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And the woman saith unto the serpent, 'Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we do eat,

and of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said, Ye do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest ye die.'

And Jehovah God saith to the woman, 'What is this thou hast done?' and the woman saith, 'The serpent hath caused me to forget -- and I do eat.'

And he addeth again to speak unto Him and saith, 'Peradventure there are found there forty?' and He saith, 'I do it not, because of the forty.'

And he saith, 'Let it not be, I Pray thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak: peradventure there are found there thirty?' and He saith, 'I do it not, if I find there thirty.'

And he saith, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have willed to speak unto the Lord: peradventure there are found there twenty?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy it, because of the twenty.'

And he saith, 'Let it not be, I pray Thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak only this time: peradventure there are found there ten?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy it, because of the ten.'

and he saith, 'Lo, I pray you, my lords, turn aside, I pray you, unto the house of your servant, and lodge, and wash your feet -- then ye have risen early and gone on your way;' and they say, 'Nay, but in the broad place we do lodge.'

And they say, 'Come nigh hither;' they say also, 'This one hath come in to sojourn, and he certainly judgeth! now, we do evil to thee more than to them;' and they press against the man, against Lot greatly, and come nigh to break the door.

and setteth before him to eat; but he saith, 'I do not eat till I have spoken my word;' and he saith, 'Speak.'

and make for me tasteful things, such as I have loved, and bring in to me, and I do eat, so that my soul doth bless thee before I die.'

Bring for me provision, and make for me tasteful things, and I do eat, and bless thee before Jehovah before my death.

And he saith, 'Bring nigh to me, and I do eat of my son's provision, so that my soul doth bless thee;' and he bringeth nigh to him, and he eateth; and he bringeth to him wine, and he drinketh.

And Isaac answereth and saith to Esau, 'Lo, a mighty one have I set him over thee, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants, and with corn and wine have I sustained him; and for thee now, what shall I do, my son?'

this heap is witness, and the standing pillar is witness, that I do not pass over this heap unto thee, and that thou dost not pass over this heap and this standing pillar unto me -- for evil;

And Jacob saith, 'God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, Jehovah who saith unto me, Turn back to thy land, and to thy kindred, and I do good with thee:

and he giveth into the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and saith unto his servants, 'Pass over before me, and a space ye do put between drove and drove.'

none is greater in this house than I, and he hath not withheld from me anything, except thee, because thou art his wife; and how shall I do this great evil? -- then have I sinned against God.'

and all the land of Egypt is famished, and the people crieth unto Pharaoh for bread, and Pharaoh saith to all the Egyptians, 'Go unto Joseph; that which he saith to you -- do.'

And Judah speaketh unto him, saying, 'The man protesting protested to us, saying, Ye do not see my face without your brother being with you;

and if thou art not sending -- we do not go down, for the man said unto us, Ye do not see my face without your brother being with you.'

And that year is finished, and they come in unto him on the second year, and say to him, 'We do not hide from my lord, that since the money hath been finished, and possession of the cattle is unto my lord, there hath not been left before my lord save our bodies, and our ground;

and I have lain with my fathers, and thou hast borne me out of Egypt, and buried me in their burying-place.' And he saith, 'I -- I do according to thy word;'

Thus ye do say to Joseph, I pray thee, bear, I pray thee, with the transgression of thy brethren, and their sin, for they have done thee evil; and now, bear, we pray thee, with the transgression of the servants of the God of thy father;' and Joseph weepeth in their speaking unto him.

and now, fear not: I do nourish you and your infants;' and he comforteth them, and speaketh unto their heart.

and Pharaoh layeth a charge on all his people, saying, 'Every son who is born -- into the River ye do cast him, and every daughter ye do keep alive.'

and I have put forth My hand, and have smitten Egypt with all My wonders, which I do in its midst -- and afterwards he doth send you away.

and thou hast spoken unto him, and hast set the words in his mouth, and I -- I am with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and have directed you that which ye do;

Ye do not add to give straw to the people for the making of the bricks, as heretofore -- they go and have gathered straw for themselves;

and the proper quantity of the bricks which they are making heretofore ye do put on them, ye do not diminish from it, for they are remiss, therefore they are crying, saying, Let us go, let us sacrifice to our God;

And the exactors of the people, and its authorities, go out, and speak unto the people, saying, 'Thus said Pharaoh, I do not give you straw,

and now, go, serve; and straw is not given to you, and the measure of bricks ye do give.'

And the authorities of the sons of Israel see them in affliction, saying, 'Ye do not diminish from your bricks; the matter of a day in its day.'

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Now dost thou see that which I do to Pharaoh, for with a strong hand he doth send them away, yea, with a strong hand he doth cast them out of his land.'

and Moses saith, 'Not right to do so, for the abomination of the Egyptians we do sacrifice to Jehovah our God; lo, we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes -- and they do not stone us!

and also our cattle doth go with us, there is not left a hoof, for from it we do take to serve Jehovah our God; and we -- we know not how we do serve Jehovah till our going thither.'

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'One plague more I do bring in on Pharaoh, and on Egypt, afterwards he doth send you away from this; when he is sending you away, he surely casteth you out altogether from this place;

'And against all the sons of Israel a dog sharpeneth not its tongue, from man even unto beast, so that ye know that Jehovah doth make a separation between the Egyptians and Israel;

and all these thy servants have come down unto me, and bowed themselves to me, saying, Go out, thou and all the people who are at thy feet; and afterwards I do go out;' -- and he goeth out from Pharaoh in the heat of anger.

'(And if the household be too few for a lamb, then hath he taken, he and his neighbour who is near unto his house, for the number of persons, each according to his eating ye do count for the lamb,)

ye do not eat of it raw, or boiled at all in water, but roast with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inwards;

and ye do not leave of it till morning, and that which is remaining of it till morning with fire ye do burn.

'And thus ye do eat it: your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and ye have eaten it in haste; it is Jehovah's passover,

and I have passed over through the land of Egypt during this night, and have smitten every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man even unto beast, and on all the gods of Egypt I do judgments; I am Jehovah.

In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, ye do eat unleavened things until the one and twentieth day of the month, at evening;

anything fermented ye do not eat, in all your dwellings ye do eat unleavened things.'

in one house it is eaten, thou dost not carry out of the house any of the flesh without, and a bone ye do not break of it;

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and they turn back and encamp before Pi-Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, before Baal-Zephon; over-against it ye do encamp by the sea,

six days ye do gather it, and in the seventh day -- the sabbath -- in it there is none.'

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Write this, a memorial in a Book, and set it in the ears of Joshua, that I do utterly wipe away the remembrance of Amalek from under the heavens;'

and all the people answer together and say, 'All that Jehovah hath spoken we do;' and Moses returneth the words of the people unto Jehovah.

ye do not make with Me gods of silver, even gods of gold ye do not make to yourselves.

And if the servant really say: I have loved my lord, my wife, and my sons -- I do not go out free;

from a false matter thou dost keep far off, and an innocent and righteous man thou dost not slay; for I do not justify a wicked man.

and in all that which I have said unto you ye do take heed; and the name of other gods ye do not mention; it is not heard on thy mouth.

the Feast of Unleavened things thou dost keep; seven days thou dost eat unleavened things, as I have commanded thee, at the time appointed in the month of Abib; for in it thou hast come forth out of Egypt, and ye do not appear in My presence empty;

And Moses cometh in, and recounteth to the people all the words of Jehovah, and all the judgments, and all the people answer -- one voice, and say, 'All the words which Jehovah hath spoken we do.'

and he taketh the Book of the Covenant, and proclaimeth in the ears of the people, and they say, 'All that which Jehovah hath spoken we do, and obey.'

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and they take for Me a heave-offering; from every man whose heart impelleth him ye do take My heave-offering.

according to all that which I am shewing thee, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all its vessels, even so ye do make it.

and make thou one cherub at the end on this side, and one cherub at the end on that; at the mercy-seat ye do make the cherubs on its two ends.

'Ye do not cause strange perfume to go up upon it, and burnt-offering, and present, and libation ye do not pour out on it;

'As to the perfume which thou makest, with its proper proportion ye do not make to yourselves, holy it is to thee to Jehovah;

And thou, speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, Only, My sabbaths ye do keep, for it is a sign between Me and you, to your generations, to know that I, Jehovah, am sanctifying you;

unto a land flowing with milk and honey, for I do not go up in thy midst, for thou art a stiff-necked people -- lest I consume thee in the way.'

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Say unto the sons of Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people; one moment -- I come up into thy midst, and have consumed thee; and now, put down thine ornaments from off thee, and I know what I do to thee;'

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Even this thing which thou hast spoken I do; for thou hast found grace in Mine eyes, and I know thee by name.'

And He saith, 'Lo, I am making a covenant: before all thy people I do wonders, which have not been done in all the earth, or in any nation, and all the people in whose midst thou art have seen the work of Jehovah, for it is fearful that which I am doing with thee.

ye do not burn a fire in any of your dwellings on the sabbath-day.'

He hath filled them with wisdom of heart to do every work, of engraver, and designer, and embroiderer (in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in linen), and weaver, who do any work, and of designers of designs.

Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Any man of you when he doth bring near an offering to Jehovah, out of the cattle -- out of the herd, or out of the flock -- ye do bring near your offering.

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, Any fat of ox and sheep and goat ye do not eat;

and the fat of a carcase, and the fat of a torn thing is prepared for any work, but ye do certainly not eat it;

'And any blood ye do not eat in all your dwellings, of fowl, or of beast;

and the right leg ye do make a heave-offering to the priest of the sacrifices of your peace-offerings;

And Moses saith unto Aaron, and unto his sons, 'Boil ye the flesh at the opening of the tent of meeting, and there ye do eat it and the bread which is in the basket of the consecrations, as I have commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons do eat it.

And Moses saith unto Aaron, and to Eleazar, and to Ithamar his sons, 'Your heads ye do not uncover, and your garments ye do not rend, that ye die not, and on all the company He be wroth; as to your brethren, the whole house of Israel, they bewail the burning which Jehovah hath kindled;

and from the opening of the tent of meeting ye do not go out, lest ye die, for the anointing oil of Jehovah is upon you;' and they do according to the word of Moses.

'And the breast of the wave-offering, and the leg of the heave-offering, ye do eat in a clean place, thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee; for thy portion and the portion of thy sons they have been given, out of the sacrifices of peace-offerings of the sons of Israel;

lo, its blood hath not been brought in unto the holy place within; eating ye do eat it in the holy place, as I have commanded.'

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, This is the beast which ye do eat out of all the beasts which are on the earth:

any dividing a hoof, and cleaving the cleft of the hoofs, bringing up the cud, among the beasts, it ye do eat.

Only, this ye do not eat -- of those bringing up the cud, and of those dividing the hoof -- the camel, though it is bringing up the cud, yet the hoof not dividing -- it is unclean to you;

Of their flesh ye do not eat, and against their carcase ye do not come -- unclean they are to you.

This ye do eat of all which are in the waters; any one that hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the brooks, them ye do eat;

yea, an abomination they are to you; of their flesh ye do not eat, and their carcase ye abominate.

And these ye do abominate of the fowl; they are not eaten, an abomination they are: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,