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Now those around Paul, having launched from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia. But John, having departed from them, returned to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsSeafaringProvincesInstabilityPeople Abandoning PeopleMissionaries

And Paul having stood up, and having motioned with the hand, he said, Men, Israelites, and those who fear God, listen.

Verse ConceptsListeningevangelising

Now after the synagogue was dismissed, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, while conversing, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofDevout MenGrace, And Christian LifeJudaismProselytesPersevering To The EndMany In The Church

But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled of envy, and contradicted the things spoken by Paul, contradicting and slandering.

Verse ConceptsJealousyPersecution, Forms OfEnvy, Example OfContradictingMaking Israel Jealous

But having spoken boldly, Paul and Barnabas said, It was necessary for the word of God to be spoken first to you, but since ye thrust it away, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtCourage, In Facing EnemiesBoldness, Proclaiming Gospeldenial of Jesus ChristNecessityRejection Of GodRejection Of God's CallUnworthinessAdvice, Rejecting God's AdvicePreaching Gospel To ForeignersNot Maintaining LifeTo The Jew Firstholy Boldness

But the Jews incited the religious women, and the prominent women, and the principle men of the city, and raised up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas. And they threw them out of their boundaries.

Verse ConceptsDevout MenIntoleranceInciting To EvilUnbelief, As Response To GodPersecution, OriginPersecution Of The Apostle Paul

This man was listening to Paul speaking, who, having gazed at him, and having seen that he has faith to be healed,

Verse ConceptsLooking Intently At PeopleHow Healing CameFaith And Healing

And the multitudes who saw what Paul did, lifted up their voice, speaking Lycaonian, The gods came down to us, having become like men.

Verse ConceptsLanguages Mentioned In ScriptureBecoming Like PeopleLike MenMen As Gods

And they actually called Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the man who led the word.

Verse ConceptsPagan GodsFalse GodsBarnabasMythologyAcclaimingSpokesmen

But when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard, having torn their garments, they rushed into the crowd, crying out

Verse ConceptsTearing Of ClothesClothing, Tearing OfApostles, DescriptionIndividuals RunningThose Who Tore Clothes

But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium. And having persuaded the crowds, and having stoned Paul, they dragged him out of the city, after presuming him to be dead.

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentevangelists, ministry ofPersuasionInciting To EvilStoningPersecution Of The Apostle PaulPulling PeopleAttempting To Kill Specific People

Therefore, no small dissension and debate having developed with Paul and Barnabus against them, they appointed Paul and Barnabas, and some other men from them, to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem about thi

Verse Conceptselders, in the churchBelieversVisitingDissensionDisputesMan AppointingThe Apostles In ActionResolving Conflict

And all the multitude kept silent, and they heard Barnabas and Paul describing how many signs and wonders God did among the Gentiles through them.

Verse ConceptsGentiles, In NtSilenceIndividuals Being SilentOther MiraclesSigns And Wonders Of The Gospel

Then it was decided by the apostles and the elders, with the whole assembly, to send men chosen from them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas, namely, Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, leading men among the brothers,

Verse ConceptsVisitingChoosing PeoplePeople Sending PeopleThe Apostles In Action

it was decided by us, having become unanimous, to send chosen men to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,

Verse ConceptsChoosing PeoplePeople Sending People

But Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching good-news, the word of the Lord, with many others also.

Verse ConceptsTeachersPreaching, Content OfPreaching, Importance OfTeachingChristian TeachersTeaching In The Church

And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, After returning, surely we could help our brothers in every city in which we proclaimed the word of the Lord, how they fare.

Verse ConceptsLordship, Human And DivineConverts To ChristianityMissionariesChristians Being Called Brothers

But Paul thought it not worthy to bring along this man who withdrew from them from Pamphylia, and not having gone with them to the work.

Verse ConceptsPeople Abandoning PeopleNot With PeopleMissionaries

but Paul, having selected Silas, went forth after being delivered to the grace of God by the brothers.

Verse ConceptsFellowship, In Christian ServiceMissionaries, Support ForMissionaries, Call OfPeople Sending People

Paul wanted this man to go forth with him. And having taken him, he circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those regions, for they had all seen that his father was a Greek.

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalMissionary Work, Examples OfGoing TogetherIsrael HardenedJews

And a vision appeared to Paul during the night. A certain Macedonian man was standing, imploring him, and saying, After crossing over into Macedonia, help us.

Verse ConceptsGod, Revelation OfInvitationsSleep, PhysicalStandingVisions And Dreams In ScriptureVisions At NightThose Who Saw VisionsPeople Helping

And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, a woman who worshiped God, was listening, whose heart the Lord opened to heed the things being spoken by Paul.

Verse ConceptsHearingListeningColors, PurpleReceptivenessResponseProselytesThe Act Of OpeningOpening To OthersPurple ClothMissionariesevangelising

And she did this on many days. But Paul, after being exasperated, and having turned, he said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it came out the same hour.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsCommands, in NTDemons, Christ's AuthoritySpiritual DiscernmentMiracles, Nature OfSatan, Resistance ToMiracles Of PaulPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristNamed People Angry With OthersnaggingDemonic Influence

But when her masters saw that the hope of their business was gone, having seized Paul and Silas, they dragged them into the marketplace to the rulers.

Verse ConceptsArrestingFalse Witnesses,examples OfHope, Nature OfLove, Abuse OfMarketsMarketplacesPulling People

But Paul cried out in a great voice, saying, Do nothing harmful to thyself, for we are all here.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals ShoutingHarming OneselfIn Men's PresenceChanging Yourselfoverworking

And having asked for lights, he rushed in, and having become trembling, he fell down before Paul and Silas.

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfTremblingConviction Of SinIndividuals Trembling

And the jailor reported these words to Paul: The magistrates have sent out so that ye may be released. Now therefore after coming out, go in peace.

Verse ConceptsPrison Keepers

But Paul said to them, Having beaten us publicly, uncondemned men, being Romans, they cast us into prison, and now they thrust us out privately? Certainly not, but after coming, they shall lead us out.

Verse ConceptsApologizingempiresPersecution, Forms OfPunishment, Legal Aspects OfRoman CitizensBeating BelieversSpreading StoriesAvoiding SecrecyBringing People Out Of Other PlacesNo JusticeCitizenstrailsjail

And according to Paul's custom, he went in to them, and for three Sabbaths he discoursed with them from the Scriptures,

Verse ConceptsCustomHabitsLord's Day, TheSabbath, In NtSynagogueDiscussionsThree Other ThingsOn The SabbathUse Of The Scriptures

And some of them were persuaded, and joined with Paul and Silas, and of the devout Greeks a great quantity, and of the prominent women not a few.

Verse ConceptsDevout MenGreeksReverence, And ObedienceConverts To ChristianityProselytesJoined To The ChurchThose Who Believed In Christ

And the brothers straightaway sent both Paul and Silas away through the night to Berea, who, when they arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofDuring One Night

But when the Jews of Thessalonica also learned that the word of God was proclaimed by Paul at Berea, they came there also, agitating the crowds.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Responses ToPreaching, Effects OfInciting To EvilSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfUnbelief, As Response To GodIsrael Hardened

But then straightaway the brothers sent Paul away to go as far as to the sea, but both Silas and Timothy remained there.

And those who brought Paul led him as far as Athens. And after taking a command for Silas and Timothy, that they should come to him quickly, they departed.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofPaul, Life Of

But while Paul waited for them in Athens, his spirit was aroused within him, seeing the city being completely idolatrous.

Verse ConceptsLeisure, And PastimesMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinWaitingCitiesPolytheismPeople WaitingIdolatryAngry PeopleHinduism

And having stood in the middle of the Areopagus, Paul said, Athenian men, I perceive you as deity-fearing in all things.

Verse ConceptsAudiencesflexibility

And so Paul departed from among them.

Verse ConceptsLeaving

And after these things Paul having separated from Athens, he came to Corinth.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofPaul, Life Ofcultureartistsgames

And when both Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was being held by the Spirit, fully testifying to the Jews, Jesus the Christ.

Verse ConceptsPreaching, Content OfPreaching, Importance OfPreaching ChristSaid To Be The ChristSalvation For IsraelSubsequent Witness To ChristNervousness

But Gallio being proconsul of Achaia, the Jews with one accord attacked Paul and brought him to the judgment seat,

Verse ConceptsProconsulDerisionProvincesPersecution Of The Apostle Paul

But when Paul was going to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, If therefore indeed it were some crime or evil reckless deed, O ye Jews, I would have tolerated you according to the matter.

But Paul, who still remained considerable days with the brothers, having separated, sailed away to Syria (and with him Priscilla and Aquila), having shaved his head in Cenchrea, for he had a vow.

Verse ConceptsBaldness, UnnaturalBarbersBaldnessHairsSeafaringVowsAquilaCutting HairSea Travelsyriagoodbyes

And it came to pass while Apollos was at Corinth, for Paul, having passed through the upper regions, to come to Ephesus. And having found some disciples,

Verse ConceptsFindingRoadsflexibility

And Paul said, John indeed immersed an immersion of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe in him who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus, the Christ.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Necessity OfJohn's BaptismBelieve In Christ!Signs Of RepentanceBaptism

And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul,

Verse ConceptsOther MiraclesMiracles

But some of the wandering Jewish exorcists, attempted to name the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had the evil spirits, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul proclaims.

Verse ConceptsMagical Arts, Practice Ofdriving outSuperstitionAdjurationWanderersPeople Casting Out DemonsIn The Name Of ChristThose DemonisedDemonsCasting Out Demons

And having answered, the evil spirit said, I know Jesus and I recognize Paul, but who are ye?

Verse ConceptsKnowing PeopleWho Is This?DemonsEclipseCasting Out DemonsrecognitionDemonic Influence

Now when these things were fulfilled, Paul decided in the spirit, after passing through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, having said, After becoming there, I must also see Rome.

Verse ConceptsempiresNecessityRomeVisitingLed By The Spirit

And ye see and hear, that not only at Ephesus, but almost in all Asia, this man Paul, having persuaded them, turned away a considerable multitude, saying that there are no gods made by hands.

Verse ConceptsFalse ReligionPolytheism

And the whole city was filled with the confusion. And they rushed with one accord into the theatre, having seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians, traveling companions of Paul.

Verse ConceptsConfusion, Nature OfTumultDisorder Among People

And when Paul wanted to enter in to the crowd, the disciples did not let him.

And after the uproar ceased, Paul having summoned the disciples and having embraced them, he departed to go into Macedonia.

Verse ConceptsExcitementSoundSilencegoodbyes

And a certain young man named Eutychus sitting in the window, being carried away by deep sleep (Paul discoursing on more), being carried away by sleep, he fell down below from the third floor, and was taken up dead.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Means OfSleep, PhysicalPeople Falling From A HeightThree Parts Of ConstructionsBad LuckteenagerFalling Backwards

But Paul having come down, he fell on him, and having embraced him he said, Be not troubled, for his life is in him.

Verse ConceptsEmbracingDo Not Be AnxiousLiving OnOvercoming Hard Times

But we, having gone ahead to the ship, went up to Assos, intending from there to take up Paul, for so it was arranged, he himself intending to go on foot.

Verse ConceptsThe NavyParticular JourneysSea TravelPeople Going Beforesailing

For Paul determined to sail past Ephesus, so that he might not happen to lose time in Asia. For he was hastening, if it were possible, for him to become at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.

Verse ConceptseagernessPentecostHasty ActionFeast Of Weeks [Pentecost]sailing

And there developed considerable weeping of all. And having fallen on Paul's neck, they kissed him much,

Verse ConceptsPeople KissingArmsKissingLove, For One AnotherSorrowKissesgoodbyes

And having found disciples (we remained there seven days) who said to Paul through the Spirit not to go up to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsWeeksSeven DaysWarning IndividualsSpeaking By The Spirit

And on the morrow, after going forth, those around Paul came to Caesarea. And having entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, being of the seven, we dwelt with him.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofGuestsHospitality, Examples OfProphetessHospitalityTravellersSeven PeopleThe Next DayEvangelism

And having come to us, and having taken Paul's belt, having bound both his feet and hands, he said, The Holy Spirit says these things: Thus the Jews in Jerusalem will bind the man whose belt this is, and will deliver him into the h

Verse ConceptsBeltsWarning IndividualsSuffering From ForeignersSpeaking By The SpiritTying Up

And on the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present.

Verse Conceptselders, in the churchGoing To ChurchThe Elderlyelders

Then Paul, having taken the men on the following day, having been purified with them, entered into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of purification, until the offering was offered for each one of them.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfGiving InformationPurifying Oneselfaccomplishment

For they were men who saw Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with him, whom they supposed that Paul brought into the temple.

Verse ConceptsInterlopers In The Temple

And the whole city was moved, and there developed a running together of the people. And having taken Paul they dragged him out of the temple, and straightaway the doors were shut.

Verse ConceptsArrestingShutting GatesPulling People

And immediately after taking soldiers and centurions, he ran down to them. And they, when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, stopped beating Paul.

Verse ConceptsOfficersSoldiersCessationStopping FightingGroups RunningBeating Believers

and as Paul was going to be brought into the fort, he says to the chief captain, Is it permitted for me to speak to thee? And he said, Thou know Greek?

Verse ConceptsLanguages Mentioned In Scripture

But Paul said, I am really a Jewish man of Tarsus of Cilicia, a citizen of no insignificant city. And I beg thee, allow me to speak to the people.

Verse ConceptsPaul, Life OfRoman CitizensAddressing SomeoneCitizens

And having permitted him, Paul, having stood on the steps, motioned his hand to the people. And when a great hush developed, he called out in the Hebrew language, saying,

And as they stretched him out with the thongs, Paul said to the centurion who stood by, Is it permitted for you to scourge a Roman man, and uncondemned?

Verse ConceptsempiresRevenge, And RetaliationRoman CitizensScourgingBreaking Man's LawNo CondemnationTying UpCitizens

And the chief captain answered, Of a great sum I obtained this citizenship. And Paul said, But then I was born so.

Verse ConceptsCivil LibertyExpensiveCitizensReligious Freedomserenity

But on the morrow, wanting to know the certainty of why he was accused by the Jews, he loosed him from the bonds, and commanded the chief priests and all their council to come. And having brought Paul down, he set him before them.

Verse ConceptsChief priestsAccusations, Against Early Christians

And Paul, after looking intently at the council, said, Men, brothers, I have been a citizen in all good conscience to God until this day.

Verse ConceptsClear ConsciencesConsciences, Description OfMan's Conduct Towards GodLooking Intently At PeopleconscienceClear Conscience Before God

Then Paul said to him, God is going to smite thee, a whitewashed wall. Thou even sit judging me according to the law, and violating law, thou command me to be struck?

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In NtInjustice, Nature And Source OfJudgment SeatSittingWallsWhiteDenunciationsFigurative WallsGod Beating PeopleWhitewashingBreaking God's Law

And Paul said, I had not known, brothers, that he is high priest, for it is written, Thou shall not speak ill of a ruler of thy people.

Verse ConceptsApologizingethics, socialCivic DutiesHonouring RulersResistanceSelf DefenceMagistratesIs It Really?Attitudes Towards Kings

But when Paul ascertained that the one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men, brothers, I am a Pharisee, son of a Pharisee. About the hope and resurrection of the dead I am judged.

Verse ConceptsHope Object OfHope, As ConfidenceResurrection, Of BelieversSanhedrinStandingJewish SectsThe Dead Are Raisedgroupszealotspharisees

And a great conflict having developed, the chief captain, having been alarmed lest Paul might be torn apart by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him away from the midst of them, and bring him into the fort.

Verse ConceptsCommanderCommands, in NTCastlesSecurityFear, Of DeathPersecution Of The Apostle PaulPeople Torn To PiecesChiliarchs

And the following night the Lord, having stood by him, said, Cheer up, Paul, for as thou have testified these things about me at Jerusalem, so thou must testify also at Rome.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofempiresGuidance, Results OfMissionaries, Task OfNecessityNightRomeWitnesses, To Jesus ChristVisions At NightWitness To The GospelWitnessingtestimonyfollowing

And when it became day, some of the Jews, having made a conspiracy, put themselves under a curse, saying neither to eat nor to drink until they would kill Paul.

Verse ConceptsFasting, Nature OfMorningRevenge, Examples OfPlottingVindictivenessAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleVowing To FastPeople Bound By OathsConspiracySwearing

who, having come near to the chief priests and the elders, said, We have put ourselves under a curse, a curse to taste of nothing until we would kill Paul.

Verse Conceptselders, as community leadersChief priestsTasteAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleVowing To FastPeople Bound By Oaths

But the son of Paul's sister, having heard of the ambush, having come and entered into the fort, he informed Paul.

Verse ConceptsAmbushThings Revealed

And Paul, having called one of the centurions, said, Take this young man to the chief captain, for he has something to inform him.

Verse ConceptsChiliarchs

Indeed therefore having taken him, he brought him to the chief captain, and says, Paul the prisoner, having called me, asked me to bring this young man to thee, who has something to say to thee.

Verse ConceptsChiliarchs

And he said, The Jews have agreed to ask thee that to tomorrow thou would bring Paul down to the council, as though going to inquire something more accurately about him.

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Example OfInvestigating

And provide beasts, so that after mounting Paul, they may bring him safely to Felix the governor,

Verse ConceptsGovernorsRankSafetyRiding Horses

Indeed therefore, the soldiers, according to that which was precisely arranged for them, having taken Paul, they brought him through the night to Antipatris.

Verse ConceptsDuring One Night

who, after coming to Caesarea and having delivered the letter to the governor, also presented Paul to him.

And after five days Ananias the high priest came down with the elders, and a certain orator, Tertullus, who appeared to the governor against Paul.

Verse ConceptsAttorneyGovernorsHigh Priest, In NtFour Or Five DaysPeople Accusing People

And when the governor gestured to him to speak, Paul answered, Knowing for many years thou being a judge to this nation, I gladly make a defense of these things about myself,

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofJudgesSelf DefenceCheerfulnessMan Defending

He also arranged for the centurion to guard Paul, and to have reduced confinement, and to forbid none of his own men to serve or to come to him.

Verse ConceptsCenturionGuardsPeople Set Free By Peoplerelaxation

And after some days, Felix having arrived with Drusilla, his wife being Jewish, he summoned Paul, and heard him about the faith in Christ.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds of

He also hoped simultaneously that money would be given him by Paul so that he might free him. And so, summoning him more frequently, he conversed with him.

Verse ConceptsGovernorsHope, Nature OfLove, Abuse OfMoney, Uses OfCovetousness, Example OfConversationFinances

But two years having been fulfilled, Felix received a successor, Porcius Festus. And wanting to lay down favors to the Jews, Felix left behind Paul bound.

Verse ConceptsMen PleasersBad Decision Making ExamplesPopularityPleasing MenPopularity Sought

And the high priest and the principal men of the Jews appeared to him against Paul, and urged him,

Verse ConceptsChief priestsFalse Accusations, Examples OfPeople Accusing People