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And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear.

Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back in its place; for all those who habitually draw the sword will die by the sword.

But how then would the Writings come true, which say that so it has to be?

and testified, “This man said, ‘I am able to tear down the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’”

"It is true," Jesus answered; "Moreover I tell you all that hereafter you shall 'see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Almighty, and coming on the clouds of the heavens.'"

Then the high priest tore his robes [in mock horror] and exclaimed, “He has blasphemed [by making Himself God’s equal]! What further need have we of witnesses or evidence? See, you have now heard the blasphemy.

And when he had gone out into the doorway, another saw him and says to those who were there, This man was with Jesus the Nazarene.

Then came true that which was said by Jeremiah the prophet, And they took the thirty bits of silver, the price of him who was valued by the children of Israel;

Meanwhile Jesus was brought before the Roman Governor. "Are you the King of the Jews?" asked the Governor. "It is true," answered Jesus.

and they said [tauntingly], “You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save Yourself [from death]! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

And as they were going to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them and said, God save you. And they drew near and embraced his feet, and worshipped Him.