These nations are greater than I; how can I dispossess them?’

Verse ConceptsDealing With Many People

a land where you will eat food without scarcity, in which you will not lack anything; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Description OfBrass

a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know and of whom you have heard it said, ‘Who can stand before the sons of Anak?’

Verse ConceptsGiants

some worthless men have gone out from among you and have seduced the inhabitants of their city, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods’ (whom you have not known),

Verse ConceptsSatan, Agents OfSatan, As The Enemy Of GodTownAbominations, Judgments OfApostatesUnknown GodsDifferent GodsEncouraged To Serve Foreign gods

and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the heavenly host, which I have not commanded,

Verse ConceptsMoonStarsThe SunIdolatry Consists OfDifferent GodsIdolatrous Worship Of The MoonSunWorshiping GodThe Moon

Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, while your eyes look on and yearn for them continually; but there will be nothing you can do.

Verse ConceptsPower, HumanPowerlessnessPeople's Inability To SaveChildren SufferingUnable To Save

For the Lord will vindicate His people,
And will have compassion on His servants,
When He sees that their strength is gone,
And there is none remaining, bond or free.

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeGod, Repentance OfPeople Of God, In OtGod VindicatesGod Will Show Mercyvindication

See now that I, I am He,
And there is no god besides Me;
It is I who put to death and give life.
I have wounded and it is I who heal,
And there is no one who can deliver from My hand.

Verse ConceptsAfterlifedoctorsMonotheismOne GodSuicidePower Of God, DescribedGod Giving LifeGod KillingWoundsNo Other Is GodGod HealsGod KillsNo One Can SaveDeathHealing And ComfortLife After DeathLoss Of A Loved Onemyself

So the men pursued them on the road to the Jordan to the fords; and as soon as those who were pursuing them had gone out, they shut the gate.

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsPursuing PeopleShutting GatesFords

O Lord, what can I say since Israel has turned their back before their enemies?

Verse ConceptsTurning One's BackDefeat Of God's People

So not a man was left in Ai or Bethel who had not gone out after Israel, and they left the city unguarded and pursued Israel.

Verse ConceptsEmpty CitiesUnguarded

When they brought these kings out to Joshua, Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said to the chiefs of the men of war who had gone with him, “Come near, put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came near and put their feet on their necks.

Verse ConceptsFeetNecksSubjectionCare Of FeetThose Subjected To People

and Kinah and Dimonah and Adadah,

Kain, Gibeah and Timnah; ten cities with their villages.

Verse ConceptsTen Things

From Tappuah the border continued westward to the brook of Kanah, and it ended at the sea. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim according to their families,

The border went down to the brook of Kanah, southward of the brook (these cities belonged to Ephraim among the cities of Manasseh), and the border of Manasseh was on the north side of the brook and it ended at the sea.

and Ebron and Rehob and Hammon and Kanah, as far as Great Sidon.

When he had gone out, his servants came and looked, and behold, the doors of the roof chamber were locked; and they said, “He is only relieving himself in the cool room.”

Verse ConceptsDefecation

Then they told Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor.

Verse ConceptsTelling Of Movements

Deborah said to Barak, “Arise! For this is the day in which the Lord has given Sisera into your hands; behold, the Lord has gone out before you.” So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.

Verse ConceptsTens Of ThousandsThose God Gave Into Their Hands

In the morning, as soon as the sun is up, you shall rise early and rush upon the city; and behold, when he and the people who are with him come out against you, you shall do to them whatever you can.”

Verse ConceptsDawnMorningThe SunThose Who Rose Early

Then she said to him, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ when your heart is not with me? You have deceived me these three times and have not told me where your great strength is.”

Verse ConceptsCommunicating Three TimesIndividuals Who LiedMen And Women Who Loved

When they had gone some distance from the house of Micah, the men who were in the houses near Micah’s house assembled and overtook the sons of Dan.

Verse ConceptsOvertaking

He said, “You have taken away my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away, and what do I have besides? So how can you say to me, ‘What is the matter with you?’”

Verse ConceptsWhat Is The Matter?Robbing GodsUnnamed Priests

When they were near Jebus, the day was almost gone; and the servant said to his master, “Please come, and let us turn aside into this city of the Jebusites and spend the night in it.”

(Now the sons of Benjamin heard that the sons of Israel had gone up to Mizpah.) And the sons of Israel said, “Tell us, how did this wickedness take place?”

would you therefore wait until they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters; for it is harder for me than for you, for the hand of the Lord has gone forth against me.”

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodGrowing UpPeople WaitingNot MarryingWaiting Till Marriage