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When they were arrived there, they went up into an upper room, where Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alpheus, Simon the Zelot, and Judas the brother of James used to resort,

As the lame man who was cured, held Peter and John, the people all in surprize ran to Solomon's porch, where they were.

where they produc'd false witnesses, who said, this man is continually inveighing against the holy place, and against the law.

thereupon he went out of Chaldea, and dwelt in Charran: from thence, after his father's death, he removed him to this very country where you now dwell.

God declar'd likewise, "that his posterity should sojourn in a strange land, where they should be enslaved and abused four hundred years.

in the mean time a famine spread over all the land of Egypt and Chanaan, so that our fathers did not know where to get provisions.

and went to reside in the land of Madian, where he became the father of two sons.

then said the Lord to him, "put off thy shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest is holy ground.

which our fathers and Joshua having receiv'd, they carry'd it into the territory of those nations whom God drove out upon their arrival: where it staid to the time of David, who was favoured by God,

where he was three days without sight, and did neither eat nor drink.

where finding a man named Eneas, a paralytic, who had kept his bed eight years,

the next day they arriv'd at Cesarea: where Cornelius expected them, having invited his kinsmen and intimate friends, to his house.

and as he discours'd with him, he went in, where finding many persons assembled; you know,

at that very instant three men, dispatch'd from Cesarea to me, were just arrived at the house, where I was.

then recollecting where he was, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, surnam'd Mark, where many were assembled at prayers.

Herod having caus'd diligent search to be made, without being able to find him, after examining the guards, he order'd them to execution. after which he departed from Judea, and went to Cesarea, where he resided.

Herod was then making warlike preparations against the Tyrians, and Sidonians: but they unanimously sent a deputation to court: where having gain'd Blastus the king's chamberlain, they brought matters to an accommodation: for their country was subsisted by the king's territorys.

being thus appointed missionarys by the holy spirit, they went to Seleucia, where they embark'd for Cyprus.

after which Paul and his company set out from Paphos to Perga in Pamphilia, where John quitted them in order to return to Jerusalem.

Being arriv'd at Iconium, they went both together to the Jewish synagogue, where they discours'd in such a manner, that a great number both of Jews and of Greeks believed.

from thence they sailed to Antioch, where they had been recommended to the favour of God, for the commission, which they had now discharg'd.

Being thus dispatch'd, they went to Antioch; where having assembled all the faithful, they deliver'd the letter: from the reading of which,

where Paul and Barnabas continued, teaching and preaching the doctrine of the Lord, with many others.

Some time after, Paul said to Barnabas, let us return to visit all those cities, where we have preach'd the word of the Lord, to see what condition the brethren are in.

Paul arrived then at Derbe and Lystra, where there was a disciple named Timothy, whose mother was a Jewish convert, but his father a Greek.

then they quitted the prison, and went to Lydia's house, where finding the brethren, they gave them an exhortation, and departed.

Having pass'd thro' Amphipolis and Apollonia, they arriv'd at Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue.

but not finding them, they dragg'd Jason and some of the brethren to the magistrates, crying out, these that have been every where the disturbers of the publick peace, are come hither also, and have been entertain'd by Jason.

Immediately the brethren sent away Paul and Silas by night to Berea, where being arriv'd, they went into the synagogue.

however Paul's guides attended him to Athens: where they left him, after having received his orders for Silas and Timothy to come to him with all speed.

where having found a Jew nam'd Aquila, a native of Pontus, who lately came from Italy, with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had order'd all the Jews to quit Rome; he went to them:

being arriv'd at Ephesus, he left them there, and went himself to the synagogue, where he disputed with the Jews,

having sail'd from Ephesus, he went ashore at Cesarea, where he saluted the church, and then proceeded to Antioch.

after he had stay'd there some time, he departed and pass'd through all Galatia and Phrygia, where he encourag'd the disciples.

Whilst Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having pass'd through the upper provinces of Asia, arrived at Ephesus, where finding some disciples, he said to them,

At length Paul went to the synagogue, where he spoke with great freedom, and for three months he conferr'd with them to persuade them of the truth of the evangelical kingdom.

after the feast of unleaven'd bread we sail'd from Philippi, and in five days we join'd them at Troas, where we stay'd seven.

in the upper chamber where we were assembled, several lamps were burning:

where by appointment Paul was to be taken aboard, designing himself to go thither by land.

where finding a vessel bound to Phoenicia, we went aboard, and put off.

having made Cyprus, leaving it to the North, we took our course to Syria, and landed at Tyre, where the ship was to unlade her cargo.

that time being ended, we departed, being conducted by them in a body with the women and children quite out of the city, where we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed.

the next day Paul went with us to James, where all the pastors assembled.

bawling out, "men of Israel, help: this is the man that every where inveighs upon all occasions against the people, against the law, and against this place, where they have brought Greeks too to profane this holy place."

this the high-priest and the senate know too well: from them I receiv'd my warrant directed to the Jews of Damascus, where I went, to bring the converts there in chains to Jerusalem, in order to be punished.

"The happiness our nation enjoys, most noble Felix, by the wisdom of your administration, affects us too sensibly not to be acknowledg'd every where, and upon all occasions, with the utmost gratitude.

Festus answer'd, that Paul was in custody at Cesarea, where he design'd to be himself e'er long:

"I stand, said Paul, to the tribunal of Cesar, where I ought to be judged. to the Jews I have done no wrong, as you yourself very well know.

what course of life I led at Jerusalem, where I was brought up from my youth among those of my own nation, is known to all the Jews.

where numbers of converts I threw into jail, by warrant from the high priests: and when they were put to death, I myself was an accomplice.

the next day we touch'd at Sidon, where the centurion, who was very civil to Paul, gave him leave to go, and refresh himself at his friends.

for as that haven could not cover us from the storm, most were of opinion to bear away, and try to put in at Phenice, where we could ride safe, the port lying by south-west, and north-west.

at day-break they made an unknown land, with a creek, where they resolv'd, if it were possible, to run the ship ashore.

when falling into the confluence of two currents, they ran the ship a-ground: where the fore-castle stuck fast and would not give, but her stern was shatter'd by the violence of the waves.

where finding some brethren, they desir'd us to stay with them seven days, after which we set out for Rome:

but we should be glad to know your sentiments: for as to this sect, we are sensible it is every where inveigh'd against.

Having therefore set him a day, they came in great numbers to his lodgings; where he explain'd and confirm'd the reality of the gospel-dispensation, from morning to night, enforcing what the writings of Moses and the prophets had affirm'd concerning Jesus.