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And grass came up on the earth, and every plant producing seed of its sort, and every tree producing fruit, in which is its seed, of its sort: and God saw that it was good.

And God said, See, I have given you every plant producing seed, on the face of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit producing seed: they will be for your food:

And out of the earth the Lord made every tree to come, delighting the eye and good for food; and in the middle of the garden, the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

And the Lord God gave the man orders, saying, You may freely take of the fruit of every tree of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, If you take of it or put your hands on it, death will come to you.

And he said, Who gave you the knowledge that you were without clothing? Have you taken of the fruit of the tree which I said you were not to take?

And the Lord God said, Now the man has become like one of us, having knowledge of good and evil; and now if he puts out his hand and takes of the fruit of the tree of life, he will go on living for ever.

If you do well, will you not have honour? and if you do wrong, sin is waiting at the door, desiring to have you, but do not let it be your master.

You are to put a window in the ark, a cubit from the roof, and a door in the side of it, and you are to make it with a lower and second and third floors.

And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building.

And Nahor was twenty-nine years old when he became the father of Terah:

And after the birth of Terah, Nahor went on living for a hundred and nineteen years, and had sons and daughters:

And Terah was seventy years old when he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

These are the generations of Terah: Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.

And death came to Haran when he was with his father Terah in the land of his birth, Ur of the Chaldees.

And Terah took Abram, his son, and Lot, the son of Haran, and Sarai, his daughter-in-law, the wife of his son Abram and they went out from Ur of the Chaldees, to go to the land of Canaan; and they came to Haran, and were there for some time.

And all the years of Terah's life were two hundred and five: and Terah came to his end in Haran.

And Abram went through the land till he came to Shechem, to the holy tree of Moreh. At that time, the Canaanites were still living in the land.

And Abram, moving his tent, came and made his living-place by the holy tree of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and made an altar there to the Lord.

And one who had got away from the fight came and gave word of it to Abram the Hebrew, who was living by the holy tree of Mamre, the Amorite, the brother of Eshcol and Aner, who were friends of Abram.

Now the Lord came to him by the holy tree of Mamre, when he was seated in the doorway of his tent in the middle of the day;

And lifting up his eyes, he saw three men before him; and seeing them, he went quickly to them from the door of the tent, and went down on his face to the earth;

And he took butter and milk and the young ox which he had made ready and put it before them, waiting by them under the tree while they took food.

And he said, I will certainly come back to you in the spring, and Sarah your wife will have a son. And his words came to the ears of Sarah who was at the back of the tent-door.

And Lot went out to them in the doorway, shutting the door after him.

And they said, Give way there. This one man, they said, came here from a strange country, and will he now be our judge? now we will do worse to you than to them; and pushing violently against Lot, they came near to get the door broken in.

But the men put out their hands and took Lot into the house to them, shutting the door again.

But the men who were outside the door they made blind, all of them, small and great, so that they were tired out with looking for the door.

And when all the water in the skin was used up, she put the child down under a tree.

And said, Praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has given a sign that he is good and true to my master, by guiding me straight to the house of my master's family.

And fear came on him, and he said, This is a holy place; this is nothing less than the house of God and the doorway of heaven.

Then they gave to Jacob all the strange gods which they had, and the rings which were in their ears; and Jacob put them away under the holy tree at Shechem.

And Deborah, the servant who had taken care of Rebekah from her birth, came to her end, and was put to rest near Beth-el, under the holy tree: and they gave it the name of Allon-bacuth.

And Israel went journeying on and put up his tents on the other side of the tower of the flock.

After three days Pharaoh will take you out of prison, hanging you on a tree, so that your flesh will be food for birds.

We are all one man's sons, we are true men; we have not come with any secret purpose.

Send one of your number to get your brother, and the rest of you will be kept in prison, so that your words may be tested to see if you are true; if not, by the life of Pharaoh, your purpose is certainly secret.

If you are true men, let one of you be kept in prison, while you go and take grain for the needs of your families;

And come back to me with your youngest brother, so that your words may be seen to be true, and you will not be put to death. This is what you are to do.

And we said to him, We are true men, we have no evil designs;

And the ruler of the land said, In this way I may be certain that you are true men; let one of you be kept here with me, while you go and take grain for the needs of your families;

And come back to me with your youngest brother: then I will be certain that you are true men, and I will give your brother back to you and let you do trade in the land.

So they went up to Joseph's chief servant at the door of the house,

And we said to my lord, We have an old father and a young child, whom he had when he was old; his brother is dead and he is the only son of his mother, and is very dear to his father.

And the time of his death came near, and he sent for his son Joseph and said to him, If now I am dear to you, put your hand under my leg and take an oath that you will not put me to rest in Egypt;

And the angel of the Lord was seen by him in a flame of fire coming out of a thorn-tree: and he saw that the tree was on fire, but it was not burned up.

And Moses said, I will go and see this strange thing, why the tree is not burned up,

And when the Lord saw him turning to one side to see, God said his name out of the tree, crying, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

And through all the land of Egypt the ice-storm came down on everything which was in the fields, on man and on beast; and every green plant was crushed and every tree of the field broken.

And the face of the earth will be covered with them, so that you will not be able to see the earth: and they will be the destruction of everything which up to now has not been damaged, everything which was not crushed by the ice-storm, and every tree still living in your fields.

For all the face of the earth was covered with them, so that the land was black; and every green plant and all the fruit of the trees which was untouched by the ice-storm they took for food: not one green thing, no plant or tree, was to be seen in all the land of Egypt.

Then take some of the blood and put it on the two sides of the door and over the door of the house where the meal is to be taken.

And take some hyssop and put it in the blood in the basin, touching the two sides and the top of the doorway with the blood from the basin; and let not one of you go out of his house till the morning.

For the Lord will go through the land, sending death on the Egyptians; and when he sees the blood on the two sides and the top of the door, the Lord will go over your door and will not let death come in for your destruction.

And in answer to his prayer, the Lord made him see a tree, and when he put it into the water, the water was made sweet. There he gave them a law and an order, testing them;

But for the rest, take from among the people able men, such as have the fear of God, true men hating profits wrongly made; and put such men over them, to be captains of thousands, captains of hundreds and of fifties and of tens;

But if the servant says clearly, My master and my wife and children are dear to me; I have no desire to be free:

Then his master is to take him to the gods of the house, and at the door, or at its framework, he is to make a hole in his ear with a sharp-pointed instrument; and he will be his servant for ever.

Keep yourselves far from any false business; never let the upright or him who has done no wrong be put to death: for I will make the evil-doer responsible for his sin.

And you are to make a curtain for the doorway of the Tent, of the best linen with needlework of blue and purple and red.

On the one side of the doorway will be hangings fifteen cubits long, with three pillars and three bases;

And across the doorway, a veil of twenty cubits of the best linen, made of needlework of blue and purple and red, with four pillars and four bases.

And let Aaron and his sons come to the door of the Tent of meeting, and there let them be washed with water.

And you are to put the ox to death before the Lord at the door of the Tent of meeting.

And let Aaron and his sons make a meal of it, with the bread in the basket, at the door of the Tent of meeting.

This is to be a regular burned offering made from generation to generation, at the door of the Tent of meeting before the Lord, where I will come face to face with you and have talk with you.

And whenever Moses went out to the Tent of meeting, all the people got up and everyone went to the door of his tent, looking after Moses till he went inside the Tent.

And whenever Moses went into the Tent, the pillar of cloud came down, and took its place by the door of the Tent, as long as the Lord was talking with Moses.

And all the people saw the cloud at the door of the Tent, and they went down on their faces, everyone at the door of his tent.

And the altar for burning spices, with its rods, and the holy oil and the sweet perfume, and the curtain for the door, at the door of the House;

The hangings for the open space, its pillars and their bases, and the curtain for the doorway;

And they made a curtain for the door of the tent, of the best linen with needlework of blue and purple and red;

The hangings on one side of the doorway were fifteen cubits long, on three pillars with their three bases;

And the same on the other side of the doorway; on this side and on that the hangings were fifteen cubits long, on three pillars with their three bases.

And the curtain for the doorway of the open space was of the best linen, with designs of blue and purple and red in needlework; it was twenty cubits long and five cubits high, to go with the hangings round the sides.

From it he made the bases of the doorway of the Tent of meeting and the brass altar and the network for it and all the vessels for the altar,

And the bases for the open space all round and for its doorway, and all the nails for the House and for the open space.

The outer cover of sheepskins coloured red, and the cover of leather, and the veil for the doorway;

And the gold altar, and the holy oil, and the sweet perfume for burning, and the curtain for the doorway of the tent;

The hangings for the open space, with the pillars and their bases, and the curtain for the doorway, and the cords and nails, and all the instruments necessary for the work of the House of the Tent of meeting;

And put the gold altar for burning perfumes in front of the ark of the law, hanging the curtain over the doorway of the House.

And put the altar of burned offerings before the doorway of the House of the Tent of meeting.

And put up the hangings forming the open space all round it, with the curtain over its doorway.

Then let Aaron and his sons come to the door of the Tent of meeting; and after washing them with water,

And he put up the curtain at the doorway of the House.

And at the door of the House of the Tent of meeting, he put the altar of burned offerings, offering on it the burned offering and the meal offering, as the Lord had given him orders.

And he put up the hangings forming the open space round the House and the altar, and put the curtain over the doorway. So Moses made the work complete.

If the offering is a burned offering of the herd, let him give a male without a mark: he is to give it at the door of the Tent of meeting so that he may be pleasing to the Lord.

And the ox is to be put to death before the Lord: then Aaron's sons, the priests, are to take the blood and put some of it on and round the altar which is at the door of the Tent of meeting.

And he is to put his hand on the head of his offering and put it to death at the door of the Tent of meeting; and Aaron's sons, the priests, are to put some of the blood on and round the altar.

And he is to take the ox to the door of the Tent of meeting before the Lord; and put his hand on its head and put it to death before the Lord.