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And they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea: for thus has it been written by the prophet:

And having sent them to Bethlehem, he said, Having gone, examine thoroughly concerning the child; and when ye should find, announce ye to me, so that I also, having gone, will worship him.

And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his immersion, he said to them, O generation of vipers, who has indicated to you to flee from the wrath about to come?

And Jesus having answered said to him, Permit now; for so it is suitable for us to complete all justice: then he permitted him.

Neither do they burn a light, and set it under a basket, but upon a chandelier: and it shines to all in the house.

Ye have heard that it was said to the ancients, Thou shalt not kill: and whoever should kill shall be subject to judgment:

Again, ye have heard, that it was said to the ancients, Thou shalt not swear a false oath, and thou shalt. return to the Lord thine oaths.

Ye have heard that it has been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.

And the captain of a hundred having answered said, Lord, I am not fit that thou shouldest enter in under my roof: but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed.

And Jesus having heard, admired, and said to those following; Verily I say to you, not in Israel have I found such faith.

And Jesus said to the captain of a hundred, Retire; as thou hast believed, let it be to thee. And his servant was healed in that hour.

And one scribe, coming near, said to him, Teacher, I will follow thee wherever thou goest.

And he said to them, Retire. And having gone, they went away into the herd of swine: and, behold, all the herd of swine rushed down the precipice into the sea, and died in the water.

And it was he sitting at table in the house, and behold, many tax collectors and sinful, having come, sat at table with Jesus and his disciples.

And the Pharisees, seeing, said to his disciples, Wherefore does your teacher eat with tax collectors and the sinful?

And Jesus said to them, The sons of the nuptial chamber cannot mourn inasmuch as the bridegroom is with them; but the days shall come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast.

For she said in herself, If I should only touch the hem of his garment, I shall be saved.

And Jesus having answered said to them, Having gone, announce to John what ye hear and see:

And he said to them, Which of you shall be the man who shall have one sheep, and if this should fall into a pit in the sabbaths, will he not take hold of it, and raise it up?

And Jesus knowing their reflections, said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

And he having answered, said to them, An evil generation and an adulteress seeks a sign; and no sign shall be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

And a certain one said to him, Behold, thy mother, and thy brethren stand without, seeking to speak to thee.

And he having answered, said to him speaking to him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?

And having stretched forth his hand towards his disciples, he said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

And in that day Jesus, having come out of the house, sat by the sea.

And many crowds were assembled together to him; therefore having entered into the ship, he sat down, and all the crowd stood upon the sea shore.

And the disciples having come near, said to him, Why speakest thou to them in parables?

And having answered, he said to them, For to you it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it was not given.

Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens was made like a man sowing good seed in his field:

And the servants of the master of the house having come, said to him, Lord, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field whence therefore has it tares?

And he said to them, A man, an enemy, has done this: and his servants said to him, Wilt thou therefore we, having departed, should gather them

And he said, No; lest gathering the tares, ye root up the wheat together with them.

Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is like a kernel of mustard, which a man taking, sowed in his field:

Which, when it was filled, having raised up upon the shore, and having set down, they gathered the good things into vessels, and the rotten things they cast without.

And he said to them, Therefore every scribe, having been a disciple in the kingdom of the heavens, is like to a man, master of a house, who casts out from his treasure new things and old.

And having come into his native land, he taught them in their assembly, so that they were struck with amazement, and said, Whence to him this wisdom, and powers?

And they were scandalized in him. And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not unhonoured, except in his native land, and in his house.

And he said to his servants, This is John the Baptist; be was aroused from the dead; and for this, powers are energetic in him.

And quickly Jesus constrained his disciples to go into the ship, and to go before him to the other side, till he should loose the crowds.

And Peter having answered him, said, Lord, if thou art, encourage me to come upon the waters.

And he said, Come. And Peter having gone down from the ship, walked upon the waters, to go to Jesus.

And he, having answered, said to them, Wherefore do ye also pass by the command of God by your tradition

Then his disciples having come near, said to him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees, having heard the word, were scandalized?

And having answered, he said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father has not planted, shall be rooted up.

And Peter, having answered, said to him, Explain to us this parable.

And he, having answered, said, It is not good to take the children's bread, and cast it to the little dogs.

And she said, Yes, Lord; for the little dogs also eat from the crumbs falling from the table of their lord.

And having passed from thence, Jesus came to the sea of Galilee; and having gone up into a mountain, he sat there.

And Jesus having called his disciples, said, I feel compassion for the crowd, for already they remain with me three days, and they have nothing they could eat: and I will not leave them fasting, lest they be relaxed in the way.

And he says to them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.

And in the morning, Today, wintry weather: for heaven, being sad, is fiery red. Hypocrites, truly ye know to decide the face of heaven, but the signs of the times ye cannot.

And Jesus said to them, Attend and keep from the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

And Jesus having known, said to them, Why reason ye among yourselves, O ye of little faith, because ye have taken no loaves

And they said, Some, truly, John the Baptist: and others, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

And Peter, having answered, said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: let us make here three tents; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.

And Jesus, having come, touched them, and said, Be raised, and be not afraid.

And they, coming down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the sight to none, even till the Son of man rises from the dead.

And Jesus having answered, said to them, Elias truly comes first and will re-establish all things.