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I am weary with my sighing, I flood, through the whole night, my couch, - With my tears, I cause, my bed, to dissolve:

Sheep and oxen, all of them, - yea even the beasts of the field;

By reason of all mine adversaries, have I become a reproach. Even to my neighbours, altogether, and a dread to mine acquaintance, - They who have seen me abroad, have fled from me:

Thou wouldst sit down - Against thine own brother, wouldst thou speak, Against thine own mother's son, wouldst thou expose a fault: -

Lo! I would take a distant flight, I would tarry in the wilderness. Selah.

When they were to have ruined another, their tongue smote themselves, All who observe them take flight.

I have sunk in deep swamp, Where there is no place to stand, I have come into abysses of waters, Where a flood hath overflowed me;

Let not a flood of waters overflow me, And let not the depth swallow me up, Neither let the well close, over me, her mouth.

From extortion, and, violence, he Redeemeth their life, And precious is their flood in his sight.

In presence of their fathers, wrought he, wondrously, - In the land of Egypt - the field of Zoan:

The boar out of the forest, browseth upon it, And, the wild beast of the field, pastureth thereon.

Let the field, leap for joy, and all that is therein, Then, shall all the trees of the forest, shout in triumph,

They give drink, to every wild beast of the field, The wild asses do break their thirst.