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But the goat for Azazel is to be placed living before the Lord, for the taking away of sin, that it may be sent away for Azazel into the waste land.

And Aaron is to give the ox of the sin-offering for himself and take away sin from himself and his house, and put to death the ox of the sin-offering which is for himself.

And he is to take a vessel full of burning coal from the altar before the Lord and in his hand some sweet perfume crushed small, and take it inside the veil;

And let him put the perfume on the fire before the Lord so that the ark may be covered with a cloud of the smoke of the perfume, in order that death may not overtake him.

And let him take some of the blood of the ox, shaking drops of it from his finger on the cover of the ark on the east side, and before it, seven times.

Then let him put to death the goat of the sin-offering for the people, and take its blood inside the veil and do with it as he did with the blood of the ox, shaking drops of it on and before the cover of the ark.

And let him make the holy place free from whatever is unclean among the children of Israel and from their wrongdoing in all their sins; and let him do the same for the Tent of meeting, which has its place among an unclean people.

And no man may be in the Tent of meeting from the time when Aaron goes in to take away sin in the holy place till he comes out, having made himself and his house and all the people of Israel free from sin.

And he is to go out to the altar which is before the Lord and make it free from sin; and he is to take some of the blood of the ox and the blood of the goat and put it on the horns of the altar and round it;

Shaking drops of the blood from his finger on it seven times to make it holy and clean from whatever is unclean among the children of Israel.

And when he has done whatever is necessary to make the holy place and the Tent of meeting and the altar free from sin, let him put the living goat before the Lord;

And Aaron, placing his two hands on the head of the living goat, will make a public statement over him of all the evil doings of the children of Israel and all their wrongdoing, in all their sins; and he will put them on the head of the goat and send him away, in the care of a man who will be waiting there, into the waste land.

And the goat will take all their sins into a land cut off from men, and he will send the goat away into the waste land.

Then let Aaron come into the Tent of meeting and take off the linen clothing which he put on when he went into the holy place, and put them down there;

And after bathing his body in water in a holy place, he is to put on his clothing and come out and give his burned offering and the burned offering of the people, to take away his sin and the sin of the people.

And the fat of the sin-offering is to be burned by him on the altar.

And the man who takes away the goat for Azazel is to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water and then he may come back to the tent-circle.

And the ox of the sin-offering and the goat of the sin-offering, whose blood was taken in to make the holy place free from sin, are to be taken away outside the tent-circle and their skins and their flesh and their waste are to be burned with fire.

And the man by whom they are burned is to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water, and then he may come back to the tent-circle.

And let this be an order to you for ever: in the seventh month, on the tenth day, you are to keep yourselves from pleasure and do no sort of work, those who are Israelites by birth and those from other lands who are living among you:

For on this day your sin will be taken away and you will be clean: you will be made free from all your sins before the Lord.

It is a special Sabbath for you, and you are to keep yourselves from pleasure; it is an order for ever.

And the man on whose head the holy oil has been put, and who has been marked out to be a priest in his father's place, will do what is necessary to take away sin, and will put on the linen clothing, even the holy robes:

And he will make the holy place and the Tent of meeting and the altar free from sin; he will take away sin from the priests and from all the people.

And let this be an order for ever for you, so that the sin of the children of Israel may be taken away once every year. And he did as the Lord gave orders to Moses.

And the Lord said to Moses,

Say to Aaron and to his sons and to all the children of Israel: This is the order which the Lord has given.

And has not taken it to the door of the Tent of meeting, to make an offering to the Lord, before the Lord's House, its blood will be on him, for he has taken life, and he will be cut off from among his people:

So that the children of Israel may take to the Lord, to the door of the Tent of meeting and to the priest, the offerings which they have put to death in the open country, and that they may make their peace-offerings to the Lord.

And the priest will put blood on the altar of the Lord at the door of the Tent of meeting, burning the fat for a sweet smell to the Lord.

And let them make no more offerings to evil spirits, after which they have gone, turning away from the Lord. Let this be a law to them for ever, through all their generations.

And say to them, If any man of Israel, or any other living among them, makes a burned offering or other offering,

And does not take it to the door of the Tent of meeting to make an offering to the Lord, that man will be cut off from among his people.

And if any man of Israel, or any other living among them, takes any sort of blood for food, my wrath will be turned against that man and he will be cut off from among his people.

And any man of Israel, or any other living among them, who gets with his bow any beast or bird used for food, is to see that its blood is covered with earth.

For the blood is the life of all flesh: and so I have said to the children of Israel, You may not take any sort of blood as food, and any man who does so will be cut of.

And anyone who takes as food anything which has come to a natural end, or anything which has been put to death by beasts, if he is one of you by birth, or of another nation, will have to have his clothing washed and his body bathed in water and be unclean till evening, and then he will be clean.

But if his clothing is not washed and his body bathed, his sin will be on him.

You may not do those things which were done in the land of Egypt where you were living; and you may not do those things which are done in the land of Canaan where I am taking you, or be guided in your behaviour by their rules.

But you are to be guided by my decisions and keep my rules, and be guided by them: I am the Lord your God.

So keep my rules and my decisions, which, if a man does them, will be life to him: I am the Lord.

You may not take as wife a woman and her daughter, or her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, for they are of one family: it is an act of shame.

And you may not have sex relations with a beast, making yourself unclean with it; and a woman may not give herself to a beast: it is an unnatural act.

And the land itself has become unclean; so that I have sent on it the reward of its wrongdoing, and the land itself puts out those who are living in it.

So then keep my rules and my decisions, and do not do any of these disgusting things, those of you who are Israelites by birth, or any others who are living with you:

(For all these disgusting things were done by the men of this country who were there before you, and the land has been made unclean by them;)

Do not go after false gods, and do not make metal images of gods for yourselves: I am the Lord your God.

And when you give a peace offering to the Lord, do it in the way which is pleasing to the Lord.

Let it be used for food on the same day on which it is offered, or on the day after; and whatever is over on the third day is to be burned with fire.

If any of it is used for food on the third day, it is a disgusting thing and will not be pleasing to the Lord.

And as for anyone who takes it for food, his sin will be on him, for he has put shame on the holy thing of the Lord: he will be cut off from his people.

And when you get in the grain from your land, do not let all the grain be cut from the edges of the field, or take up what has been dropped on the earth after the getting in of the grain.

And do not take all the grapes from your vine-garden, or the fruit dropped on the earth; let the poor man, and the man from another country, have these: I am the Lord your God.

Keep my laws. Do not let your cattle have offspring by those of a different sort; do not put mixed seed into your field; do not put on a robe made of two sorts of cloth.

If any man has sex relations with a servant-woman who has given her word to be married to a man, and has not been made free for a price or in any other way, the thing will be looked into; but they will not be put to death because she was not a free woman.

And the priest will take away his sin before the Lord with the sheep which is offered for his wrongdoing, and he will have forgiveness for the sin which he has done.

And when you have come into the land, and have put in all sorts of fruit-trees, their fruit will be as if they had not had circumcision, and for three years their fruit may not be used for food.

And in the fourth year all the fruit will be holy as a praise-offering to the Lord.

But in the fifth year you may take the fruit and the increase of it for your food: I am the Lord your God.

And if a man from another country is living in your land with you, do not make life hard for him;

You are to keep all my rules and my decisions and do them: I am the Lord.

And the Lord said to Moses,

And my face will be turned against that man, and he will be cut off from his people; because he has given his offspring to Molech, making my holy place unclean, and making my holy name common.

And if the people of the land do not take note of that man when he gives his offspring to Molech, and do not put him to death,

Then my face will be turned against him and his family, and he and all those who do evil with him will be cut off from among their people.

And whoever goes after those who make use of spirits and wonder-workers, doing evil with them, against him will my face be turned, and he will be cut off from among his people.

And the man who has sex relations with his father's wife has put shame on his father: the two of them are to be put to death; their blood will be on them.

And if a man has sex relations with his son's wife, the two of them are to be put to death: it is unnatural; their blood will be on them.

And if a man takes as wife a woman and her mother, it is an act of shame; let them be burned with fire, all three of them, so that there may be no shame among you.

And if a man has sex relations with a beast, let him be put to death, and let the beast be put to destruction.

And if a woman goes near a beast and has sex relations with it, you will put an end to the woman and the beast: their blood will be on them.

And if a man takes his sister, daughter of his father or his mother, and has sex relations with her and she with him, it is an act of shame: they are to be cut off before the children of their people; he has had sex relations with his sister, and his sin will be on him.

And if a man has sex relations with a woman at the time when she is unwell, he has seen her fountain and she has let the fountain of her blood be uncovered, and the two of them are to be cut off from among their people.

And you may not have sex connection with your mother's sister or your father's sister, for they are his near relations: their sin will be on them.

And if a man has sex relations with the wife of his father's brother, he has put shame on his father's brother: their sin will be on them; till the day of their death they will have no children.

So then, keep my rules and my decisions and do them, so that the land which I am giving you as your resting-place may not violently send you out again.

And do not keep the rules of the nations which I am driving out before you; for they did all these things, and for that reason my soul was turned against them.