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And they became friends - both Herod and Pilate - on the self-same day, one with another; for they had previously been at enmity between themselves.

And, as he was reasoning of righteousness, and self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix, becoming greatly afraid, answered - For the present, be going thy way, and, when I find an opportunity, I will send for thee, -

In order that ye may give her welcome in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and stand by her in any matter wherein she may have need of you; for, she also, hath proved to be a defender of many, and of my own self.

meekness, self-control; - against such things as these, there is no law.

The which things, indeed, though they have, an appearance, of wisdom, in self-devised religious observance, and lowliness of mind, and ill-treatment of body, are, in no honourable way, unto a satisfying of the flesh.

Knowing that such a one is perverted, and sinneth, being self-condemned.