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Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Yet shall old men and old women sit in the broadways of Jerusalem, - Yea, each one with his staff in his hand for multitude of days:

For, the seed, shall be secure - the vine, shall yield her fruit, and the land, yield her increase, and the heavens, yield their dew, - and I will cause this remnant of the people to inherit all these things.

Then will the chiefs of Judah say in their hearts, - A strength unto me, would be the inhabitants of Jerusalem, in Yahweh of hosts, their God.

And Azor begat Sadoc, and Sadoc begat Achim, and Achim begat Eliud;

And Eliud begat Eleazar, and Eleazar begat Matthan, and Matthan begat Jacob; -

Then Herod, seeing that he had been mocked by the wise men, was exceedingly enraged, - and sent and slew all the male children that were in Bethlehem, and in all its bounds, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men.

A voice, in Ramah, was heard, weeping and great mourning, - Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, - because they are not.

For, this, is he who was spoken of through Isaiah the prophet, saying, A voice, of one crying aloud! In the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight, be making his paths.

But John, himself, had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, - while, his food, was locusts and wild honey.

But, he, would have hindered him, saying - I, have, need, by thee, to be immersed, - and dost, thou, come unto me?

and said to him, All these things, will I give thee, - if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Or how wilt thou say unto thy brother, Let me cast the mote out of thine eye, - when 1o! a beam, is in thine own eye?

and lo! they cried aloud, saying, What have we in common with thee, O Son of God? Hast thou come hither, before the right time, to torment us?

And lo! all the city, came out to meet Jesus, - and, seeing him, they besought that he would pass on from their bounds.

Howbeit, no one, layeth on a patch of unshrunk cloth, upon an old garment, - for the shrinking of it teareth away from the garment, and, a worse rent, is made.

Neither pour they new wine into old skins: otherwise at least, the skins are burst, and, the wine, runneth out, and, the skins, are spoiled, - but they pour new wine into unused skins, and, both, are together preserved.

And, as Jesus, was passing aside from thence, there followed him, two blind men, crying aloud and saying, - Have mercy on us, O Son of David!

Beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, - That he would thrust forth labourers, into his harvest.

Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! Because, if, in Tyre and Zidon, had been done the works of power, which were done in you, of old, in sackcloth and ashes, had they repented.

And, thou, Capernaum! Unto heaven, shalt thou be uplifted? Unto hades, thou shall be brought down; because, if, in Sodom, had been done the works of power, which were done in thee, it would, in that case, have remained until this day.

If, however, ye had known what this meaneth - Mercy, I desire, and not, sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the blameless;

But, some, fell upon the good ground, and did yield fruit, - this, indeed a hundred fold, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.

For the heart of this people hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, - lest, once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return; when I would certainly heal them.

And he said unto them - An enemy, hath, done this. And they say, unto him - Wilt thou, then, that we go and collect it?

And, he, said unto them - Wherefore, every scribe, discipled unto the kingdom of the heavens, is like unto a householder, who putteth forth out of his treasure, things new and old.

And Peter, answering, said unto Jesus - Lord! it is, delightful, for us, to be here, - If thou wilt, I will make here three tents, for thee, one, and, for Moses, one, and, for Elijah, one.

He, however, would not, but went away and cast him into prison, - until he should pay what was owing.

But, Jesus, calling them near, said - Ye know that, the rulers of the nations, lord it over them, and, the great ones, wield authority over them:

and lo! two blind men, sitting beside the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried aloud saying - Lord! have mercy on us! Son of David!

But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But, they, the more, cried aloud, saying - Lord, have mercy on us! Son of David!

and the multitudes, they who were going before him and they who were following after, were crying aloud, saying - Hosanna! to the Son of David, Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.

But the Chief-priests and the Scribes, seeing, the marvels that he wrought, and the boys who were crying aloud in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! were greatly displeased;

And sent his servants, to call the invited into the marriage-feast, - and they would not come.

and say - If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been their partners in the blood of the prophets:

But there is, one thing, ye know - That, if the householder, had known, in what watch, the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert, and not have suffered his house to be dug through.

And, on the first of the days of unleavened bread, the disciples came unto Jesus, saying - Where wilt thou, that we make ready for thee to eat the passover?

But, he, said - Indeed! what evil hath he done? But, they, vehemently, were crying aloud, saying - Let him be crucified!

A voice of one crying aloud - In the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight, be making his paths.

and John was clothed with camel's-hair and a leathern girdle about his loins, and was eating locusts and wild honey;

And, straightway, there was in their synagogue, a man in an impure spirit, - and he cried out aloud,

No one, seweth a patch of unshrunk cloth upon an old mantle, - otherwise, at least, the shrinking teareth away from it - the new from the old - and, a worse rent is made.

and they were narrowly watching him, whether, on the Sabbath, he would cure him, that they might accuse him.

and the impure spirits, as soon as they beheld him, were falling down to him, and crying aloud, while he was speaking, Thou, art the Son of God!

and he was beseeching him much that he would not send them forth outside the country.

when the daughter of this very Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those reclining together, and, the king, said unto the damsel - Ask me what thou wilt, and I will give it thee;

And, though the king was, very grieved, yet, by reason of the oaths, and of them who were reclining, he would not refuse her.

But, they, seeing him, upon the sea, walking, supposed that it was an apparition, and cried out aloud;

Now, the woman, was a Grecian, a Syrophoenician by race, - and she was requesting him that, the demon, he would cast forth out of her daughter.

And they come into Bethsaida. And they bring unto him one blind, and beseech him that him, he would touch.

And there come near unto him, James and John, the twosons of Zebedee, - saying unto him - Teacher! we desire, that, whatsoever we shall ask thee, thou wilt do for us.

And Jesus, calling them near, saith unto them - Ye know that, they who think to rule the nations, lord it over them, and, their great ones, wield authority over them;

And, hearing that it was, Jesus the Nazarene, he began to be crying aloud, and saying - O Son of David! Jesus! have mercy on me.

And many were rebuking him, that he might hold his peace; but, he, so much the more, was crying aloud, O Son of David, have mercy on me.

And, they who were going before, and they who were following after, were crying aloud - Hosanna! Blessed, is he that is coming in the name of the Lord!

And, on the first day of the unleavened cakes, when, the passover, they were slaying, his disciples say unto him - Where wilt thou, we depart and make ready, that thou mayest eat the passover?

And, straightway, a second time, a cock, crowed; and Peter was reminded of the declaration, how Jesus had said to him - Before a cock, twice, crow, thrice, wilt thou deny me. And, when he thought thereon, he began to weep.

And Pilate, being minded to do what would satisfy, the multitude, released unto them Barabbas, and delivered up Jesus, having scourged him, that he should be crucified.

And they would have given him, myrrhed wine, - who, however, received it not.

And lo! Elizabeth thy kinswoman, even she, hath conceived a son in, her old-age; - and, this month, is, the sixth, to her, the so-called barren one;

as it is written in the book of the discourses of Isaiah the prophet: A voice of one crying aloud! In the desert, prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight, be making his paths;

Thou, therefore, if thou wilt worship before me, it shall all, be thine.

And demons also were going forth from many; crying aloud, and saying - Thou, art the Son of God. And, rebuking them, he suffered them not be talking; because they knew him to be, The Christ.

And, when it was day, going forth, he journeyed into a desert place; and, the multitudes, were seeking after him, and they came unto him, and would have detained him, that he might not depart from them.

Moreover, he went on to speak, a parable also, unto them - No one, rending a patch from a new mantle, patcheth it upon an old mantle; otherwise, at least, both, the new, he will rend, and, with the old, the patch which is from the new, will not agree.

And, no one, poureth new wine into old skins; otherwise, at least, the new wine, will burst the skins, and will, itself, be poured out, and the skins be destroyed.

No one, having drunk old, desireth new; for he saith, The old, is, mellow.

But, hearing about Jesus, he sent forth unto him elders of the Jews, requesting him that he would come and bring his servant safely through.

But the Pharisee who had invited him, seeing it, spake within himself, saying, This one, if he were the prophet, would have been taking note, who and of what sort, is the woman, who is even touching him, that she is, a sinner.

And, other, fell into good ground; and, growing, brought forth fruit, a hundredfold. These things, saying, he went on to cry aloud - He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

And, when he went forth upon the land, there met him a certain man, out of the city, having demons; and, for a considerable time, he had put on no garment, and, in a house, would not abide, but among the tombs.

But, seeing Jesus, he cried out aloud, and fell down before him, and, with a loud voice, said - What have I in common with thee, O Jesus, Son of Godthe Most High? I beg of thee - Do not torment me! -

And they were beseeching him that he would not order them, into the abyss, to depart.

Now there was there, a herd of a good many swine, feeding in the mountain; and they besought him, that he would suffer them, into those, to enter; and he suffered them.

because he had, an only-begotten daughter, about twelve years old, and, she, was dying. Now, as he withdrew, the multitudes, were hemming him in.

But, he, grasping her hand, called aloud, saying - O girl! arise!

And I begged of thy disciples, that they would cast it out, and they could not.

And the disciples James and John, seeing it, said - Lord! wilt thou, that we bid fire come down from heaven, and destroy them?

And he was saying unto them - The harvest, indeed, is, great, but, the labourers, few; beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth, labourers, into his harvest.

Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! Because, if, in Tyre and Zidon, had been done the works of power which have been down in you, of old, in sackcloth and ashes sitting, they would have repented.

And, when he had spoken, a Pharisee was requesting him that he would dine with him; and, entering, he reclined.

But, of this, be taking note - Had the householder known, in what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched, and not suffered his house, to be digged through.

But he was provoked to anger, and would not go in. And, his father, coming out, began to entreat him.

But, he, said - Nay! father Abraham, but, if one, from the dead, should go unto them, they would repent.

But he said unto him - If, unto Moses and the Prophets, they do not hearken, neither, if one, from among the dead, should arise, would they be persuaded.

But, the tax-collector, afar off, standing, - would not so much as lift up, his eyes, unto heaven, but kept smiting his own breast saying - O God! be propitiated unto me, the sinner!

And he cried aloud, saying - Jesus, son of David! have mercy upon me!

And, he, said unto them - The kings of the nations, lord it over them, and, they who wield authority over them, benefactors, are called.

And they who were about him, seeing what would be, said - Lord! shall we smite with the sword?