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And the following night the Lord, having stood by him, said, Cheer up, Paul, for as thou have testified these things about me at Jerusalem, so thou must testify also at Rome.

Now therefore ye with the council report to the chief captain that tomorrow he may bring him down to you, as though going to inquire more accurately the things about him. And we, before he comes near, are prepared to kill him.

And he said, The Jews have agreed to ask thee that to tomorrow thou would bring Paul down to the council, as though going to inquire something more accurately about him.

whom I found accusing about issues of their law, having not one accusation worthy of death or of bonds.

from whom thou will be able, having examined him, to learn about all these things of which we accuse him.

And when the governor gestured to him to speak, Paul answered, Knowing for many years thou being a judge to this nation, I gladly make a defense of these things about myself,

or about this one voice that I cried out standing among them: About a resurrection of the dead I am judged by you this day.

Now Felix, having heard these things, having known more precisely the things about the Way, he deferred them, having said, When Lysias the chief captain comes down, I will determine the things toward you.

And after some days, Felix having arrived with Drusilla, his wife being Jewish, he summoned Paul, and heard him about the faith in Christ.

But Festus, wanting to lay down a favor to the Jews, having answered Paul, said, Are thou willing, after going up to Jerusalem, to be judged there about these things before me?

about whom, when I became in Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews revealed, asking judgment against him.

To whom I answered, that it is not a custom by Romans to give any man freely for destruction, before the man being accused has the accusers in person, and receives an occasion of defense about the accusation.

About whom, when the accusers stood up, they brought not one cause of what I supposed,

but had certain issues against him about his own religion, and about a certain Jesus, who has died, whom Paul was claiming to be alive.

And I, being uncertain of the controversy about this man, asked whether he wants to go to Jerusalem and be judged there about these things.

And Festus says, King Agrippa, and all who are present with us, ye see this man about whom all the multitude of the Jews appealed to me, both at Jerusalem and here, shouting he ought not to live any longer.

About whom I do not have anything certain to write to the lord. Therefore I brought him before you, and especially before thee, king Agrippa, so that, an examination having occurred, I may have something to write.

Concerning all things of which I am accused by the Jews, king Agrippa, I consider myself blessed, being about to make my defense before thee today.

to which our twelve tribes, serving in earnestness night and day, hope to attain, about which hope, king Agrippa, I am accused by the Jews!

For the king knows about these things, before whom I also speak boldly. For I am convinced not any of these things, nothing, to be hidden from him. For this was not done in a corner.

And when it became the fourteenth night, as we were driven about in the Adriatic sea, toward midnight the sailors suspected some region to come near them.

And it came about for the father of Publius to be laid down, gripped by fever and dysentery, to whom Paul, having entered in, and having prayed, having laid his hands on him, healed him.

And from there the brothers, who heard these things about us, came for a meeting with us as far as Appius Forum and The Three Taverns, whom, when Paul saw, having expressed thanks to God, he took courage.

And they said to him, We neither received letters from Judea about thee, nor did any of the brothers who came report or speak anything bad about thee.

But we think it worthy to hear from thee what thou think. For indeed about this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.

And having appointed a day for him, more came to him into his lodging, to whom he expounded, solemnly testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them of the things about Jesus, both from the law of Moses and the prophets, from m

And not being weak in faith he did not regard his body, which was now deadened (being about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb.

God did not thrust away his people whom he foreknew. Or know ye not what the scripture tells by Elijah? How he encounters God about Israel.

but, as it is written, They will see to whom it was not reported about him, and they will understand who have not heard.

For it was declared to me about you, my brothers, by those of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.

I speak shame about you. So there is not among you not even one wise man who will be able to arbitrate between his brother?

Now about the things sacrificed to idols. We know that all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.

Therefore about eating the things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God except one.

Have we no, not a right to lead about a sister wife, as also the other apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?

And about Apollos the brother, I urged him much that he would come to you with the brothers, and it was not at all his will that he should come now, but he will come when he has opportunity.

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about our affliction that happened to us in Asia, because we were extraordinarily weighed down, above strength, so as for us to despair even to be alive.

For we are not commending ourselves again to you, but giving you an opportunity of boasting about us, so that ye may have for those who boast in appearance and not in heart.

Because, if I have boasted anything to him about you, I am not ashamed, but as we spoke all things in truth to you, so also our boast to Titus became truth.

Therefore show ye the proof of your love and our boast about you, for them in the face of the congregations.

For indeed it is superfluous for me to write to you about the service for the sanctified.

For I know your willingness, which I boast about you to the Macedonians, that Achaia was prepared from a year ago. And your zeal provoked the majority.

But I sent the brothers so that our boast about you would not be empty in this regard. So that, as I said, ye may be prepared,

and by their supplication about you, yearning for you because of the transcending grace of God in you.

Whom I sent to you for this same thing, so that ye might know the things about us, and that he might encourage your hearts.

But I hope in Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I also may be cheerful when I know the things about you.

But I rejoiced in Lord greatly that now at last ye have revived thinking about me, in which also ye were thinking, but ye lacked opportunity.

For I want you to know how great a struggle I have about you, and those at Laodicea, and as many as have not seen my face in flesh.

Tychicus will make known to you all things about me, the beloved brother and faithful helper and fellow bondman in Lord.

Whom I sent to you for this same thing, so that he may know the things about you, and may encourage your hearts,

Aristarchus my fellow prisoner salutes you, and Mark, the cousin of Barnabas (about whom ye received orders, if he comes to you, welcome him),

For I testify about him, that he has much zeal for you, and those in Laodicea, and those in Hierapolis.

And we sent Timothy, our brother, and a helper of God, and our fellow workman in the good-news of the Christ, in order to establish you and to encourage you about your faith,

For what thanks can we repay God about you, for all the joy in which we rejoiced because of you before our God,

not to transgress and to cheat his brother in the affair, because the Lord is vengeful about all these things, as also we forewarned you and solemnly testified.

But about the times and the seasons, brothers, ye have no need to be written to you.

desiring to be law teachers, understanding neither what they say, nor about what they confidently assert.

he is puffed up, understanding nothing, but doting about disputes and word controversies, from which develop envy, strife, revilings, evil surmisings,

And by which way Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also do these oppose the truth. Men corrupted in mind, worthless about the faith.

sound speech, irreproachable, so that the man of opposition may be ashamed, having nothing bad to say about us.

Faithful is the saying. And I want thee to strongly insist about these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to manage good works. These things are good and beneficial to men.

For he did not subject the coming world to heavenly agents, about which we speak.

For he spoke somewhere about the seventh this way, And God rested during the seventh day from all his works,

For if Joshua had given them rest, he would not have spoken about another day after these things.

But we are persuaded better things about you, beloved, and things that have salvation, even though we speak this way.

And here indeed, men who die receive tithes, but there, he who is testified about that he lives.

For it is evident that our Lord arose out of Judah, regarding which tribe Moses spoke nothing about the priesthood.