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And Jesus said to him: See that you tell no one. But go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTLeprosyOccupationsPriesthood, In NtPriests, Tasks In Nt TimesWitness To The GospelChrist Concealing ThingsChrist's OrdersPeople Made Knownpriests

And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him.

Verse ConceptsMoses, Significance OfPeople AppearingConversationfitness

And Peter answered and said to Jesus: Lord, it is good for us to be here; if thou wilt, let us make here three tents, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

Verse ConceptsConfusionPeter, The DiscipleBoothsThree Other ThingsChrist WillingGood Activityshelter

They said to him: Why, then, did Moses command us to give a bill of divorce and put her away?

Verse Conceptsdivorce, in OTCertificate of divorceBills Of DivorceDivorce PermittedWhy Do Others Do This?