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Are they servants of Christ?--I am speaking as though I were beside myself--I [am] more so, with far greater labors, with far more imprisonments, with beatings to a much greater degree, in [danger of] death many times.

and that I made a greater proficiency in Judaism than many my contemporaries of my own nation, being an extraordinary zealot for the traditions of my forefathers.

they court your affection, but not in a fair way; for they design to exclude me, that you might have the greater esteem for them.

and to show all men in a clear light what my stewardship is. It is the stewardship of the truth which from all the Ages lay concealed in the mind of God, the Creator of all things--

and the greater part of the brethren in the Lord, having confidence by my bonds, are more abundantly bold -- fearlessly to speak the word.

For this reason God has put him in the highest place and has given to him the name which is greater than every name;

I sent him therefore with the greater dispatch, that I might have the less disquietude, by the satisfaction you will find in seeing him again.

But we, brothers, being deprived of you for a short time in presence, not in heart, used greater diligence to see your face, with much desire.

Finally, believers, we ask and admonish you in the Lord Jesus, that you follow the instruction that you received from us about how you ought to walk and please God (just as you are actually doing) and that you excel even more and more [pursuing a life of purpose and living in a way that expresses gratitude to God for your salvation].

for they who duly discharge that office, prepare their way to a higher degree, and may promote the christian faith with the greater freedom.

Moses did not meet with greater opposition from Jannes and Jambres, than truth does from men so corrupted in their mind, and so adulterated in their faith.

But they will not progress to a greater extent, for their folly will be quite evident to everyone, as also the [folly] of those [two] was.

being so much greater than the angels, that he has inherited a name so much more excellent than they.

Yet it is beyond all dispute that the lesser person is always blessed by the greater one.

And so [because of the oath’s greater strength and force] Jesus has become the certain guarantee of a better covenant [a more excellent and more advantageous agreement; one that will never be replaced or annulled].

And, they, indeed, in greater numbers, have been made priests, because, by reason of death, are they hindered from remaining at hand;

Therefore it is necessary that the pattern of the things in these heavens be purified; and the heavenly things themselves with greater sacrifices than these.

By faith Abel offered to God a greater sacrifice than Cain, by which he was approved that he was righteous, [because] God approved [him] for his gifts, and through it he still speaks, [although he] is dead.

because God had us in mind and had something better for us, so that they [these men and women of authentic faith] would not be made perfect [that is, completed in Him] apart from us.

Remember your leaders [for it was they] who brought you the word of God; and consider the result of their conduct [the outcome of their godly lives], and imitate their faith [their conviction that God exists and is the Creator and Ruler of all things, the Provider of eternal salvation through Christ, and imitate their reliance on God with absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness].

To whom your love is given, though you have not seen him; and the faith which you have in him, though you do not see him now, gives you joy greater than words and full of glory:

And there I saw a horse the color of ashes, and its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. They were given power over one quarter of the earth, to kill the people with sword, famine, death, and the wild animals of the earth.

And in the name of Him who lives until the Ages of the Ages, the Creator of Heaven and all that is in it, of the earth and all that is in it, and of the sea and all that is in it, he solemnly declared,