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And he said - Thou, knowest that, mine, was the kingdom, and, on me, had all Israel set their faces, that I should become king, - howbeit the kingdom, hath turned about, and become my brother's, for, from Yahweh, became it, his.

And she said unto him - Say on. And he said - Speak, I pray thee, unto Solomon the king, for he will not turn away thy face, - that he give me Abishag the Shunammite, to wife.

And Bath-sheba said: Good! I myself, will speak for thee, unto the king.

So Bath-sheba went in unto King Solomon, to speak to him for Adonijah, - and the king rose up to meet her, and bowed himself down to her, and sat down upon his throne, and caused a throne to be set for the mother of the king, and she sat on his right hand.

Then said she - One small request, am I asking of thee, do not turn away my face. And the king said to her - Ask on, my mother, for I will not turn away thy face.

And she said, Let Abishag the Shunammite be given to Adonijah thy brother, to wife.

Then answered King Solomon, and said to his mother - Wherefore, then, art thou asking Abishag the Shunammite, for Adonijah? ask, then, for him the kingdom, because he is mine elder brother, - even for him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab, son of Zeruiah.

Also, unto Abiathar the priest, said the king - To Anathoth, get thee unto thine own fields, for, death-doomed, thou art, - but, this day, will I not put thee to death, because thou didst bear the ark of My Lord, Yahweh, before David my father, and because thou wast afflicted in all wherein my father was afflicted.

And Benaiah came into the Tent of Yahweh, and said unto him - Thus, saith the king, Come forth! And he said - Nay! but, here, will I die! So Benaiah brought the king word again, saying, Thus, spake Joab, and, thus, he answered me.

And the king said to him - Do as he hath spoken, fall, then, upon him, and bury him, - and so put away the innocent blood, which Joab shed, from off me, and from off the house of my father;

thus shall their blood come back upon the head of Joab, and upon the head of his seed unto times age-abiding, - but, David and his seed, and his house, and his throne, shall have peace, unto times age-abiding, from Yahweh.

And the king sent, and called for Shimei, and said to him - Build thee a house, in Jerusalem, so shalt thou dwell there, - and shalt not go forth from thence, hither or thither;

And Shimei said to the king - Good, is the word, as my lord the king hath spoken, so, will thy servant do. And Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem many days.

Then sent the king and called for Shimei, and said unto him - Did I not put thee on oath by Yahweh, and adjure thee, saying - On the day thou goest forth and takest thy journey hither or thither, know, that thou shalt, die. Then saidst thou unto me - Good, is the word I have heard.

Then said the king unto Shimei - Thou, knowest all the wickedness which thy heart is privy to, which thou didst unto David my father, - therefore shall Yahweh bring back thy wickedness, upon thine own head.

In Gibeon, Yahweh appeared unto Solomon, in a dream by night, - and God said, Ask, what I shall give thee.

Then said Solomon - Thou, didst deal, with thy servant David my father, in great lovingkindness, according as he walked before thee, in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart, with thee, - and thou hast kept, for him, this great lovingkindness, that thou hast given unto him a son, to sit upon his throne, as it is this day.

And God said unto him - Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself many days, nor asked for thyself riches, nor asked the lives of thine enemies, - but hast asked for thyself discernment, in hearing a cause,

And the one woman said - Pardon, my lord! I and this woman, dwell in one house, - and I gave birth to a child near her, in the house.

Then said the other woman - Nay! but, my son, is the, living, and, thy son, the, dead. But, this, one kept on saying - Nay, verily! but, thy son, is the, dead, and, my son, the, living. Thus spake they before the king.

Then said the king, The one woman, is saying, This, is, my son, the one that liveth, and, thy son, is, the one that is dead, - and, the other, is saying, Nay! but, thy son, is, the dead one, and, my son, the, living.

And the king said - Bring me a sword! So they brought a sword before the king.

Then spake the woman, whose was the living child, unto the king - for tender became her compassions over her son - so she said - Pardon, my lord! Give, her, the living child, and do not, kill, it. But the other kept on saying - Neither mine, nor thine, shall it be, divide it.

Then responded the king, and said - Give, her, the living child, ye shall not, kill, it, - she, is its mother.

For, he, had dominion over all on this side the River, from Tiphsah even as far as Gaza, over all the kings on this side the River, - and he had, peace, on all sides of him, round about.

Thou, knewest David my father, how that he could not build a house unto the Name of Yahweh his God, because of the wars that were about him on every side, - until Yahweh should put them under the soles of his feet;

but, now, Yahweh my God hath given me rest on every side, - there is neither adversary nor incident of evil.

Behold me! then, purposing to build a house for the Name of Yahweh my God - even as Yahweh spake unto David my father, saying - Thy son, whom I will set in thy stead, upon thy throne, he, shall build the house for my Name.

And it came to pass, when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, - and said: Blessed, be Yahweh, to-day, who hath given unto David a wise son, over this great people!

And he built - by the wall of the house - a gallery, round about, against the walls of the house, round about, both to the temple, and to the shrine, - and he made side chambers round about.

The, lowest gallery, was five cubits broad, and, the middle, six cubits broad, and, the third, seven cubits broad, - for he put, ledges, against the house round about, on the outer side, so as not to make fastenings in the walls of the house.

The entrance of the lowest story, was on the right side of the house, - and, by winding stairs, went they up unto the middle story , and, out of the middle, into, the third.

And, two capitals, made he, to set upon the tops of the pillars, of molten bronze, - five cubits, was the height of the one capital, and, five cubits, the height of the other capital;

And, this, was the work of the stand, there were, side walls, to them, - and, the side-walls, were between joining ledges;

and, upon the side-walls which were between the ledges, were lions, oxen, and cherubim, and, upon the ledges, was a pedestal above, and, beneath the lions and oxen, a wreath of hanging work.

And, the mouth thereof, within the capital and upwards, was a cubit, and, the mouth thereof, was round, of pedestal work, a cubit and a half, - moreover also, upon the mouth thereof, were gravings, with their side-walls four-square, not round.

And, four wheels, were beneath the side-walls, the axletrees of the wheels, being in the stands, - and, the height of each wheel, was a cubit and a half:

And, in the top of the stand, half a cubit in height, was a circular piece round about, - and, on the top of the stand, the tenons thereof, and, the side-walls thereof, were of the same.

Then carved he, upon the plates of the tenons thereof, and upon the side-walls thereof, cherubim, lions, and palm-trees, - according to the open space of each with a wreath round about.

And he set the stands, five on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house, - but, the sea, he set on the right side of the house eastward, over against the south.

Then, said Solomon, - Yahweh, said, that he would make his habitation in thick gloom:

and he said - Blessed, be Yahweh, God of Israel, who spake with his mouth, unto David my father, - that which with his hand he hath fulfilled, saying: -

Then said Yahweh unto David my father, Because it was near thy heart to build a house for my Name, thou didst well that it was near thy heart;

So then Yahweh hath established his word which he spake, - and I have been raised up in the room of David my father, and have taken my seat upon the throne of Israel, as spake Yahweh, and have built the house for the Name of Yahweh, God of Israel;

and said - O Yahweh, God of Israel! Not like thee, is there a God, in the heavens above, or upon the earth beneath, - keeping Covenant and Lovingkindness for thy servants who are walking before thee, with all their heart;

Now, therefore, O Yahweh, God of Israel, keep thou for thy servant David my father, that which thou didst promise him, saying, There shall not be cut off to thee a man from before me, to sit upon the throne of Israel, - if only, thy sons take heed to their way, by walking before me, as thou hast walked before me.

that thine eye may be opened toward this house, night and day, toward the place of which thou hast said, My Name shall be, there; hearkening unto the prayer which thy servant shall offer toward this place.

And Yahweh said unto him - I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, wherewith thou hast made supplication before me, I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my Name there unto times age-abiding, - and mine eyes and my heart shall be there, continually:

If ye, turn back, ye or your sons, from following me, and keep not my commandments, my statutes, which I have set before you, - but depart and serve other gods, and bow yourselves down to them,

So he said - What cities are these which thou hast given me, my brother? And he called them, Unfruitful Land, as they are called unto this day.

And she said unto the king, True, was the word which I heard in mine own land, - concerning thine affairs, and concerning thy wisdom.

Yahweh thy God be blessed, who delighted in thee, to set thee upon the throne of Israel, - because Yahweh loveth Israel unto times age-abiding, therefore hath he appointed thee to be king, to execute justice and righteousness.

There were, six steps, to the throne, and there was, a circular top, to the throne, behind it, and there were supports on this side and on that, unto the place of the seat, - with two lions standing beside the supports;

and, twelve lions, were standing there, upon the six steps, on this side and on that, - there had never been made the like, for any of the kingdoms.

out of the nations concerning whom Yahweh had said unto the sons of Israel - Ye shall not go in unto them, and, they, shall not come in unto you, surely they will turn aside your heart after their gods. Unto these, did Solomon cleave in love.

Wherefore Yahweh said unto Solomon - Forasmuch as this hath come to pass with thee, and thou hast not heeded my covenant and my statutes, which I charged upon thee, I will, rend, the kingdom away from thee, and will give it unto a servant of thine.

And Yahweh raised up an adversary against Solomon, Hadad the Edomite, - of the seed of the king, was he, in Edom.

And, when, Hadad, heard in Egypt, that David slept with his fathers, and that Joab general of the army was dead, Hadad said unto Pharaoh, Let me go, that I may take my journey unto mine own land.

Then said Pharaoh unto him - But what hast thou been lacking with me, that lo! thou art seeking to take thy journey unto thine own land? And he said - Nothing, howbeit, let me go.

and said to Jeroboam, Take thee ten places, - for Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel - Behold me! about to rend the kingdom, out of the hand of Solomon, and I will give unto thee ten tribes:

Thus will I humiliate the seed of David, because of this; yet not for ever.

And he said unto them - Depart ye for yet three days, and then come again unto me. And the people departed.

and said unto them - What counsel do, ye, give as to how we shall answer this people who have spoken unto me, saying - Make a lightening of the yoke which thy father put upon us?

And Jeroboam said in his heart, - Now, shall the kingdom return to the house of David:

Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, - and said unto them - It is, too much for you, to go up to Jerusalem, Lo! thy gods, O Israel, that brought thee up out of the land of Egypt;

And he set the one in Bethel, - and, the other, put he in Dan.

And he made proclamation against the altar, by the word of Yahweh, and said, O altar! altar! Thus, saith Yahweh, - Lo! a son to be born unto the house of David, Josiah his name, who shall sacrifice upon thee the priests of the high-places, who are making a perfume upon thee, and, human bones, shall be burned upon thee;

Then responded the king and said unto the man of God - Appease, I pray thee, the face of Yahweh thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored unto me. So the man of God appeased the face of Yahweh, and the hand of the king was restored unto him, and became as aforetime.

But the man of God said unto the king - If thou wouldst give me the half of thy house, I would not go in with thee, - neither would I eat bread or drink water, in this place;

And their father said unto them, Which way then went he? Now his sons had seen the way which the man of God went who had come in out of Judah.

So he said unto his sons, Saddle for me, the ass. And they saddled for him the ass, and he rode thereon;

and went after the man of God, and found him, sitting under an oak. And he said unto him - Art, thou, the man of God who came in out of Judah? And he said - I am.

Then said he unto him, Come home with me, - and eat bread.

And he said - I may not return with thee, nor go in with thee, - neither will I eat bread or drink water with thee, in this place;

And he said to him-I also, am a prophet, like unto thee, and, a messenger, hath spoken unto me, by the word of Yahweh, saying - Bring him back with thee, into thy house, that he may eat bread, and drink water. He deceived him.

but hast returned, and eaten bread and drunk water, in the place of which he said unto thee, Thou mayest neither eat bread nor drink water: thy dead body shall not enter the burying-place of thy fathers.

And, when the prophet who had brought him back from the way heard of it, he said - The man of God, it is, who rebelled against the bidding of Yahweh, - therefore did Yahweh deliver him unto the lion, and it hath torn him and slain him, according to the word of Yahweh which he spake unto him.

Then said Jeroboam to his wife - Arise, I pray thee, and feign thyself another, that it be not known, that, thou, art the wife of Jeroboam, - and thou shalt go thy way to Shiloh, lo! there, is Ahijah the prophet, who promised I should be king over this people;

But, Yahweh, had said unto Ahijah - Lo! the wife of Jeroboam, coming to enquire something of thee, concerning her son, for he is sick, thus and so, shalt thou speak unto her, - though, when she cometh in, she feign to be a stranger-woman.

So it came to pass, when Ahijah heard the sound of her feet, as she entered the doorway, that he said - Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam, - wherefore, is it that thou art feigning to be a stranger-woman, seeing that, I, am sent unto thee, with something hard to bear?

And it came to pass, when he began to reign, as soon as he sat on his throne, that he smote all the house of Baasha, he left him not even the meanest, - neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends.

In his days, did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho, - At the price of Abiram his firstborn, he laid its foundation, and, at the price of Segub his youngest, he set up its doors, according to the word of Yahweh which he spake through Joshua son of Nun.

Then said Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe in Gilead, unto Ahab, By the life of Yahweh, God of Israel, before whom I stand, there shall not, these two years, be either dew or rain, - save at the bidding of my word.

So he arose and went to Zarephath, and, when he came to the entrance of the city, lo! there, a widow woman gathering sticks, - and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink.

And, as she went to fetch it, he called to her and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread, in thy hand.

And she said - By the life of Yahweh, thy God, verily I have not a cake, only a handful of meal in the jar, and a little oil in the cruse, - and lo! I have been gathering a couple of sticks, so I shall go in and make it ready for me and for my son, that we may eat it - and die!

And Elijah said unto her - Do not fear, go in - make ready according to thy word, - howbeit, make me thereof a little cake, first, and bring it out to me, and, for thyself and thy son, make ready, afterwards.

Then said she unto Elijah, What have I in common with thee, O man of God? Hast thou come unto me, to call to remembrance mine iniquity, and to cause the death of my son?

And he said unto her - Give me thy son. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him unto the upper room, where, he, was staying, and laid him upon his own bed.

Then cried he unto Yahweh, and said, - O Yahweh, my God! Even upon the widow with whom I am sojourning, hast thou brought misfortune by causing the death of her son?

And he stretched himself out upon the boy, three times, and cried unto Yahweh, and said, - O Yahweh, my God! Let the life of this boy, I pray thee, come again within him.

Then Elijah took the boy, and carried him down out of the upper room, into the house, and gave him to his mother, - and Elijah said, See! thy son liveth.

And the woman said unto Elijah, Now, then I know, that, a man of God, thou art, - and that, the word of Yahweh, is in thy mouth, of a truth.

So then Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go, and let us pass throughout the land, unto all the fountains of water, and unto all the ravines, peradventure we may find grass, and save alive horse and mule, and not have more of the beasts cut off.

And so it was, as Obadiah was on the road, that lo! Elijah, met him, - and he recognised him, and fell upon his face, and said - Now art, thou, my lord Elijah?

And he said to him - I, am! Go, say to thy lord: Here, is, Elijah!

And he said - How have I sinned, - that, thou, art delivering thy servant into the hand of Ahab, to put me to death?

By the life of Yahweh thy God, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee, and, when they have said - Nay! he hath taken an oath of the kingdom or the nation, that no one could find thee;

Then said Elijah - By the life of Yahweh of hosts, before whom I stand, to-day, will I show myself unto him.