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Watch thyself; thou shalt not turn to iniquity: for upon this thou didst choose rather than affliction.

Who charged upon him his way? and who said, Thou didst iniquity?

Didst thou spread out, with him, the skies, strong as a molten mirror?

In thy days didst thou command the morning? and didst thou make the dawning know its place?

Didst thou go even to the fountains of the sea? and didst thou go about in searching the depth?

Didst thou come into the treasures of snow? and shalt thou see the treasures of hail,

Knowest thou, the statutes of the heavens? Or didst thou appoint his dominion over the earth?

Wilt thou number the months they shall fill up? and didst thou know the time of their bringing forth?

Arise, O Jehovah; save me, my God, for thou didst strike all mine enemies upon the cheek; thou didst break the teeth of the unjust.

To the overseer upon the stringed instruments; chanting of David. In my calling, answer me, O God of my justice: in straits thou didst enlarge me; compassionate me and hear my prayer.

Arise, O Jehovah, in thine anger, lift up thyself for the wrath of mine enemies: and awake to me the judgment thou didst command.

For thou didst my judgment and my cause; thou satest upon the throne judging justice.

Thou didst rebuke the nations, thou didst destroy the unjust one, wiping off their name forever and ever.

O enemy! desolations were wholly finished, and thou didst tear down cities; their remembrance perished with them.

Thou didst try my heart; thou didst review the night; thou didst refine me, thou wilt find nothing: I purposed, my mouth shall not pass by.

With the loving, thou didst show thyself loving, - With the blameless man, thou didst show thyself blameless;

With the pure, thou didst show thyself pure, But, with the perverse, thou didst show thyself ready to contend.

For, as for thee, an oppressed people, thou didst save, but, looks that were lofty, layedst thou low;

For, thou, didst light up my lamp, Yahweh my God, enlightened my darkness;

And thou didst give me the shield of thy salvation, and thy right hand held me up; and thy condescending gentleness hath made me great.

And mine enemies didst thou make to turn their backs unto me, and those that hated me I destroyed.

Thus didst thou rescue me from the contentions of a people, - didst appoint me to be the head of nations, A people I had not known, served me:

The desire of his heart thou gavest to him, and the longing of his lips thou didst not withhold. Silence.

Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.

Save me from the mouth of the lion: and thou didst answer me from the horns of the high.

For he does not despise nor detest the afflicted person; he does not hide his face from him, but he hears him when he cries out to him."

Chanting a song of consecration of the house of David. I will exalt thee, O Jehovah, for thou didst draw me out, and thou didst not gladden mine enemies to me.

O Jehovah, thou broughtest up my soul from hades: thou didst save me alive from those going down to the pit

LORD, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong: thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled.

And thou didst not shut me up in the hand of the enemy: thou didst cause my feet to stand in a broad place.

How much thy goodness which thou didst conceal for them fearing thee; thou didst work for those putting their trust in thee before the sons of man.

But, I, had said in mine alarm, I am cut off from before thine eyes, - But, indeed, thou didst hear the voice of my supplication, when I cried for help unto thee.

Yet a little, and no unjust one thou didst mark upon his place, and he was not

With corrections for iniquity thou didst correct man, and thou wilt melt down as a moth his beauty: surely every man is vanity. Silence.

Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.

By this I knew that thou didst delight in me, for mine enemy will not shout over me.

I will say to God my rock, Wherefore didst thou forget me? wherefore darkened shall I go for the oppression of the enemy?

For thou the God of my strength: why didst thou reject me? wherefore darkened shall I go about for the oppression of the enemy?

{To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, Maschil.} We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old.

How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, and plantedst them; how thou didst afflict the people, and cast them out.

For by their sword they possessed not the land, and their arm saved them not: for thy right hand and thine arm, and the light of thy face, for thou didst delight in them.

For thou savedst us from our enemies, and those hating us thou didst make ashamed.

But thou didst reject, and thou wilt shame us, and not go forth with our armies.

Thou wilt give us as sheep for food, and thou didst scatter us among the nations.

Thou wilt sell thy people without riches, and thou didst not increase by their price.

For thou didst crush us in the place of jackals, and thou wilt cover over us with the shadow of death.

When thou sawest a thief, thou didst take pleasure in him, and thy portion was with adulterers;

These thou didst, and I kept silent, Thou hast thought that I am like thee, I reprove thee, and set in array before thine eyes.

I will praise thee to times age-abiding, Because thou didst effectually work, - And I will wait on thy Name, Because it is good, In the presence of thy men of lovingkindness.

They feared a fear; there was no fear: for God scattered the bones of him making narrow: thou didst make ashamed, for God rejected them.

Thou didst recount my wanderings: set thou my tears in thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

To the overseer upon the lily of song: poem to David to teach; In the setting on fire Aram of the two rivers, and Aram of the station; and Joab will turn back and strike Edom in the valley of salt, twelve thousand. O God, thou didst cast us off, thou didst break us down, thou wert angry; wilt thou turn back to us?

Thou didst shake the earth; thou didst rend it: heal its breakings, for it is depressed.

Wilt not thou, O God, which hadst cast us off? and thou, O God, which didst not go out with our armies?

Thou broughtest us into a net, thou didst lay a heavy burden upon our loins;

Thou didst cause men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness; Selah:

Thou didst go up to height, thou didst take captive captivity: thou didst receive gifts in man, also those turning away, for Jehovah God to dwell.

For whom thou didst strike they pursued; and they will relate to the pain of thy wounded.

Be thou to me for a rock of refuge to come always: thou didst command to save me, for thou my rock and my fortress.

On thee have I been stayed from the womb; from the bowels of my mother thou didst draw me forth: my praise shall be continually of thee.

And thy justice, O God, even to height, who didst great things: O God, who like thee?

O what great troubles and adversities hast thou showed me! And yet didst thou turn and refresh me; yea, and broughtest me from the deep of the earth again.

Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

For behold, they being far off from thee shall perish: thou didst lay waste all committing fornication from thee.

Understanding to Asaph. Wherefore, O God, didst thou reject forever? will thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy feeding?

Remember Thy company. Thou didst purchase of old, Thou didst redeem the rod of Thy inheritance, This mount Zion -- Thou didst dwell in it.

Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.

Thou didst break in pieces the heads of leviathan, thou gavest him to be meat to those that people the desert.

Thou didst hold mine eyes watching: I was moved, and I will not speak.

O Jehovah, God of armies, how long didst thou smoke against the prayer of thy people?