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Now the food made ready for one day was one ox and six fat sheep, as well as fowls; and once in ten days a store of all sorts of wine: but all the same, I did not take the food to which the ruler had a right, because the people were crushed under a hard yoke.

And the Tirshatha said that they were not to have the most holy things for their food, till a priest came to give decision by the Urim and Thummim.

And Ezra took the book, opening it before the eyes of all the people (for he was higher than the people); and when it was open, all the people got to their feet:

Then he said to them, Go away now, and take the fat for your food and the sweet for your drink, and send some to him for whom nothing is made ready: for this day is holy to our Lord: and let there be no grief in your hearts; for the joy of the Lord is your strong place.

And all the people went away to take food and drink, and to send food to others, and to be glad, because the words which were said to them had been made clear.

Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Israel came together, taking no food and putting haircloth and dust on their bodies.

Truly, for forty years you were their support in the waste land, and they were in need of nothing; their clothing did not get old or their feet become tired.

And they took walled towns and a fat land, and became the owners of houses full of all good things, water-holes cut in the rock, vine-gardens and olive-gardens and a wealth of fruit-trees: so they had food enough and became fat, and had joy in the good you gave them.

For they have not been your servants in their kingdom, and in all the good things you gave them, and in the great and fat land you gave them, and they have not been turned away from their evil-doing.

And if the peoples of the lands come to do trade in goods or food on the Sabbath day, that we would do no trade with them on the Sabbath or on a holy day: and that in the seventh year we would take no payment from any debtor.

In those days, I saw in Judah some who were crushing grapes on the Sabbath, and getting in grain and putting it on asses; as well as wine and grapes and figs and all sorts of goods which they took into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day: and I gave witness against them on the day when they were marketing food.

And in every part of the kingdom, wherever the king's word and his order came, there was great sorrow among the Jews, and weeping and crying and going without food; and numbers of them were stretched on the earth covered with dust and haircloth.

Then Mordecai sent this answer back to Esther: Do not have the idea that you in the king's house will be safe from the fate of all the Jews.

Go, get together all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and go without food for me, taking no food or drink night or day for three days: and I and my women will do the same; and so I will go in to the king, which is against the law: and if death is to be my fate, then let it come.

Then on that day Haman went out full of joy and glad in heart; but when he saw Mordecai in the king's doorway, and he did not get to his feet or give any sign of fear before him, Haman was full of wrath against Mordecai.

And the king in his wrath got up from the feast and went into the garden: and Haman got to his feet to make a prayer for his life to Esther the queen: for he saw that the king's purpose was evil against him.

Then Esther again came before the king, falling down at his feet, and made request to him with weeping, that he would put a stop to the evil purposes of Haman the Agagite and the designs which he had made against the Jews.

In these letters the king gave authority to the Jews in every town to come together and make a fight for their lives, and to send death and destruction on the power of any people in any part of the kingdom attacking them or their children or their women, and to take their goods from them by force,

Giving the force of law to these days of Purim at their fixed times, as they had been ordered by Mordecai the Jew and Esther the queen, and in keeping with the rules they had made for themselves and their seed, in connection with their time of going without food and their cry for help.

And a man came to Job, and said, The oxen were ploughing, and the asses were taking their food by their side:

In place of my food I have grief, and cries of sorrow come from me like water.

The old lion comes to his end for need of food, and the young of the she-lion go wandering in all directions.

Their produce is taken by him who has no food, and their grain goes to the poor, and he who is in need of water gets it from their spring.

But trouble is man's fate from birth, as the flames go up from the fire.

When there is need of food he will keep you from death, and in war from the power of the sword.

Does the ass of the fields give out his voice when he has grass? or does the ox make sounds over his food?

Will a man take food which has no taste without salt? or is there any taste in the soft substance of purslain?

My soul has no desire for such things, they are as disease in my food.

If death comes suddenly through disease, he makes sport of the fate of those who have done no wrong.

They go rushing on like reed-boats, like an eagle dropping suddenly on its food.

In the thought of him who is in comfort there is no respect for one who is in trouble; such is the fate of those whose feet are slipping.

Are not words tested by the ear, even as food is tasted by the mouth?

And you put chains on my feet, watching all my ways, and making a limit for my steps;

Though a man comes to nothing like a bit of dead wood, or like a robe which has become food for the worm.

He has no hope of coming safe out of the dark, and his fate will be the sword;

Running against him like a man of war, covered by his thick breastplate; even like a king ready for the fight,

Because his face is covered with fat, and his body has become thick;

And he has made his resting-place in the towns which have been pulled down, in houses where no man had a right to be, whose fate was to become masses of broken walls.

His feet take him into the net, and he goes walking into the cords.

His foot is taken in the net; he comes into its grip.

His strength is made feeble for need of food, and destruction is waiting for his falling footstep.

His skin is wasted by disease, and his body is food for the worst of diseases.

At his fate those of the west are shocked, and those of the east are overcome with fear.

He has taken my brothers far away from me; they have seen my fate and have become strange to me.

His food becomes bitter in his stomach; the poison of snakes is inside him.

He takes down wealth as food, and sends it up again; it is forced out of his stomach by God.

He is forced to give back the fruit of his work, and may not take it for food; he has no joy in the profit of his trading.

You do not give water to the tired traveller, and from him who has no food you keep back bread.

For this cause nets are round your feet, and you are overcome with sudden fear.

Saying, Truly, their substance is cut off, and their wealth is food for the fire.

My feet have gone in his steps; I have kept in his way, without turning to one side or to the other.

Like asses in the waste land they go out to their work, looking for food with care; from the waste land they get bread for their children.

Others go about without clothing, and though they have no food, they get in the grain from the fields.

I was eyes to the blind, and feet to him who had no power of walking.

They are wasted for need of food, biting the dry earth; their only hope of life is in the waste land.

If I have gone in false ways, or my foot has been quick in working deceit;

If I kept my food for myself, and did not give some of it to the child with no father;

He has no desire for food, and his soul is turned away from delicate meat;

For words are tested by the ear, as food is tasted by the mouth.

For by these he gives food to the peoples, and bread in full measure.

Do you go after food for the she-lion, or get meat so that the young lions may have enough,

Who gives in the evening the meat he is searching for, when his young ones are crying to God; when the young lions with loud noise go wandering after their food?

Will the ox of the mountains be your servant? or is his night's resting-place by your food-store?

Without a thought that they may be crushed by the foot, and broken by the beasts of the field?

When it comes to his ears he says, Aha! He is smelling the fight from far off, and hearing the thunder of the captains, and the war-cries.

From there he is watching for food; his eye sees it far off.

See now the Great Beast, whom I made, even as I made you; he takes grass for food, like the ox.

Only put your hand on him, and see what a fight you will have; you will not do it again!

When he gets ready for the fight, the strong are overcome with fear.

And all his brothers and sisters, and his friends of earlier days, came and took food with him in his house; and made clear their grief for him, and gave him comfort for all the evil which the Lord had sent on him; and they all gave him a bit of money and a gold ring.

The nations have gone down into the hole which they made: in their secret net is their foot taken.

Have all the workers of evil no knowledge? they take my people for food as they would take bread; they make no prayer to the Lord.

May the salvation of Israel come out of Zion! when the fate of his people is changed by the Lord, Jacob will have joy and Israel will be glad.

The heavens were bent, so that he might come down; and it was dark under his feet.

I will give them wounds, so that they are not able to get up: they are stretched under my feet.

May he keep all your offerings in mind, and be pleased with the fat of your burned offerings; (Selah.)

Dogs have come round me: I am shut in by the band of evil-doers; they made wounds in my hands and feet.

All the fat ones of the earth will give him worship; all those who go down to the dust will make themselves low before him, even he who has not enough for the life of his soul.

I have a safe resting-place for my feet; I will give praise to the Lord in the meetings of the people.

And you have not given me into the hand of my hater; you have put my feet in a wide place.

The young lions are in need and have no food; but those who are looking to the Lord will have every good thing.

But as for me, when they were ill I put on the clothing of sorrow: I went without food and was sad, and my prayer came back again to my heart.

Let not the foot of pride come against me, or the hand of the evil-doers put me out of my place.

But the wrongdoers will come to destruction, and the haters of the Lord will be like the fat of lambs, they will be burned up; they will go up in smoke, and never again be seen.

Through you will we overcome our haters; by your name will they be crushed under our feet who are violent against us.

Why is your face covered, and why do you give no thought to our trouble and our cruel fate?

He will put down the peoples under us, and the nations under our feet.

Death will give them their food like sheep; the underworld is their fate and they will go down into it; their flesh is food for worms; their form is wasted away; the underworld is their resting-place for ever.