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“Woe (judgment is coming) to the world because of stumbling blocks and temptations to sin! It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to the person on whose account or through whom the stumbling block comes!

Verse ConceptsNecessityWoeDenunciationsCausing Others To StumbleSure KnowledgeWoe To The WickedTemptationOvercoming AdversityOvercoming Obstacles

“If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble and sin, cut it off and throw it away from you [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into everlasting fire.

Verse ConceptsCripplesEternal DeathFeetInjury To FeetEternal JudgementThrowing PeopleCausing Others To StumbleEntering LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsAvoid Being HinderedHellLake Of Fire

If your eye causes you to stumble and sin, pluck it out and throw it away from you [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]; it is better for you to enter life with only one eye, than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fiery hell.

Verse ConceptsBlindness, SymbolicPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEntering LifeFire Of HellEyes HarmedTwo Of Body PartsAvoid Being HinderedHellEyes

Jesus said to them, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, in the renewal [that is, the Messianic restoration and regeneration of all things] when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you [who have followed Me, becoming My disciples] will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Verse ConceptsThe Completion Of The AgeCompletionevil, victory overThe Number TwelveGod, Sovereignty OfJudgment SeatMillenniumRenewal, Of Natural OrderTribes Of IsraelUniverseHeaven And Serving GodJesus Christ, JudgeThe New CreationThe New UniverseBelievers JudgingChrist Telling The TruthRestoring ThingsCosmic RenewalTwelve DisciplesTwelve TribesTwelve ThingsAuthority Of DisciplesInstructions About FollowingRenewalSmilingmathrebirth

“Listen carefully: we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes (Sanhedrin, Jewish High Court), and they will [judicially] condemn Him and sentence Him to death,

Verse ConceptsChief priestsSanhedrinHanding Over ChristCondemning JesusOpposition To Christ From ScribesThe Chief Priests Condemning ChristDeath Penalty For Heresy

And two blind men were sitting by the road, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David (Messiah)!”

Verse ConceptsPraying LoudlydisabilitiesHighwayPassing ByCrying To JesusIndividuals ShoutingHearing About ChristUsing RoadsTwo Needy Men

The crowd sternly told them to be quiet, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, Son of David (Messiah) have mercy on us!”

Verse ConceptsGrowth In ProclamationIndividuals ShoutingDisadvantages Of Crowdsrebuking

The crowds that went ahead of Him, and those that followed Him, were shouting [in praise and adoration],

Hosanna to the Son of David (Messiah);
Blessed [praised, glorified] is He who comes in the name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest [heaven]!”

Verse ConceptsdoxologyCovenant, God's with DavidPraise, Manner And Methods OfJesus As Son Of DavidCrowds Around JesusGroups ShoutingSpecific Praising Of GodThings On HighSave Us!The Fact Of His ComingIn God's Namemath

But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful and miraculous things that Jesus had done, and heard the boys who were shouting in [the porticoes and courts of] the temple [in praise and adoration], “Hosanna to the Son of David (the Messiah),” they became indignant

Verse ConceptsChief priestsdiligenceResentment, Against GodScribesShoutingChildren And The KingdomAngry With ChristOpposition To Christ From ScribesSave Us!

“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’

Verse ConceptsMetaphorical VineyardsThinking ArightTwo SonsMen Working

Finally he sent his own son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son and have regard for him.’

Verse ConceptsDivine MessengerRespect For Peoplereverence

But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This [man] is the heir; come on, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.’

Verse ConceptsInheritance, MaterialAttempts To Kill Christ

“What do you [Pharisees] think of the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed)? Whose Son is He?” They said to Him, “The son of David.”

Verse ConceptsChrist, The Seed OfThinking ArightChrist's Origin

So then, if David calls Him (the Son, the Messiah) ‘Lord,’ how is He David’s son?”

Verse ConceptsChrist, Humanity OfWhy Does This Happen?

They do all their deeds to be seen by men; for they make their phylacteries (tefillin) wide [to make them more conspicuous] and make their tassels long.

Verse ConceptsPride, Examples OfHypocrites, Description OfDisplayingLong ThingsBroadnessFringe Of ClothesBeing Seen By ManSeeing PeopleGarmentspeoplephariseesdeeds

so that on you will come the guilt of all the blood of the righteous shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah [the priest], the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.

Verse ConceptsAbelAbel and CainBlood, Figurative UseMartyrdom, Examples OfSheddingResponsibility For Blood ShedKilling ProphetsKilling Named IndividualsNamed Prophets Of The Lord

While Jesus was seated on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, and said, “Tell us, when will this [destruction of the temple] take place, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end (completion, consummation) of the age?”

Verse ConceptsArmageddonLast DaysMountainsPrivacySignsCuriosityEnd Of The WorldPeople Sitting DownSigns Of Christ's ReturnWhen?Christ With His Disciplesend times prophecyInformation AgeThe End Of The WorldSigns Of The End TimesThe Second ComingEnd Timesmath

And at that time the sign of the Son of Man [coming in His glory] will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth [and especially Israel] will mourn [regretting their rebellion and rejection of the Messiah], and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory [in brilliance and splendor].

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfFutureClouds And Jesus ChristGod, Power OfSorrowGod's Glory In Jesus ChristSigns In The SkySigns Of Christ's ReturnMourning Due To CatastropheSigns In The UniverseThe Nations Before GodThis GenerationAccompanying The Second ComingCloud of gloryThe Second Comingcloudsmath

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its young shoots become tender and it puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near;

Verse ConceptsSpringTendernessSummerSoftnessNear The Time GenerallyParable Of The Fig TreeSeasons Changingspringtimerebirth

For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah.

Verse ConceptsTimes Of PeopleDaysEnd Of DaysSigns Of The End TimesThe Second ComingThe Rapture

and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be [unexpected judgment].

Verse ConceptsNoah's FloodFloods

Therefore, be on the alert [be prepared and ready], for you do not know the day nor the hour [when the Son of Man will come].

Verse ConceptsHourKingdom Of God, Entry IntoNightMan Keeping WatchIgnorance Of Christ’s ReturnThe Time UnknownWaiting Till Marriage

“You know that the Passover is coming in two days, and the Son of Man is to be betrayed and handed over for crucifixion.”

Verse ConceptsPassover lambProphecies Said By JesusTwo DaysHanding Over ChristChrist Would Be KilledChrist's Crucifixion ForetoldJesus Deathcrucifixion

The Son of Man is to go [to the cross], just as it is written [in Scripture] of Him; but woe (judgment is coming) to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born.”

Verse ConceptsFate Of IndividualsJudas IscariotBetrayalGospel, Confirmation OfNecessityWoeNever Being BornJudas Betraying ChristPersonal GoodWoe To The WickedHurt And Betrayal

Then He returned to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Listen, the hour [of My sacrifice] is at hand and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners [whose way and nature is to oppose God].

Verse ConceptsFatigueHourHanding Over ChristChrist With His DisciplesNear The Time PersonallyTimes Of The ChristTo Be Given Into One's Hands

Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him.”

Verse ConceptsKissing ChristJudas Betraying ChristArresting ChristSigns Attending Christtraitors

But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest said to Him, “I call on You to swear a binding oath by the living God, that you tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God.”

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingSilenceSpeech, Power And Significance OfAdjurationChrist Being SilentWho Is Jesus?Called Himself The ChristRivers

Jesus said to him, “You have [in fact] said it; but more than that I tell you [regardless of what you do with Me now], in the future you will see [Me revealed as] the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Verse ConceptsLast ThingsRight Hand Of GodSittingSon Of ManSecond Coming Of ChristRight SidesAssentingMaranathaAccompanying The Second ComingAll Authority Has Been Given To Jesusmath

and they said [tauntingly], “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself [from death]! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

Verse ConceptsThe If's Of SatanAccusation, Satan's RoleThe Perfect TempleDestruction Of The TempleChrist Going DownWho Is Jesus?Saving OneselfRebuilding The TempleSatan Opposing God's Word

He trusts in God; let God rescue Him now, if He delights in Him; for He said, ‘I am the Son of God.’”

Verse ConceptsClaimsTrust, Importance OfBelieving In GodChrist Pleasing GodOthers Believing In God

Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, they were terribly frightened and filled with awe, and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”

Verse ConceptsearthquakesCenturionCrucifixion, Of ChristGuardsMan Keeping WatchWitnessing, Importance OfFear, Of UnknownArmies, RomanMessianic Titles, Son Of GodSaid To Be The ChristWitnessingJesus Deathcrucifixion

Going on a little farther, He saw James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John, who were also in the boat mending and cleaning the nets.

Verse ConceptsNetsMendingBoatsRepairing

Now when evening came, after the sun had set [and the Sabbath Day had ended, in a steady stream] they were bringing to Him all who were sick and those who were under the power of demons,

Verse ConceptsDemon PossessionThe SunEvenings For Jesus And His DisciplesThose Demonised

But so that you may know that the Son of Man has the authority and power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralyzed man,

Verse ConceptsChrist ForgivingWho Can Forgive Sins?ForgivenessGod's ForgivenessForgiveness Kjvforgiving

And he got up and immediately picked up the mat and went out before them all, so that they all were astonished and they glorified and praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”

Verse ConceptsHealingReverence, And God's NatureAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesLiving WitnessesUnique EventsCrowds AmazedPeople Getting UpSpecific Praising Of God

As He was passing by, He saw Levi (Matthew) the son of Alphaeus sitting in the tax collector’s booth, and He said to him, “Follow Me [as My disciple, accepting Me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I walk].” And he got up and followed Him [becoming His disciple, believing and trusting in Him and following His example].

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristCommitment, to Jesus ChristChristlikenessdiscipleship, nature ofHow Disciples Are CalledGood Decision Making ExamplesGospel, Responses ToResponding To God's CallNames Blotted OutInstructions About FollowingPeople Getting Up

And it happened that Jesus was reclining at the table in Levi’s house, and many tax collectors and sinners [including non-observant Jews] were eating with Him and His disciples; for there were many of them and they were following Him.

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristGuestsHospitality, Examples OfTax CollectorsServing JesusReclining To EatReceiving Jesus As A GuestJesus Eating

When Jesus heard this, He said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need of a physician, but [only] those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners [who recognize their sin and humbly seek forgiveness].”

Verse ConceptsCuresdoctorsIronyKingdom Of God, Entry IntoMind, Of ChristSin, Deliverance From GodTax CollectorsPhysicianGod As DoctorHealth AchievedIllnesspatients

So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath [and He has authority over it].”

Verse ConceptsLordship, Of Jesus ChristThe Sabbath And Christ

Whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and screamed out, “You are the Son of God!”

Verse Conceptsdemons, Kinds ofSaid To Be The ChristBowing Before Messiah

and James, the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (to them He gave the name Boanerges, that is, “Sons of Thunder”);

Verse ConceptsSonsThunderPeople Renaming Peoplezealots

and [He also appointed] Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew (Nathanael), and Matthew (Levi the tax collector), and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus (Judas the son of James), and Simon the Zealot;

Verse ConceptsTwin Brotherszealots

And when the sun came up, the plant was scorched; and because it had no root, it dried up and withered away.

Verse ConceptsThe SunPeople WitheredScorching

And other seed fell into good soil, and as the plants grew and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundred times [as much as had been sown].”

Verse ConceptsThirtySixtiesOne HundredFertile LandLand ProducingPlants Growing UpHundredfold ReturnGrowingPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seeds

As soon as He was alone, those who were around Him, together with the twelve [disciples], began asking Him about [the interpretation of] the parables.

Verse ConceptsTeachablenessIsolated PersonsQuestioning ChristTwelve DisciplesJesus Using Parables

These [in the first group] are the ones along the road where the word is sown; but when they hear, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfSpiritual Warfare, Enemies InTemptation, Sources OfUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfHearing God's WordUsing RoadsTaking God's ThingsPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seedssowing

In a similar way these [in the second group] are the ones on whom seed was sown on rocky ground, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy [but accept it only superficially];

Verse ConceptsShallownessSuddenlyHearing God's WordRejoicing In God's Word

And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word,

Verse ConceptsHearing God's WordSowing Seeds

And those [in the last group] are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word [of God, the good news regarding the way of salvation] and accept it and bear fruit—thirty, sixty, and a hundred times as much [as was sown].”

Verse ConceptsFruit, SpiritualFaith, Nature OfAcceptance, Of The GospelThirtySixtiesOne HundredThe Source Of FruitFertile LandLand ProducingHearing God's WordHundredfold Return

It is like a mustard seed, which, when it is sown on the ground, even though it is smaller than all the [other] seeds that are [sown] on the soil,

Verse ConceptsSmall ThingsPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seeds

yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden herbs; and it puts out large branches, so that the birds of the sky are able to make nests and live under its shade.”

Verse ConceptsShadowsBig ThingsPlants Growing Up

When Jesus got out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him,

Verse ConceptsCemeteryBoatsThose Demonisedmuscles

and screaming with a loud voice, he said, “What business do we have in common with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore you by God [swear to me], do not torment me!”

Verse ConceptsExorcismsMillenniumTortureJesus Christ, Son Of GodAdjurationGod On HighIndividuals ShoutingWhat Have We In Common?God Troubling

Those who had seen it described [in detail] to the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man, and [told them all] about the pigs.

Verse ConceptsPigsTelling Of JesusThose Demonised

Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are His sisters not here with us?” And they were [deeply] offended by Him [and their disapproval blinded them to the fact that He was anointed by God as the Messiah].

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenCarpentersArts And Crafts, Types ofSonsRejection Of ChristWork, As Ordained By GodProphecies Concerning ChristChrist, Names ForChrist, Humanity OfChrist's Earthly FamilyStumbling Over ChristWho He Might BeHalf brothersSiblingswoodworking

Seeing the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night (3:00-6:00 a.m.) He came to them, walking on the sea. And [acted as if] He intended to pass by them.

Verse ConceptsNightPassing ByChrist's Knowledge Of BelieversRowingharassment

They got out of the boat and immediately people recognized Him,

Verse ConceptsRecognising People

and they had seen that some of His disciples ate their bread with [ceremonially] impure hands, that is, unwashed [and defiled according to Jewish religious ritual].

Verse ConceptsDefilement, Objects OfBathing, For CleansingPurity, Nature OfThe Disciples ActionsPeople UnwashedHow People EatLack Of Holiness

acts of greed and covetousness, wickedness, deceit, unrestrained conduct, envy and jealousy, slander and profanity, arrogance and self-righteousness and foolishness (poor judgment).

Verse ConceptsLewdnessShovelsEvil EyesDeceiving OneselfThe Entrance Of SinCovetousnessGreedInfidelity

Soon after this Jesus left the region of Tyre, and passed through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, through the region of Decapolis [the ten Hellenistic cities].

The Pharisees came out and began to argue [contentiously and debate] with Him, demanding from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him [because of their unbelief].

Verse ConceptsCuriositySnares Laid For ChristTesting ChristSigns Performed By ChristSeeking A SignChrist And HeavenPharisees Concerned About ChristTesting God

He groaned and sighed deeply in His spirit and said, “Why does this generation demand a sign? I assure you and most solemnly say to you, no sign will be given to this generation!”

Verse ConceptsAffirmationsGenerationsSighingUnbelief, As Response To GodDisgustNo SignsWhy Do Others Do This?

As they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus expressly ordered them not to tell anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.

Verse ConceptsMan Going DownChrist Concealing ThingsChrist Would RiseChrist's OrdersJesus Foretelling His Resurrection

He answered them, “Elijah does come first and restores and reestablishes all things. And yet how is it written of the Son of Man that He will suffer many things [grief and physical distress] and be treated with contempt [utterly despised and rejected]?

Verse ConceptsSonsSuffering, Of Jesus ChristPeople Going BeforeRestoring Things

One of the crowd replied to Him, “Teacher, I brought You my son, possessed with a spirit which makes him unable to speak;

Verse ConceptsExorcismsDumbnessdisabilitiesdemons, Kinds ofCrowdsDumbThose Demonised

because He was teaching His disciples [and preparing them for the future]. He told them, “The Son of Man is to be betrayed and handed over to men [who are His enemies], and they will kill Him; and when He has been killed, He will rise [from the dead] three days later.”

Verse ConceptsPredictionsSuffering, Of Jesus ChristProphecies Said By JesusChrist Predicting The FutureHanding Over ChristChrist TeachingChrist Speaking To DisciplesChrist Would Be KilledChrist Would RiseDanger From MenHurt And Betrayal

But Jesus said, “Do not stop him; for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name, and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me.

Verse ConceptsCuresMiracles, Nature OfIn The Name Of ChristOther MiraclesMiracles Authenticate God's Message

“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe and trust in Me to stumble [that is, to sin or lose faith], it would be better for him if a heavy millstone [one requiring a donkey’s strength to turn it] were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersChildren, attitudes towardsInexperienceMillstonesNecksSin, Causes OfTemptation, Avoiding CausingDenunciationsCausing Others To StumbleSinkingBeing Killed By A RockEncouraging Faith In ChristPersonal GoodDealing With Young PeopleIn The Heart Of The SeaMisleading Children

If your hand causes you to stumble and sin, cut it off [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]! It is better for you to enter life crippled, than to have two hands and go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,

Verse ConceptsCripplesPunishment, By GodSelf DenialGehennaEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleNot Maintaining LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsMissing The Markcutting

[where their worm does not die, and the fire is not put out.]

Verse ConceptsMaggotsworms

If your foot causes you to stumble and sin, cut it off [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]! It would be better for you to enter life lame than to have two feet and be thrown into hell,

Verse ConceptsFeetLamenessGehennaInjury To FeetEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleCare Of FeetTwo Of Body Parts

saying, “Listen very carefully: we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed and handed over to the chief priests and the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and hand Him over to the Gentiles (Romans).

Verse ConceptsChief priestsSanhedrinHanding Over ChristSuffering From ForeignersCondemning JesusOpposition To Christ From ScribesThe Chief Priests Condemning Christ

Then they came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho with His disciples and a large crowd, a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting beside the road [as was his custom].

Verse ConceptsBeggarsLargenessBeggingCrowds Around JesusUsing RoadsDisciples' Movements

When Bartimaeus heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout and say, “Jesus, Son of David (Messiah), have mercy on me!”

Verse ConceptsBeggarsChrist, The Seed OfCrying To JesusIndividuals ShoutingActivity BegunBe Merciful!pity

Many sternly rebuked him, telling him to keep still and be quiet; but he kept on shouting out all the more, “Son of David (Messiah), have mercy on me!”

Verse ConceptsJesus As Son Of DavidIndividuals ShoutingBe Merciful!

saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find a [donkey’s] colt tied, which has never been ridden by anyone; untie it and bring it here.

Verse ConceptsOpposite SidesUnusedBinding As Animals

He still had one man left to send, a beloved son; he sent him last of all to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’

Verse ConceptsLove Between Father And SonRespect For People

Jesus began to say, as He taught in [a portico or court of] the temple, How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David?

Verse ConceptsJesus As Son Of DavidChrist TeachingChrist In The TempleChrist's Origin

David himself calls Him (the Son, the Messiah) ‘Lord’; so how can it be that He is David’s Son?” The large crowd enjoyed hearing Jesus and listened to Him with delight.

Verse ConceptseagernessCrowdsPopularity Of Christ

“Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be fulfilled?”

Verse ConceptsTeachablenessSigns Of Christ's ReturnWhen?