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There was in the time of Herod, the king of Judaea, a priest of the name of Zechariah, belonging to the class of Abijah. He had a wife who was a descendant of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.

He ordered him to tell no one. "But go," He said, "show yourself to the Priest, and make the offering for your purification which Moses appointed, as evidence for them."

Nor does any one pour new wine into old wine-skins. Otherwise the new wine would burst the skins, the wine itself would be spilt, and the skins be destroyed.

Now a priest happened to be going down that way, and on seeing him passed by on the other side.

But make His Kingdom the object of your pursuit, and these things shall be given you in addition.

And they will say to you, 'See there!' 'See here!' Do not start off and go in pursuit.

"But the tax-gatherer, standing far back, would not so much as lift his eyes to Heaven, but kept beating his breast and saying, "'O God, be reconciled to me, sinner that I am.'

And one of them struck a blow at the High Priest's servant and cut off his right ear.

And they arrested Him and led Him away, and brought Him to the High Priest's house, while Peter followed a good way behind.

Then the whole multitude burst out into a shout. "Away with this man," they said, "and release Barabbas to us"