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Look! I've given you the land that lies ahead. Go in and possess the land that I, the LORD, promised to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as to their descendants.'"

Let me cross over that I may see the good land on the other side of the Jordan River the good hill country as well as Lebanon.'

So they took possession of his land, as well as the land of King Og of Bashan. Both Amorite kings lived east of the Jordan

Give them the first gatherings of your grain, wine, and oil, as well as wool from the shearing of your flock.

"Blessed will your children be, as well as the produce of your land, the offspring of your beasts and cattle, and the offspring of your flock.

"Cursed will your children be, as well as the produce of your land, the offspring of your beasts and cattle, and the offspring of your flock.

but with whoever is here with us standing in the presence of the LORD our God today, as well as with those who aren't here with us today."

All the nations will ask, "Why did the LORD do this to this land? What is the meaning of this fierce and great anger?'