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Yet it was, I, who destroyed the Amorite, from before them, whose height was, like the height of cedars, and, strong, was he, like the oaks, - but I destroyed his fruit above, and his roots beneath.

Shall horses run upon crag? or will a man plough there with oxen? For ye have turned to poison the sentence of justice, and the fruit of righteousness, to wormwood:

Then answered Amos, and said unto Amaziah, No prophet, was I, - nor the son of a prophet, was I, - but, a herdman, was I, and a preparer of sycamore fruit;

Here, My Lord, Yahweh, gave me to see, - and lo! there was a basket of summer fruit.

So then he said, What canst thou see, Amos? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said Yahweh unto me, The end hath come unto my people Israel, I will not again any more forgive them;

And I will bring back the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall build waste cities, and inhabit them , and plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof, and lay out gardens, and eat the fruit thereof: