58 occurrences in 11 translations

'Relief' in the Bible

But after you have crossed the Jordan River and settled in the land that the Lord your God is giving you to inherit, and after you have received relief from the enemies around you and are living securely,

Verse ConceptsSafetyCrossing Into The Promised LandTime Of Peace

So when the Lord your God gives you relief from all the enemies who surround you in the land he is giving you as an inheritance, you must wipe out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven -- do not forget!

Verse ConceptsBlottingBlotted OutTime Of Peace

until the LORD gives relief to your relatives, as he did to you. Then they'll take the land that the LORD your God is giving them as their inheritance. You'll return to the land of your heritage and receive the inheritance that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you on the east side of the Jordan River, in the direction of the sunrise."

Verse ConceptseastBeyond JordanTime Of PeaceRest

She and her daughters-in-law prepared to return from the country of Moab, because she had heard while living there how the LORD had come to the aid of his people, giving them relief.

Verse ConceptsLove, And The WorldDaughters In LawGod Visiting

Whenever an evil spirit from God came to Saul, David would take the lyre and play it. Relief would come to Saul and he would be better, because the evil spirit would leave him.

Verse ConceptsHarpsLeisure, And PastimesMedicineMusiciansTemperamentInstrumentalistsPeople RefreshedMental HealthMental IllnessAtmosphereAnxiety And DepressionDepressioninstrumentssaulDemonic Influence

The king settled into his palace, for the Lord gave him relief from all his enemies on all sides.

Verse ConceptsLand, As A Divine GiftSabbath, In OtRoyal HousesTime Of Peace

when I had commanded judges to administer my people Israel. I'll also grant you relief from all your enemies."'

Verse ConceptsProperty, HousesTime Of Peace

Your servant thought: May the word of my lord the king bring relief, for my lord the king is able to discern the good and the bad like the Angel of God. May the Lord your God be with you.”

Verse ConceptsDiscernment, Nature OfKnowledge Of Good And EvilAngels, DescriptionThe Angel Of GodGod Be With YouLike Angels

Though now, for a moment, grace has been shown from the LORD our God, leaving a few survivors to escape, and providing us a secure hold in his Holy Place, so that our God might enlighten us and give us relief from our servitude.

Verse ConceptsenlightenmentLight, SpiritualRemnantGod Is GraciousPegsA Short TimeSurvivors FavouredShort Time For Actionrevivalspacegraciousness

But as soon as they had relief,they again did what was evil in Your sight.So You abandoned them to the power of their enemies,who dominated them.When they cried out to You again,You heard from heaven and rescued themmany times in Your compassion.

Verse ConceptsGod, Compassion OfAbandonmentRebellion, Of IsraelDoing RepeatedlyGod Paid Attention To Them

Indeed, if you are silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. Who knows but that you were brought to the kingdom for a time like this?"

Verse ConceptsPurimAuthority Of PeopleRight Time For Peopledeliveranceliberationroyalty

The rest of the Jewish people in the king's provinces assembled to defend themselves, and they gained relief from their enemies, killing 75,000 of those who hated them. But they did not lay their hands on the spoils.

Verse ConceptsFifty To Ninety ThousandJews Under ThreatHating PeoplesNumbers Of Foreigners Killed

as the days on which the Jewish people enjoyed relief from their enemies. It was a month when things turned around for them, from sorrow to joy and from mourning to a holiday. They were to celebrate these days as days of feasting and joy, and they were to send presents to one another and gifts to the poor.

Verse ConceptsOvercoming EnemiesPeople Providing FoodRejoicing In God's Works

You bring new witnesses against me, and increase your anger against me; relief troops come against me.

Verse ConceptsGod's IndignationThe Witness Of GodHardship

When a man dies, will he come back to life?If so, I would wait all the days of my struggleuntil my relief comes.

Verse ConceptsThe Finality Of DeathAre The Dead Raised?Death Is FinalstruggleLife StrugglesLife After DeathStrugglesRenewal

Instead, I would encourage you with my mouth,and the consolation from my lips would bring relief.

Verse ConceptsLipsMouthsAfflicted, Duty To ThemMere TalkEncouragementEncouraging Othersencouraginguplifting

“If I have withheld from the poor what they desired,Or have caused the eyes of the widow to look in vain [for relief],

Verse ConceptsNot Helping The PoorNot Helping WidowsHelping OthersSharingHelping The PoorHelping Those In NeedHelping Others In NeedFeeding The Poorhelping

I must speak so that I can find relief;I must open my lips and respond.

Return, O Lord, rescue my soul;Save me because of Your [unfailing] steadfast love and mercy.

Verse ConceptsLove, Nature Ofsoulrelaxation

to give him relief from troubled timesuntil a pit is dug for the wicked.

Verse ConceptsPitsDigging PitsPit Used As TrapsStaying Strong During Hard Times

Zion heard this and was glad,And the daughters (cities) of Judah rejoiced [in relief]Because of Your judgments, O Lord.

When a wise man has a dispute with a fool, the fool either rages or laughs without relief.

Verse ConceptsLawsuitsScoffing

Therefore this is what the Lord GOD of the Heavenly Armies, the one who is Israel's Mighty One, declares: "Now I'll get relief from his enemies and avenge myself on his foes.

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfRetributionGod Executes VengeanceRevengeventing

When the Lord gives you relief from your suffering and anxiety, and from the hard labor which you were made to perform,

Verse ConceptsRest, PhysicalGod Giving RestSuccess And Hard Work

He said, "You will no longer celebrate, oppressed virgin daughter Sidon! Get up, travel to Cyprus, but you will find no relief there."

Verse ConceptsdaughtersSleeplessnessVirginUnrest

We hoped for good fortune, but nothing good has come of it. We hoped for a time of relief, but instead we experience terror.

Verse ConceptsDisappointmentsHealthHope, Nature OfFalse HopesFear Will ComeNo HealingNo PeaceHealth And Healingterrorism

Then I said, "Lord, have you completely rejected the nation of Judah? Do you despise the city of Zion? Why have you struck us with such force that we are beyond recovery? We hope for peace, but nothing good has come of it. We hope for a time of relief from our troubles, but experience terror.

Verse ConceptsHealingHope, In GodHope, Nature OfPeace, Human Search ForZion, As A SymbolSmitten CheeksFear Will ComeGod Hating PeopleNo HealingNo PeaceHope And Healing

צ TsadeThe hearts of the people cry out to the Lord.Wall of Daughter Zion,let your tears run down like a riverday and night.Give yourself no reliefand your eyes no rest.

Verse ConceptsAffliction Day And NightWeepingCrying To GodFigurative WallsEyes Cared ForNo Comfort

My tears pour down ceaselessly; I am far from relief

Verse ConceptsUnceasingContinual Hardship

When they fall, they'll be given some relief, but many will join them by pretending to be sympathetic to their cause.

Verse ConceptsFlatteryFlattery, Used By The WickedPeople HelpingNations UnitedThose Who DeceivedHypocrisy

The LORD God prepared a vine plant, and it grew over Jonah to shade his head and provide relief from his misery. Jonah was happy indeed, he was ecstatic about the vine plant.

Verse ConceptsHappinessExcitementGod Appointing OthersRejoicing In Reliefprovidingbugsjonah

There is no relief for your breakdown,Your wound is incurable.All who hear about youWill clap their hands over you,For on whom has not your evil passed continually?

Verse ConceptsClappingApplauseWoundsIn One AnotherPeople Actually Doing EvilBruisesHope And Healing

The seacoast will belongTo the remnant of the house of Judah;They will pasture [their flocks] on it.In the [deserted] houses of Ashkelon [in Philistia] they [of Judah] will lie down and rest in the evening,For the Lord their God will care for them;And restore their fortune [permitting them to occupy the land].

Verse ConceptsLiving In HousesCoastlandsLying Down To RestSurvivors FavouredGod's Interventionfatemindfulness

Before that time there was no compensation for man or animal, nor was there any relief from adversity for those who came and went, because I had pitted everybody -- each one -- against everyone else.

Verse ConceptsSafetyWagesUnrestBoth Men And Animals AffectedFighting One AnotherNo Peace

Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea:

Verse ConceptsGood FriendsBenevolencePeople HelpingAccording To Things

After they had completed their relief mission, Barnabas and Saul returned to Jerusalem, taking along John who is called Mark.

Verse ConceptsMissionaries, Task OfMissionaries

But for now, I am going to Jerusalem to serve the saints (Jewish believers).

Verse ConceptsApostles, Function In Early ChurchServing Groupsjerusalemministering

for Macedonia and Greece have kindly contributed a certain sum in relief of the poor among God's people, in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsCollectionsMoney, Stewardship OfPoverty, Causes OfPoverty, Remedies ForRiches, Believers AttitudesGiving To The Poor

[and pray] that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints (Jewish believers) there;

Verse ConceptsMinistry, Qualifications ForRescueSaintsUnbelief, Results Of Being GuiltyGod Saving From EnemiesServing Groups

Now concerning the money collected for [the relief of] the saints [in Jerusalem], you are to do the same as I directed the churches of Galatia to do.

Verse ConceptsCollections

but my spirit could not find any relief, because I couldn't find Titus, my brother. So I said goodbye to them and went on to Macedonia.

Verse ConceptsPainFriendship, Examples Ofrelaxationgoodbyes

begging us insistently for the privilege of participating in the service for [the support of] the saints [in Jerusalem].

Verse ConceptsImportunity, Towards PeopleParticipation, In ChristSacrificial GivingGiving To The PoorPrivileges of saintsSharing

I give you my opinion in this matter: this is to your advantage, who were the first to begin a year ago not only to take action [to help the believers in Jerusalem], but also [the first] to desire to do it.

Verse ConceptsGood Human AdviceOpinionsOne YearRight DesiresMan's Work FinishedCompetition

It is not that there may be relief for others and hardship for you, but it is a question of equality—

Verse ConceptsHelping OthersHard WorkHardshipHelping Others In Needfairnessrelaxation

and from Jesus, who is called Justus. These are the only fellow workers for the kingdom of God who are from the circumcision (Jewish Christians), and they have proved to be an encouragement and a comfort to me.

Verse ConceptsFellow WorkersSuffering, Encouragements InCircumcision PartyPeople Encouraging OthersKingdom Of God

borne witness to in good works, if she have brought up children, if she have exercised hospitality, if she have washed saints' feet, if she have imparted relief to the distressed, if she have diligently followed every good work.

Verse ConceptsFoot washingFeet Washingethics, personalProperty, HousesReputationSaintsAfflicted, Duty To ThemHospitalityWives, DressTravellersLoving ForeignersClean FeetCare Of FeetDoing GoodRaising ChildrenHelping Those In NeedPetsGrandmothers

If any believing man or woman have widows, let them impart relief to them, and let not the assembly be charged, that it may impart relief to those that are widows indeed.

Verse ConceptsBelieversMoney, Stewardship OfPoverty, Remedies ForLove Between RelativesRemoving BurdensPeople HelpingEach Local Church

Bible Theasaurus

Backup (1 instance)
Easing (1 instance)
Ministration (34 instances)
Substitute (10 instances)
Succor (6 instances)
Succour (4 instances)

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