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And Abimelech will say to Isaak, Go from us: for thou wert strong above us exceedingly.

And Jehovah will be seen to him in that night., and will say, I am the God of Abraham thy father: thou shalt not be afraid, for I am with thee, and I praised thee, and I increased thy seed, for sake of Abraham my servant

Wilt thou do evil to us as that we touched thee not, as that we did to thee only good, and we sent thee away in peace, thou now art praised of Jehovah.

And thou shall bring to thy father, and eating, so that he will praise thee before his death.

And he will go to his father and will say, My father. And he will say, Behold me; who thou my son?

And Jacob will say to his father, I am Esau thy first-born; I did according to that thou spakest to me: arise, now, sit and eat from my hunting, so that thy soul shall praise me.

And Isaak will say to his son, How this, thou wert quick to find my son? and the will say, Because Jehovah thy God caused to meet before me.

And Isaak will say to Jacob, Come near, now, and I shall feel thee, my son, if thou this my son Esau or not

And he will say, Thou this my son Esau? and he will say, I.

And Isaak his father will say to him, Who art thou? And he will say, I thy son, thy first-born, Esau.

And Isaak will tremble a great trembling, even exceedingly; and he will say, Who now is he having hunted a hunting, and will bring to me, and I ate from all before thou wilt come, and I shall praise him? also he shall be praised.

And he will say, Is it not that his name was called Jacob? he will defraud me this twice: he took my birthright and behold, now he took my blessing And he will say, Didst thou not put aside a blessing for me?

And by thy sword shalt thou live and shalt serve thy brother: and it shall be when thou shalt wander about and thou shalt break his yoke from thy neck.

And thou shalt dwell with him days afterwards, until thy brother's wrath shall turn away;

Until thy brother's anger turning away from thee, and forgetting what thou didst to him: and I have sent and have taken thee from thence, lest I shall be bereaved of you two in one day.

And Isaak will call to Jacob, and will bless him, and will command him, and will say to him, Thou shalt not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan.

And God Almighty will bless thee, and will make thee fruitful, and will multiply thee, and thou wert for an assembly of nations.

And Esau will see that Isaak praised Jacob, and sent him away to Padan Aram, to take to him from thence a wife; in blessing him, and he will command him saying, Thou shalt not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan;

And behold, Jehovah was set upon it, and he will say, I Jehovah, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaak: the land which thou liest upon it, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.

And thy seed was as the dust of the earth, And thou didst spread abroad to the sea and east, and north, and south: and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed, and in thy seed.

And this stone which I set a pillar shall be the house of God, and all which thou shalt give to me, the tenth I will tithe it to thee.

And Laban will say to him, Surely my bone and my flesh art thou: and he will dwell with him a month of days.

And Laban will say to Jacob, Because thou art my brother shalt thou serve me gratuitously? announce to me what thy reward.

And it will be in the morning, and behold, she was Leak And he will say to Laban, What this thou didst to me? did I not serve with thee for Rachel? and wherefore didst thou deceive me?

Complete her seven, and we will give to thee also this for work which thou shalt work with me yet other seven years.

And she will say to her, Is it little, thy taking my husband'! and thou didst take also my son's apples of mandrakes? And Rachel will say, For this he shall lie with thee this night, for thy son's apples of mandrakes.

And Jacob will come from the field in the evening, and Leah will go forth to his meeting, and she will say, Thou shalt come in to me, for hiring I hired thee for my son's apples of mandrakes: and he will lie with her in that night

Give my wives and my children, for whom I served thee, and I will go forth; for thou knewest ray work which I served thee.

And he will say to him, Thou. knewest what I served thee, and what was thy cattle with me.

And he will say, What shall I give to thee? and Jacob will say, Thou shalt not give to me anything. If thou wilt do to me this word, I will return; I will feed thy sheep; I will watch.

I the God of the house of God, where thou didst anoint there a pillar; where thou didst vow to me there a vow: now arise, go forth from this land, and turn back to the land of thy kindred.

And God will come to Laban the Syrian in a dream of the night and will say to him, Watch to thyself, lest thou shalt speak with Jacob from good to evil.

And Laban will say to Jacob, What didst thou and thou didst steal my heart, and will carry away my daughters as captives of the sword?

For what didst thou hide to break away, and didst steal me, and didst not announce to me? and I will send thee away with gladness and with songs, with the drum and with the harp?

And didst not permit me to kiss my sons and to my daughters? now thou wert foolish doing it

And now going thou didst go, for desiring thou didst greatly desire after the house of thy father; for what didst thou steal my gods?

And Jacob will answer and say to Laban, Because I was afraid; for I said, Lest thou wilt tear away my daughters from me;

With whom thou shalt find thy gods, he shall not live: before our brethren, behold for thyself what is with me and take to thee: and Jacob knew not that Rachel stole them.

And it kindled to Jacob, and he will contend with Laban, and Jacob will answer and say to Laban, What my fault? what my sin that thou didst hotly pursue after me?

That thou didst feel all my vessels, what didst thou find of all the vessels of thy house? Set here before my brethren and thy brethren, and they shall decide between us two.

The torn I brought not to thee; I shall bear the blame of it; from my hand thou will seek it, thefts of the day, and thefts of the night

Here to me twenty years in thy house; I served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy sheep; and thou wilt change my hire ten portions.

If the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaak was not with me, then now, empty thou hadst sent me away. My affliction and the labor of my hand God saw and he rebuked yesterday.

And Laban will answer and say to Jacob, The daughters, my daughters, and the sons, my sons, and the sheep, my sheep, and all which thou sawest, this to me, and to my daughters: what shall I do to these this day, or to their sons which they brought forth?

Now come thou we will make a covenant, I and thou; and it was for witness between me and between thee.

If thou shalt afflict my daughters, and if thou shalt take wives to my daughters, no man is with us, seeing God a witness between me and between thee.

A witness this heap, and a witness the pillar, if I will not pass over this heap to thee, and thou shalt not pass over to me, this heap and this pillar for evil.

I was little from all the kindness and from all the truth which thou didst to thy servant; for with my rod I passed over this Jordan, and now I became into two camps.

And thou saidst, Doing well I will do well with thee, and I set thy seed as the sand of the sea, which shall not be counted for multitude.

And he will command the first, saying, When Esau my brother shall meet thee and ask thee saying, To whom thou? and whither wilt thou go? and to whom these before thee?

And thou saying, To thy servant, to Jacob: this a gift sent to my lord to Esau, and behold also he is behind us.

And he will say, Send me away, for the morning ascended: and he will say, I will not send thee away, unless thou didst bless me.

And he will say, Thy name shall no more be said Jacob, but Israel, for thou wert a prince with God and with men, and thou shalt prevail.

And Jacob will ask and will say, Announce now, thy name: and he will say, For what this thou wilt ask for my name? and he will bless him there.

And Jacob will say, Nay, now, if now I found grace in thine eyes, and take my gift from my hand, for, for this, I saw thy face as seeing the face of God, and thou wilt be satisfied with me.

And it will be in her being hard in bringing forth, and the midwife will say to her, Thou shalt not fear, for also this a son to thee.

And his brethren will say to him, Reigning, shalt thou reign over us? or ruling, shalt thou rule over us? And they will add yet to hate him for his dreams and for his words.

And he will recount to his father and to his brethren. And his father will rebuke him, and will say to him, What this dream which thou didst dream? Coming, shall I and thy mother and thy brethren come to worship to thee upon the earth?

And a man will find him, and behold, he wandered in the field. And the man will ask him, saying, What wilt thou seek?

And he will turn to her by the way, and will say, Now I will come in to thee; for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law: and she will say, What wilt thou give to me that thou wilt come in to me?

And he will say, I will send a kid of the goats from the flock: and she will say, If thou wilt give a pledge till thy sending.

And Judah will say, She shall take to her, lest we shall be for a contempt: Behold, I sent this kid, and thou didst not find her.

And it will be after turning back his hand, and behold his brother will come forth; and she will say, How didst thou break forth? the breach upon thee: and his name shall be called

Nothing is great in this house above me: and he kept not back anything from me except thee, because thou his wife: and how shall I do this great evil and sin before God?

And she will speak to him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant which thou broughtest to us, came in to me to mock me.

Yet in three days Pharaoh will lift up thy head, and restore thee to thy place, and thou shalt give Pharaoh's cup into his hand, according to thy first judgment, when thou wert his cup-bearer.

And Pharaoh will say to Joseph, I dreamed a dream, and there is none interpreting it, and I heard concerning thee, saying, Thou wilt hear a dream to interpret it

And Pharaoh will say to Joseph, After that God showed thee all this, none discerning and wise as thou.

Thou shalt be over my house, and to thy mouth all my people shall bend: only upon the throne I shall be great above thee.

If thou art sending our brother with us we will go down and will buy food for thee.

And if thou art not sending, we will not go down, for the man said to us, Ye shall not see my face except your brother is with you.

And Judah will say to Israel his father, Send the youth with me, and we will arise and go; and we shall live and not die,. also we, also thou, also our little ones.

I will be surety for him; from my hand shalt thou seek him, if I brought him not to thee and set him before thee, I sinned before thee all the days.

And my cup, the silver cup, thou shalt put in the sack's mouth of the small one, and the silver of his grain; and he will do according to the word which Joseph spake.

And thou wilt say to thy servants, Bring him down to me, and I shall set mine eyes upon him.

And thou wilt say to thy servants, If your little brother shall not come down with you, ye shall not add to see my face.

Hasten and go up to my father, and say to him, Thus said thy son Joseph, God placed me for lord to all Egypt; come down to me, thou wilt not remain.

And thou didst dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou wert near to me, thou, and thy sons, and thy sons' sons, and thy sheep and thine oxen and all which is to thee.

And I nourished thee there (for yet five years of famine), lest thou shalt be poor, thou and thy house, and all which is to thee.

And thou being commanded, this do ye; take to you from the land of Egypt, wagons for your little ones, and for your wives, and take your father and come.

And he will say, I am God, the God of thy father: thou shalt not fear going down to Egypt; for I will there make thee into a great nation.

And Israel will say to Joseph, Now will I die, after I saw thy face, because thou art yet living.

This land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land cause thy father and thy brethren to dwell; they shall dwell in the land of Goshen; and if thou knowest and there is among them men of strength, set them leaders of the cattle which are to me.

And they will say, Thou didst preserve us alive: shall we find grace in the eyes of my lord, we were servants to Pharaoh.

And the days of Israel will draw near to die: and he will call to his son Joseph, and will say to him, If now I found grace in thine eyes, put now thy hand under my thigh, and thou shalt do to me kindness and truth: now thou shalt not bury me in Egypt

I will lie down with my fathers, and thou shalt lift me up out of Egypt, and thou shalt bury me in their grave. And he will say, I will do according to thy word.

And thy progeny which thou didst beget after them, shall be to thee; after the name of their brethren shall they be called in their inheritance.

Reuben, my first-born, thou my strength, and the beginning of my strength, the abundance of elevation, and the abundance of might

Vain glorious as water, thou shalt not be preeminent; for thou didst go up out of thy father's. bed; then didst thou defile, going up to my couch.

Judah, a lion's whelp; from the green leaf, my son, thou didst go up: bending, lying down, as a lion, and as a lioness: who shall raise him up?

My father caused me to swear, saying, Behold I am dying: in my grave which I dug for me in the land of Canaan, there shalt thou bury me. And at this time will I now go up and bury my father, and I will turn back.

And he will go forth in the second day, and behold, two men, Hebrews, (paneling; and he will say to the unjust one, For what wilt thou smite thy friend?

And he will say, Who set thee for a chief man and judge over us? dost thou think to kill me as thou didst kill the Egyptian? and Moses will be afraid, and will say, Surely, this word was known.

And God will yet say to Moses, Thou shalt say to the sons of Israel, Jehovah the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaak and the God of Jacob, sent me to you: this my name for eternity, and this my remembrance to generation and generation.

And they heard thy voice; and thou camest, thou and the old men of Israel, to the king of Egypt, and ye said to him, Jehovah the God of the Hebrews, met with us; and now will we go a way of three days into the desert, and we will sacrifice to Jehovah our God.

And it shall be, if they will not believe in the two signs, and will not hear to thy voice, and take thou from the water of the river and pour out upon the dry; and the water which thou shalt take from the river shall be and shall be for blood upon the dry.