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And he will ride upon a cherub, and will fly: and he will fly upon the wings of the wind.

He will set darkness his covering; his tent round about him darknesses of waters, thick clouds.

From the brightness before him the clouds passed over, hail and coals of fire.

And Jehovah will thunder in the heavens, and the Most High will give his voice; hail and coals of fire.

And the channels of waters will be seen, and the foundations of the habitable globe will be uncovered from thy rebuke, O Jehovah, from the breathing of the spirit of thine anger.

He will send forth from on high, he will take me, he will draw me out of many waters.

They will anticipate me in the day of my calamity, and Jehovah will be a support to me.

Jehovah will recompense me according to my justice, according to the cleanness of my hands he will turn back to me.

For I watched the ways of Jehovah, and I acted not wickedly from my God.

And Jehovah will turn back to me according to my justice, and according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes.

Mine enemies thou gavest the back of the neck to me, and I shall destroy those hating me.

And I will beat them in pieces as dust upon the face of the wind: I will pour them out as the mire of the streets.

Thou wilt deliver me from the contentions of the people; thou wilt set me for head of the nations: a people I knew not shall serve me.

At the hearing of the ear they shall hear to me: sons of the stranger shall feign to me.

Jehovah lives; and and praised be my Rock; and the God of my salvation shall be exalted.

Delivering me from mine enemies: from those rising up thou wilt lift me up: thou wilt deliver me from the man of violence

Their line went forth into all the earth, and their words into the ends of the habitable globe. In them he set a tent for the sun.

From the extremity of the heavens his going forth and his circuits upon their extremities and no hiding from his heat.

Being desirable above gold, and above much pure gold, and being sweet above honey, and the dropping of honey-combs.

Now I knew that Jehovah saved his Messiah; he will answer him from his holy heavens by the strength of the salvation of his right hand.

O Jehovah, save: the king he will answer us in the day of our calling.

To the overseer; chanting of David. O Jehovah, in thy strength shall the king rejoice; and in thy salvation how shall he greatly exult

The desire of his heart thou gavest to him, and the longing of his lips thou didst not withhold. Silence.

For thou wilt anticipate him with praises of goodness: thou wilt set a crown of pure gold to his head.

He asked life from thee; thou gavest to him length of days forever and ever.

For the king trusted in Jehovah, and in the mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved.

Thou wilt set them as a furnace of fire for the time of thy face: Jehovah in his anger will swallow them down, and the fire shall devour them.

Their fruit thou wilt destroy from the earth, and their seed from the sons of man.

I was poured out as water, and all my bones were sundered; my heart was as wax being melted in the midst of my bowels.

My strength was dried up as the potsherd, and my tongue cleaving to my jaws; and thou wilt set me for the dust of death.

For dogs surrounded me: the assembly of those being evil moved round about me: they digged my hands and my feet

And thou, O Jehovah, wilt not be far off: O my strength, hasten to help me.

Deliver my soul from the sword, my only one from the band of the dog.

Save me from the mouth of the lion: and thou didst answer me from the horns of the high.

For he despised not and he abhorred not the afflictions of the bumble; and he hid not his face from him, and in his crying to him he heard.

Of thee my praise in the great convocation: I will complete my vows before them fearing him.

All the fat ones of the earth shall eat and worship before him, and all they going down to dust shall bow down, and he preserved not alive his soul.

Lift up your heads, ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye openings of eternity, and the King of glory shall come in.

Lift up, ye gates, your heads, and be lifted up, ye openings of eternity, and the King of glory shall come in.

Who is he, this King of glory? Jehovah of armies, he is the King of glory. Silence.

The sins of my youth and my transgressions thou wilt not remember: according to thy mercy remember thou for me for sake of thy goodness, O Jehovah.

See mine enemies, for they were many, and they hated me with the hatred of violence.

I hated the convocation of those being evil, and with the unjust I will not sit

O Jehovah, I loved the habitation of thy house, and the place of the dwelling of thine honor.

Thou wilt not gather my soul with the sinning, and my life with men of bloods:

In the drawing near of those doing evil to me, to eat my flesh, adversaries and enemies to me, they were weak and fell

And now he will lift up my head over mine enemies round about me: and I will sacrifice in his tent sacrifices of rejoicing; I will sing and I will play on the harp to Jehovah.

Thou wilt not give me to the soul of him pressing me, for witnesses of falsehood rose up against me, and violence will blow.

Hear the voice of my supplications in my crying to thee, in my lifting up my hands to the oracle of thy holy place.

Give to them according to their work and according to the evil of their doings, according to the word of their hands; give to them, turn back to them their recompense.

For they will not understand for the doing of Jehovah, and for the work of his hands; he will destroy them and he will not build them up.

Chanting of David. Give to Jehovah, ye sons of God, give to Jehovah glory and strength.

The voice of Jehovah broke the cedars; and Jehovah will break the cedars of Lebanon.