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they have made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar.

And the king of Sodom goeth out, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar; and they set the battle in array with them in the valley of Siddim,

and Sarah dieth in Kirjath-Arba, which is Hebron, in the land of Caanan, and Abraham goeth in to mourn for Sarah, and to bewail her.

and Laban giveth to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his maid-servant, for a maid-servant to her.

And she saith, 'Lo, my handmaid Bilhah, go in unto her, and she doth bear on my knees, and I am built up, even I, from her;'

and she giveth to him Bilhah her maid-servant for a wife, and Jacob goeth in unto her;

and Bilhah conceiveth, and beareth to Jacob a son,

And Bilhah, Rachel's maid-servant, conceiveth again, and beareth a second son to Jacob,

And Jacob taketh to himself a rod of fresh poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut, and doth peel in them white peelings, making bare the white that is on the rods,

and it cometh to pass in Israel's dwelling in that land, that Reuben goeth, and lieth with Bilhah his father's concubine; and Israel heareth.

And sons of Bilhah, Rachel's maid-servant: Dan and Naphtali.

And Bela son of Beor reigneth in Edom, and the name of his city is Dinhabah;

and Bela dieth, and reign in his stead doth Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrah;

and Saul dieth, and reign in his stead doth Baal-hanan son of Achbor;

and Baal-hanan son of Achbor dieth, and reign in his stead doth Hadar, and the name of his city is Pau; and his wife's name is Mehetabel daughter of Matred, daughter of Me-zahab.

These are births of Jacob: Joseph, a son of seventeen years, hath been enjoying himself with his brethren among the flock, (and he is a youth,) with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives, and Joseph bringeth in an account of their evil unto their father.

that she calleth for the men of her house, and speaketh to them, saying, 'See, he hath brought in to us a man, a Hebrew, to play with us; he hath come in unto me, to lie with me, and I call with a loud voice,

And she speaketh unto him according to these words, saying, 'The Hebrew servant whom thou hast brought unto us, hath come in unto me to play with me;

And sons of Benjamin: Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, Ehi, and Rosh, Muppim, and Huppim, and Ard.

These are sons of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter; and she beareth these to Jacob -- all the persons are seven.