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John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins [that is, requiring a change of one’s old way of thinking, turning away from sin and seeking God and His righteousness].

John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a beast's skin about his loins. And he did eat locusts and wild honey,

and saying, “The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life] and believe [with a deep, abiding trust] in the good news [regarding salvation].”

“Why does this man talk that way? He is blaspheming; who can forgive sins [remove guilt, nullify sin’s penalty, and assign righteousness] except God alone?”

And He continued to speak, "What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? Or, what parable will [best] illustrate it?

So they went out and preached that men should repent [that is, think differently, recognize sin, turn away from it, and live changed lives].

Others said, "He is Elijah." Others said, "He is a prophet, like one of the prophets from the past."

And seeing that they had trouble in getting their boat through the water, because the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea; and he would have gone past them;

but your doctrine is this, if any one shall tell his father or his mother, that what he could bestow for their relief, is corban, that is, to be given to the temple;

Then He laid His hands upon his eyes again, and he looked the best he could and was cured, and saw everything distinctly.

Then some [parents] were bringing [their] little children to Jesus so He could touch them [i.e., to bestow a blessing on them], but His disciples spoke harshly to these parents [for doing this].

But when that misery is past, in those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not yield her light,

And Jesus said, Let her go; why bestow ye weariness upon her? she has wrought a good work upon me.

And hearing what he said, they were glad, and gave him their word to make him a payment of money. And he took thought how he might best give him up to them.