99 occurrences

'Nothing' in the Bible

“Therefore, don’t be afraid of them, since there is nothing covered that won’t be uncovered and nothing hidden that won’t be made known.

Verse ConceptsDisclosuresVeilsAcquiring KnowledgeHidden ThingsDo Not Fear Mensecrets

Now Jesus summoned His disciples and said, “I have compassion on the crowd, because they’ve already stayed with Me three days and have nothing to eat. I don’t want to send them away hungry; otherwise they might collapse on the way.”

Verse ConceptsCompassion, Of Christethics, socialHeart, DivineMercy, Of Jesus ChristPoverty, Attitudes TowardsReceptivenessUnselfishnessJesus Christ, Love OfFaintingChrist SummoningChrist With His DisciplesTired In ActivityFastingDiscipleshipNervousnessFeeding The Poor

When he went out about nine in the morning, he saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing.

Verse ConceptsMarketsSluggardsStandingBoredomMarketplaces

Then about five he went and found others standing around, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day doing nothing?’

Verse ConceptsHourOne DayWhy Do You Do This?

Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He went up to it and found nothing on it except leaves. And He said to it, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” At once the fig tree withered.

Verse ConceptsBearing Bad FruitGod, Power OfUnfruitfulnessMiracles Of ChristFigsDivine Power Over NatureFoliage

“Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever takes an oath by the sanctuary, it means nothing. But whoever takes an oath by the gold of the sanctuary is bound by his oath.’

Verse ConceptsKnowing Right And WrongStatus Of The TempleUnimportant ThingsSwearing

Also, ‘Whoever takes an oath by the altar, it means nothing. But whoever takes an oath by the gift that is on it is bound by his oath.’

Verse ConceptsKnowing Right And WrongOffering SacrificesUnimportant ThingsSwearing

For I was hungryand you gave Me nothing to eat;I was thirstyand you gave Me nothing to drink;

Verse ConceptsPeople Providing FoodFeeding The Poorhungerjail

While he was sitting on the judge’s bench, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of Him!”

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples OfJudgment SeatJudgesWise CouncelSittingSleeplessnessWivesVisions And Dreams In ScriptureChrist, Names ForJudgement SeatLeave Them AloneWife

telling him, “See that you say nothing to anyone; but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer what Moses prescribed for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTPriesthood, In NtPriests, Tasks In Nt TimesSin OfferingWitness To The GospelChrist Concealing ThingsPurifying Oneself

For nothing is concealed except to be revealed, and nothing hidden except to come to light.

Verse ConceptsDisclosuresFrom Darkness To LightHidden ThingsAvoiding SecrecyEverything Happening For A Reason

He instructed them to take nothing for the road except a walking stick: no bread, no traveling bag, no money in their belts.

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofBeltsLacking MoneyNot EquippedSaving Money

Nothing that goes into a person from outside can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfExternalsEntering The MouthComing Out Of PeopleFood PermittedDefilementprepping

And He said to them, “Are you also as lacking in understanding? Don’t you realize that nothing going into a man from the outside can defile him?

Verse ConceptsExternalsEntering The MouthBeing Without UnderstandingDefilementprepping

In those days there was again a large crowd, and they had nothing to eat. He summoned the disciples and said to them,

Verse ConceptsNo FoodChrist SummoningChrist With His Disciples

“I have compassion on the crowd, because they’ve already stayed with Me three days and have nothing to eat.

Verse ConceptsCompassionMercy, Of Jesus ChristNo Foodempathy

After seeing in the distance a fig tree with leaves, He went to find out if there was anything on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.

Verse ConceptsFruitStanding At A DistanceFoliageNot Findingdistance

So they went out and started running from the tomb, because trembling and astonishment overwhelmed them. And they said nothing to anyone, since they were afraid.

Verse ConceptsConfusionTremblingFear, Of UnknownBewildermentJesus TombThose Who Did Not Tell

“Master,” Simon replied, “we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing! But at Your word, I’ll let down the nets.”

Verse ConceptsNothingFishingActing All NightFishSuccess And Hard Work

For nothing is concealed that won’t be revealed, and nothing hidden that won’t be made known and come to light.

Verse ConceptsCharacterSecret ThingsFrom Darkness To LightAcquiring KnowledgeHidden ThingsAvoiding SecrecyDisclosuressecretshiding

“Take nothing for the road,” He told them, “no walking stick, no traveling bag, no bread, no money; and don’t take an extra shirt.

Verse ConceptsInner GarmentsTwo Other ThingsInstruction About ClothesLacking MoneyNot EquippedWalking With A StaffMissionariesHindrancesEvangelismChanging Yourself

There is nothing covered that won’t be uncovered, nothing hidden that won’t be made known.

Verse ConceptsVeilsExposure Of SinAcquiring KnowledgeHidden ThingsDisclosuresphotography

In the same way, when you have done all that you were commanded, you should say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves; we’ve only done our duty.’”

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTServants, GoodDuty

Neither has Herod, because he sent Him back to us. Clearly, He has done nothing to deserve death.

Verse ConceptsNamed Gentile RulersDeath Penalty For HeresyDeserving Death

We are punished justly, because we’re getting back what we deserve for the things we did, but this man has done nothing wrong.”

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples Of

When they were full, He told His disciples, “Collect the leftovers so that nothing is wasted.”

Verse ConceptsFrugalityGathering FoodPlenty Through ChristRemaining FoodFilling PeopleNo LossBeing Lostgathering

Yet, look! He’s speaking publicly and they’re saying nothing to Him. Can it be true that the authorities know He is the Messiah?

Verse ConceptsMaking Christ KnownIndividuals Being SilentSaid To Be The ChristBoldness

“If I glorify Myself,” Jesus answered, “My glory is nothing. My Father—you say about Him, ‘He is our God’—He is the One who glorifies Me.

Verse ConceptsChrist's Relationship To GodChrist's Own GloryRelationship Of Father And SonThe Father's Activity Regarding ChristHe Is Our GodSelf WorthmyselfNot Glorifying God

One of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all!

Verse ConceptsThose Who Were IgnorantRivers

Then the Pharisees said to one another, “You see? You’ve accomplished nothing. Look—the world has gone after Him!”

Verse ConceptsAll NationsUnable To Do Other Things

“I’m going fishing,” Simon Peter said to them.“We’re coming with you,” they told him. They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

Verse ConceptsBoatsGoing TogetherNothingFishingActing All NightDiscipleshipFishpeter

And since they saw the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in response.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofSilenceLiving WitnessesSeeing People

Not long ago Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody, and a group of about 400 men rallied to him. He was killed, and all his partisans were dispersed and came to nothing.

Verse ConceptsClaimsFour To Five HundredFour And Five HundredGreat IndividualsPeople Following PeopleScattering FollowersKilling Named Individualsmovement

“Please pray to the Lord for me,” Simon replied, “so that nothing you have said may happen to me.”

Verse ConceptsPray For UsPraying For SinnersUnfulfilled Word

Then Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. So they took him by the hand and led him into Damascus.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesEyes HarmedBlindnessdamascus

“‘No, Lord!’ I said. ‘For nothing common or ritually unclean has ever entered my mouth!’

Verse ConceptsMouthsFar Be It!Forbidden FoodLack Of Holiness

Now all the Athenians and the foreigners residing there spent their time on nothing else but telling or hearing something new.

Verse ConceptsForeignersAmusementsIntelligenceLeisure, And PastimesPride, Examples OfSloth Examples OfCuriosity

Take these men, purify yourself along with them, and pay for them to get their heads shaved. Then everyone will know that what they were told about you amounts to nothing, but that you yourself are also careful about observing the law.

Verse ConceptsShavingPurifying OneselfPaying For GoodsKeep The Commandments!

The shouting grew loud, and some of the scribes of the Pharisees’ party got up and argued vehemently: “We find nothing evil in this man. What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?”

Verse ConceptsTeachers Of The LawSpirit BeingsSound

If then I am doing wrong, or have done anything deserving of death, I do not refuse to die, but if there is nothing to what these men accuse me of, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar!”

Verse ConceptsCivil authoritiesDeath penaltyGovernmentResigned To DeathNo Escape

I have nothing definite to write to my lord about him. Therefore, I have brought him before all of you, and especially before you, King Agrippa, so that after this examination is over, I may have something to write.

Verse ConceptsInvestigatingNot Writing

To this very day, I have obtained help that comes from God, and I stand and testify to both small and great, saying nothing else than what the prophets and Moses said would take place—

Verse ConceptsGospel, Confirmation OfHelpfulnessSmallnessWitness To The GospelPredicting ChristGreat And SmallWritten In The ProphetsGod HelpsEverything Happening For A ReasonSupportHaving A Good DayHelping Those In NeedWitnessinghelphelpingtestifying

and when they had left they talked with each other and said, “This man is doing nothing that deserves death or chains.”

When it was about daylight, Paul urged them all to take food, saying, “Today is the fourteenth day that you have been waiting and going without food, having eaten nothing.

Verse ConceptsDawnFasting, Reasons ForFasting, Nature OfTen Or More Days

They expected that he would swell up or suddenly drop dead. But after they waited a long time and saw nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsWaitingPossibility Of DeathPeople Changing Their MindsSwellingMen As Gods

After three days he called together the leaders of the Jews. When they had gathered he said to them: “Brothers, although I have done nothing against our people or the customs of our ancestors, I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.

Verse ConceptsCustomAncestorsPrisonersPlea Of InnocenceSalvation For Israel

God has chosen what is insignificant and despised in the world—what is viewed as nothing—to bring to nothing what is viewed as something,

Verse ConceptsChosen InstrumentsHumilityArrogant ExistenceChosen DisciplesOther Unimportant PeopleimportanceJustification Excluding Boasting

Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the saying: “Nothing beyond what is written.” The purpose is that none of you will be inflated with pride in favor of one person over another.

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofApollosPartialityDo Not Be Proudsisterhood

About eating food offered to idols, then, we know that “an idol is nothing in the world,” and that “there is no God but one.”

Verse ConceptsGod, Unity OfMonotheismOne GodIdols Not ExistingUseless IdolsNon ExistenceNo Other Is GodFood For Other godsGod Is OneSacrificesEating Meatstatues

Don’t you have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you look down on the church of God and embarrass those who have nothing? What should I say to you? Should I praise you? I do not praise you for this!

Verse ConceptsSacrilegeLiving In HousesShaming PeopleEating And DrinkingNot Helping The PoorThe Church UniversalAlcoholic BeveragesChurch Of GodGoing To Churchcommunion

If Timothy comes, see that he has nothing to fear from you, because he is doing the Lord’s work, just as I am.

Verse ConceptsVisitingDoing God's WorksThose Not Fearing

Now we are writing nothing to you other than what you can read and also understand. I hope you will understand completely—

Verse ConceptsLiteracyWriting LettersMaking The Message ClearReading Other Matter

I have become a fool; you forced it on me. I should have been endorsed by you, since I am not in any way inferior to the “super-apostles,” even though I am nothing.

Verse ConceptsCommendationApostles, IdentficationFalse Teachers, Examples OfFoolish PeopleRelative GreatnessFalse ApostlesOutward CompulsionPraising Specific PeopleI Am Unimportant

Now we pray to God that you do nothing wrong—not that we may appear to pass the test, but that you may do what is right, even though we may appear to fail.

Verse ConceptsCauses of failure inPraying For Othersexams

Now from those recognized as important (what they really were makes no difference to me; God does not show favoritism)—they added nothing to me.

Verse ConceptsOutward AppearancePrejudiceJustification Under The GospelGod, Impartiality OfLeadersrecognitionefficiencyimportance

Did you suffer so much for nothing—if in fact it was for nothing?

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Of BelieversUseless LabourSufferingexperience

I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels to observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing out of favoritism.

Verse ConceptsFavouritismethics, socialequalityElection, Description OfSolemn ChargesMinisters, Should BeAngels, DescriptionPartialityMen's Orders

he is conceited, understanding nothing, but has a sick interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions,

Verse ConceptsFoolish QuestionsFools, Characteristics OfBackbitingEnvyThe ProudUncharitablenessNot Believing PeopleAvoid QuarrelsMind Battlesrumors

Your message is to be sound beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be ashamed, having nothing bad to say about us.

Verse ConceptsSpeechcriticism

Diligently help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey, so that they will lack nothing.

Verse ConceptsAttorneyLawyersMissionaries, Support ForApollosPeople ProvidingDoing Your Best

Now it is evident that our Lord came from Judah, and Moses said nothing about that tribe concerning priests.

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In NtPeople Of Judahconnectionpriests

since they set out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from pagans.

Verse ConceptsAcceptanceSupporthelp

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
never , nay , neither , no , none , nor , not , nothing , rather than , whither , nothing worth
Usage: 727

Usage: 32

ends , no , none , not , nothing , without , else , beside , but , cause , howbeit , .
Usage: 43

none, not, nor, lest, nothing, not, neither, no
Usage: 69

but, except, save, nothing, lest, no, from, inasmuch, and not
Usage: 109

לה לא 
La' (Aramaic) 
not , no , nor , without , neither , none , cannot , ever , never , no , nothing
Usage: 82

Usage: 32

Usage: 22

only, surely, nothing but, except, but, in any wise
Usage: 107

Usage: 20

Usage: 10

nothing to draw with
Usage: 1

μηδείς μηδεμία μηδέν 
no man , nothing , no , none , not , anything ,
Usage: 79

no man , nothing , none , no , any man , any , man , neither any man ,
Usage: 160

Usage: 10

never before , never yet , nothing yet , not yet , as yet not
Usage: 5

Usage: 373

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.