71 Bible Verses about Loss

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Then the Sabeans {attacked}, and they took them, and they slew the servants {by the edge of the sword}. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

I brought no mangled carcass to you--I bore its loss. From my hand you sought it, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.

" 'If a man opens a pit or if a man digs a pit and he does not cover it and an ox or a donkey falls into it, the owner of the pit will pay restitution; he will pay silver to its owner, but the dead [animal] will be for him.

If its owner [was] with it, he will not make restitution; if it was hired, it came with its hiring fee.

It happened as the one [was] felling the log, that the iron ax fell into the water. He called out and said, "Oh, no! My master, it was borrowed!"

While this one was still speaking, {another} came and said, "The fire of God fell from the heavens, and it blazed up against the sheep and goats and against the servants, and it consumed them. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

saying to them, "Men, I perceive that the voyage is going {to end} with disaster and great loss, not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives!"

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands for rest-- like a {robber} shall your poverty come, and what you lack like an armed man.

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands for rest, and your poverty will come running, and your lack like an armed warrior.

And after not many days, the younger son gathered everything [and] went on a journey to a distant country, and there he squandered his wealth [by] living wastefully.

And {you will let go your hand from your inheritance} that I gave to you, and I will make you serve your enemies in the land that you do not know, for you kindled a fire in my anger, until eternity it will be kindled."

If Edom says, "We are shattered, but we will return and rebuild [the] ruins," Yahweh of hosts says this: "They may build, but I will tear down; and they will be called a territory of wickedness, and the people [with] whom Yahweh is angry forever."

And Sarah died in Kiriath Arba; that [is] Hebron, in the land of Canaan.

Forty days {were required for it}, for thus [are] the days {required for} embalming. And the Egyptians wept for him seventy days.

All the community saw that Aaron died; so all the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirty days.

And the {Israelites} wept [concerning] Moses thirty days; [finally] the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were completed.

I went [away] full, but Yahweh brought me back empty-handed! Why call me Naomi {when Yahweh has testified against me} and Shaddai has brought calamity upon me?"

It happened on the seventh day that the child died, and the servants of David [were] afraid to tell him that the child [was] dead, for they said, "Look, when the child [was] alive, we spoke to him, but he would not listen to our voice. How can we tell him, 'The child [is] dead'? He may do [something] evil." When David saw that his servants [were] whispering together, he realized that the child [was] dead. Then David said to his servants, "[Is] the child dead?" And they said, "He [is] dead." David stood up from the ground and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothing. Then he went [to] the house of Yahweh and worshiped, and he went to his [own] house. He asked, so they served him food, and he ate.read more.
Then his servants said to him, "What [is] this thing that you have done? While the child [was] alive, you fasted and wept; [now] that the child has died, you get up and eat food!" He said, "When the child [was] still alive, I fasted and I wept because I thought, 'Who knows? Yahweh may have mercy on me that the child will live.' But now he [is] dead. Why [should I be] fasting? [Am] I able to return him again? I [am] going to him, but he cannot return to me."

The child grew older, and it happened one day that he went out to his father [and] to the reapers. Then he said to his father, "My head, my head!" So he said to the servant, "Carry him to his mother." So they carried him and brought him to his mother; he sat on her lap until noon and then died.read more.
She went up, laid him on the bed of the man of God, closed [the door], and went out behind it.

And the word of Yahweh {came} to me, {saying}, "Son of man, look! I [am] taking from you what is pleasing to your eyes with a plague, but you shall not mourn, and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not run down. Sigh in silence [for the] dead; you shall not make a mourning ceremony. Bind your turban on you, and you must put your sandals on your feet. You must not cover your [upper] lip, and the bread of {mourners} you shall not eat."read more.
And I spoke to the people in the morning, and my wife died in the evening, and I did in the morning {just as} I was commanded.

And it happened that on the next [day] he went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him. And as he approached the gate of the town, behold, a man who had died was being carried out, his mother's only son, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. And [when] the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, "Do not weep!"

Then they mourned and wept and fasted over Saul and Jonathan his son until the evening, [as well] as over the people of Yahweh and over the house of Israel because they had fallen by the sword.

At the time this one was speaking, {another} came and said, "Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their firstborn brother's house. And behold, a great wind came from across the desert, and it struck the four corners of the house {so that} it fell upon the young people, and they died. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

Therefore now hear this, luxuriant [one] who sits in security, who says in her heart, "I [am], and besides me [there is] no one. I shall not sit [as] a widow, and I shall not know [the] loss of children." And these two shall come to you [in] a moment, in one day: [the] loss of children and widowhood shall come on you {completely}, in spite of your many sorceries, in spite of the power of your great enchantments.

"He has removed my kinsfolk from me, and my acquaintances have only turned aside from me. My relatives have failed, and my close friends have forgotten me. The sojourners in my house and my slave women count me as a stranger; I have become a foreigner in their eyes.read more.
I call to my servant, but he does not answer; I must {personally} plead with him. My breath is repulsive to my wife, and I am loathsome to {my own family}. Little boys also despise me; [when] I rise, then they talk against me. All {my intimate friends} abhor me, and these [whom] I have loved have turned against me. My bones cling to my skin and to my flesh, and I have escaped by the skin of my teeth. "Pity me, pity me, you my friends, for God's hand has touched me. Why do you pursue me like God? And are not satisfied with my flesh?

Because of all my adversaries I have become a disgrace, especially to my neighbors, and a dread to my acquaintances. [Those who] see me in the street flee from me. I have become forgotten like [one] dead, out of {mind}. I am like a destroyed vessel.

To the married I command--not I, but the Lord--a wife must not separate from [her] husband. But if indeed she does separate, she must remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce [his] wife. Now to the rest I say--not the Lord--if any brother has an unbelieving wife and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her.read more.
And if any wife has an unbelieving husband and he consents to live with her, she must not divorce her husband. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the brother, since otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. But if the unbeliever leaves, let him leave. The brother or the sister is not bound in such [cases]. But God has called us in peace.

So they took all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their provisions, and they left. And they took Lot, the son of the brother of Abram, and his possessions, and left. (Now he had been living in Sodom.)

Then the messenger answered and said, "Israel has fled before [the] Philistines. There has been a great defeat among the troops. Also, your two sons have died, Hophni and Phinehas, and the ark of God has been captured."

So David and his men went to Keilah and fought with [the] Philistines. They drove off their livestock and {dealt them a heavy blow}. So David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.

{Now} when David and his men came [to] Ziklag on the third day, [the] Amalekites had raided [the] Negev and Ziklag. When they attacked Ziklag, they burned it with fire. They took captive the women who were in it, {from the youngest to the oldest}. They did not kill anyone, but carried [them] off and went on their way.

The king of Israel went out and attacked the horses and the chariots and defeated Aram with a great blow.

And Abijah and his people struck a great blow against them, and the dead from Israel [that] fell [were] five hundred thousand chosen men.

Therefore he brought against them the king of the Chaldeans, and he killed their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary. He showed no mercy on a young man, a virgin, [the] elderly, or decrepit. He delivered all into his hand. And all the vessels of the house of God, the great and the small, the storehouses of the house of Yahweh, and the storehouses of the king and his princes, these all he brought to Babylon. And they burned the house of God. And they shattered the walls of Jerusalem and burned its citadels with fire and destroyed all the vessels of its treasuries.read more.
And he took {those who escaped the sword} to Babylon. And they became servants to him and to his sons until the rule of the kingdom of Persia,

and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Be gracious [to] me, O Yahweh, because I have distress. My eye wastes away because of vexation, [along with] my soul and my {body}. For my life is at an end with sorrow, and my years with sighing. My strength stumbles because of my iniquity, and my bones waste away.

When I kept silent, my bones were worn out due to my groaning all the day. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me. My vigor was changed into [the] dry heat of summer. Selah

for my days vanish in smoke, and my bones are charred like a hearth. My heart is struck like grass and withers. Indeed, I forget to eat my bread. Because of the sound of my groaning my bones cling to my skin.

All the day my enemies reproach me; those who mock me swear [oaths] against me.

through glory and dishonor, through slander and good repute, [regarded] as deceivers and [yet] truthful,

Terrors are turned upon me; my honor is pursued as [by] the wind, and my hope of deliverance passed by like a cloud.

[While] the words [were] still in the mouth of the king, a voice from heaven came, [saying], 'To you, King Nebuchadnezzar, [it] is declared that the kingdom has departed from you,

Then the court will sit, and his dominion will be removed, to be eradicated and to be destroyed {totally}.

And he also said to the disciples, "A certain man was rich, who had a manager. And charges were brought to him that this person was squandering his possessions. And he summoned him [and] said to him, 'What is this I hear about you? Give the account of your management, because you can no longer manage.' And the manager said to himself, 'What should I do, because my master is taking away the management from me? I am not strong enough to dig; I am ashamed to beg.

if he stands and walks about in the outside on his staff, the striker will be unpunished; he will only pay for his inactivity {toward his full recovery}."

And [because] considerable time had passed and the voyage was now dangerous because even the Fast was already over, Paul strongly recommended,

A worthless man, an evil man, goes around with {deceitful speech}. Winking in his eye, shuffling in his foot, pointing in his fingers, perversion in his heart, he devises evil; at all times he will send out discord.read more.
Upon {such a man}, suddenly shall his calamity come; in a moment he will be damaged and there is no healing.

with burning flame giving punishment to those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus, who will pay the penalty [of] eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his strength, whenever he should come to be glorified on that day by his saints and to be marveled at by all who believe, because our testimony was believed among you,

But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your life is demanded from you, and [the things] which you have prepared--whose will they be?' So [is] the one who stores up treasure for himself, and who is not rich toward God!"

[that] no one [be] a sexually immoral or totally worldly [person] like Esau, who for one meal traded his own birthright. For you know that also afterwards, [when he] wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, because he did not find an occasion for repentance, although he sought it with tears.

And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain came down and the rivers came and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it collapsed, and its fall was great."

But the one who hears [my words] and does not do [them] is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, which the river burst against, and immediately it collapsed--and the collapse of that house was great!"

My people have become lost sheep, their shepherds have caused them to go astray. They led them away [to the] mountains. From mountain to hill they have gone, they have forgotten their resting place.

For this [reason], I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and will be given to a people who produce its fruits.

But his master answered [and] said to him, 'Evil and lazy slave! You knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather from where I did not scatter [seed]. Then you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and [when I] returned I would have gotten back [what was] mine with interest! Therefore take the talent from him and give [it] to the one who has the ten talents.read more.
For to everyone who has, [more] will be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. And throw the worthless slave into the outer darkness--in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!'

Now if anyone builds upon the foundation [with] gold, silver, precious stones, wood, grass, straw, the work of each one will become evident. For the day will reveal [it], because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the work of each one, of what sort it is. If anyone's work that he has built upon [it] remains, he will receive a reward.read more.
If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, but so as through fire.

For [it is] impossible [concerning] those who have once been enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and become sharers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the coming age, and having fallen away, to renew [them] again to repentance, [because they] have crucified again for themselves the Son of God and held him up to contempt.

who, existing in the form of God, did not consider being equal with God something to be grasped, but emptied himself [by] taking the form of a slave, [by] becoming in the likeness of people. And being found in appearance like a man, he humbled himself [by] becoming obedient to the point of death, that is, death on a cross.read more.
Therefore also God exalted him and graciously granted him the name above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [those] in heaven and of [those] on earth and of [those] under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life on account of me will find it.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life on account of me and of the gospel will save it.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life on account of me, this person will save it.

From Thematic Bible

Loss » Irreparable loss suffered by the impenitent

Revelation 14:11

And the smoke of their torture went up {forever and ever}, and those who worshiped the beast and his image did not have rest day and night, {along with anyone who received} the mark of his name.

Hebrews 6:6

and having fallen away, to renew [them] again to repentance, [because they] have crucified again for themselves the Son of God and held him up to contempt.

Hebrews 12:17

For you know that also afterwards, [when he] wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, because he did not find an occasion for repentance, although he sought it with tears.

Mark 3:29

But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit does not have forgiveness {forever}, but is guilty of [an] eternal sin"--

Loss » Of appetite

1 Samuel 1:7

And so he used to do year after year; {whenever} she went up to the house of Yahweh, she would provoke her so that she would weep and would not eat.

1 Samuel 28:23

But he refused and said, "I will not eat!" However, his servants urged him, and the woman also. So he listened {to what they said}, and he got up from the ground and sat on the bed.

Psalm 107:18

Their soul abhorred all food, and they approached [the] gates of death.

Profit and loss » Loss » The wages of sin do not profit

Ecclesiastes 2:26

For to the person who [is] good in his eyes, he gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and heaping up only to give [it] to [him who is] pleasing to him. This also [is] vanity and chasing wind!

2 Peter 2:13

being harmed [as the] wages of unrighteousness. Considering reveling in the daytime a pleasure, [they are] stains and blemishes, carousing in their deceitful pleasures [when they] feast together with you,

Hebrews 2:2

For if the word spoken through angels was binding and every transgression and act of disobedience received a just penalty,

Job 15:31

Let him not trust in emptiness--he will be deceiving himself-- for worthlessness will be his recompense.

More verses: Job 27:13

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