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And they will be serving before the dwelling of the tent of appointment in song even till Solomon built the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem: and they will stand according to their judgment over their service.

And David will say to the chiefs of the Levites to cause their brethren to stand singing with every instrument of song, lyres and harps, and cymbals, causing to hear to lift up with the voice for joy.

And he will cause it to stand to Jacob for a law, to Israel a covenant forever,

And I caused him to stand in my house and in my kingdom even to forever: and his throne shall be set up even to forever.

And it will be after this and war will stand up in Gezer with the rovers: then Sibbechai the Hushathite struck Sippai from the children of Rapha, and they will be subdued.

And to stand in the morning by morning to confess and to praise to Jehovah, and so at evening.