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And the pomegranates were ninety-six on a side, - all the pomegranates were a hundred upon the lattice-work round about.

and spake with him comfortable words, - and set his throne above the throne of the kings who were with him in Babylon;

All thy foes, have opened wide, over thee their mouth, They have hissed, and gnashed their teeth, They have said - We have swallowed her up! Surely, this, is the day for which we have waited, We have found! We have seen!

In dark places, hath he made me sit, like the dead of age-past times.

He hath trodden his bow, and set me up, as a mark for the arrow.

Waters, flowed over, my head, I said, I am cut off!

Turn aside! Unclean! have they cried to them, Turn aside! Turn aside! Do not touch! because they have fled, yea, wandered, Men said among the nations, They will not again tarry;

The fragrance of our nostrils, The Anointed of Yahweh, hath been captured in their pits, - of whom we had said - In his shade, shall we live among the nations.

Slaves, have ruled over us, There is none to set free from their hand.

And under the expanse, their wings were straight, one towards another, - each one had two covering on this side, and each one had two covering on that side, their bodies.

And he said unto me, - Son of man, Stand upon thy feet, that I may, speak with thee.

And he said unto me- Son of man I am sending thee unto the sons of Israel, unto rebellious nations, which have rebelled against me, - they, and their fathers have transgressed against me, until this very day;

Then said he unto me, Son of man What thou findest, eat, - -eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.

Then said he unto me Son of man. Thy belly, cause thou to eat and thy bowels, fl thou with this roll which I am giving unto thee. So I did eat, and it became in my mouth, as honey for sweetness.

Then said he unto me, - Son of man Go get thee unto the house of Israel, and thou shalt speak with my words, unto them.

Then said he unto me, - Son of man. All my words which I shall speak unto thee, receive thou into thy heart and in thine ears, hear thou:

Then came upon me there the hand of Yahweh, - and he said unto me, Arise go forth into the valley, and there, will I speak with thee.

Then the Spirit entered into me, and caused me to stand upon my feet, - and he spake with me and said unto me, Go in shut thyself up, in the midst of thine own house,

Then shalt thou lay siege against it And bud up against it a siege-wall And cast up against it, a mound, - And set against it camps, And place against it battering-rams, round about.

Thou, therefore take time a pan of iron, and set it for a wall of iron, between thee and the city, - then shalt thou direct thy face against it and it shall come into siege and thou shalt lay siege to it, a sign, shall it be to the house of Israel.

Thou, therefore lie thou on thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it, - during the number of the days which thou shalt lie thereon, shalt thou bear their punishment.

And when thou hast ended these, then shalt thou lie, on thy right side. a second time, and shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah, - forty days, one day for each year, have I appointed thee.

And lo! I have laid upon thee-bands, - and thou shalt not turn thee from thy one side to thine other, until thou have ended the days of thy siege.

Thou, therefore, take thee wheat and barley and peas and lentils and millet and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make them ready for thee as bread, - during the number of days which thou art lying on thy side. a hundred and ninety days, shalt thou eat it;

Then said Yahweh, In like manner, shall the sons of Israel eat their bread defiled, - among the nations whither I will drive them.

Then said, I, Ah! My Lord. Yahweh, lo! my person, hath not been defiled: neither of what hath died of itself nor of what hath been torn in pieces: have I eaten, from my youthful days even unto now, neither hath come into my mouth the flesh of a foul thing.

So then he said unto me, See I have granted thee cows dung for mans dung, - and thou shalt prepare thy bread thereupon.

And he said unto me, Son of man Behold me! breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem, So shall they eat bread by weight and with anxious care, And water by measure, and in astonishment, shall they drink:

Son of man, Set thy face against the mountains of Israel, - and prophesy unto them;

Then shall they who have escaped of you remember me, among the nations whither they have been carried captive, In that I have broken their adulterous heart, which hath turned aside from me, And their eyes which have adulterously gone after their manufactured gods, So shall they become loathsome in their own sight, for the wicked things which they have done in all their abominations.

So shall ye know that I, am Yahweh, In that their slain are in the midst of their manufactured gods, on every side of their altars, - Upon every high hl In all the tops of the mountains and Under every green tree and Under every tangled oak, The place where they offered a satisfying odour to all their manufactured gods.

Then put he forth the similitude of a hand, and took me by the forelock of my head, - and the Spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heavens and brought me to Jerusalem in the visions of God into the opening of the inner gate that looketh toward the north, where was the seat of the Statue of Jealousy. that provoketh to jealousy;

Then said he unto me, Son of man Lift up. I pray thee thine eyes, the way toward the north. So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the north, and 1o! on the north by the gate of the altar, this Statue of Jealousy, in the entrance.

Then said he unto me, Son of man Canst thou see what they are doing, - the great abominations which the house of Israel are committing here, that I should go faraway from my sanctuary? Howbeit yet again, shalt thou see great abominations.

Then said he unto m Son of man Break I pray thee through the wall. So I broke through the wall, and lo! a single opening.

Then said he unto me, - Go in, and see the wicked abominations. which they are committing here.

So I went in. and looked, and lo! every similitude of creeping thing, and detestable beast, and all the manufactured gods of the house of Israel,- pourtrayed upon the wall round about on every side;

Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen Son of man what the elders of the house of Israel, are doing in the dark, every man in his image-chambers? for they are saying - Yahweh doth not see us! Yahweh hath forsaken the land!

Then said he unto me, - Yet again, shalt thou see great abominations, which they are committing.

Then said he unto me Hast thou seen O son of man? Yet again, shalt thou see greater abominations than these.

Then said he unto me Hast thou seen O son of man? Is it too small a thing for the house of Judah, to be committing the abominations which they have committed here, - that they have fled the land with violence and have again provoked me to anger and there they are! putting the branch to my nose.

And lo! six men coming in out of the way of the upper gate which looketh toward the north even every man with his destructive weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst clothed with linen, having a scribes ink holder by his side, - so they came in and stood beside the altar of bronze.

And the glory of the God of Israel lifted itself up from off the cherub whereon it had been, unto the threshold of the house, - and he called unto the man clothed with linen, who had the scribes ink holder by his side.

Then said Yahweh unto him. Pass along through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, - and set thou a mark upon the foreheads of the men who are sighing and crying over all the abominations that are being done in her midst.

But unto these, said he in mine ears, Pass along through the city after him and smite, - let not your eyes shield, neither have ye pity:

And he said unto them Defile ye the house and fl the courts with the slain, - go ye forth! So they went forth and smote in the city. s

And it came to pass when they were smiting them - I being left remaining, that I fell upon my face and made outcry, and said Alas! My Lord. Yahweh art thou about to destroy all the remnant of Israel, in that thou art pouring out of thine indignation upon Jerusalem?

And he said unto me the iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah, is exceeding, great, and the land is filled with shed blood, and the city is full of over-reaching, - for they have said. Yahweh hath forsaken the land, - and Yahweh doth not see.

And lo! the man clothed in linen, having the ink-holder by his side, bringing back word saying, - I have done according to all which thou didst command me.

Then said he unto the man clothed in linen - then said he Go in between the whirling wheels, even under the cherub, and fl both thy hands with live coals of fire from between the cherubim, and throw over the city. So he went in before mine eyes.

Now the cherubim were standing on the right side of the house when the man went in, - and, the, cloud filled the inner court,

Then said he unto me, Son of man, These, are the men who are devising iniquity, and who are counselling wicked counsel in this city;

Then fell upon me the Spirit of Yahweh, and he said unto me Say - Thus, saith Yahweh, Thus have ye said O house of Israel, Yea the things that come up on your spirit, know every one.

And it came to pass as I prophesied, that Pelatiah son of Benaiah died, - so then I fell down upon my face and made outcry with a loud voice and said - Alas! My Lord Yahweh! A full end, art thou making of the remnant of Israel?

Son of man Thine own brethren, thine own brethren the men of thy kindred, even all the house of Israel all of it are they to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far away from Yahweh, To us, it is that the land, hath been given, for a possession!

Son of man, Have not the house of Israel the perverse house, said unto thee, - What art thou doing?

Lo! when the wall hath fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the coating, wherewith ye coated it?

And thou, Son of man Set thy face against the daughters of thy people, Those who are prophesying out of their own heart, - And prophesy thou against them;

Then came there unto me men, of the elders of Israel, - and sat before me -

Son of man These men have brought up their manufactured gods upon their hear, And their stumbling-block of iniquity, have they set straight before their face, - Shall I be at all enquired of by them?

Therefore speak unto them and say unto them, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Any man whatsoever of the house of Israel Who shall bring up his manufactured gods upon his heart, And set his stumbling, block of iniquity, straight before his face, And then some in unto the prophet. Yahweh, have myself answered him thereby. By the multitude of his manufactured gods:

For what man soever of the house of Israel Or of the sojourners who sojourn in Israel, Who shall estrange himself from following me And who shall bring up his manufactured gods, on his heart, And whose stumbling-block of iniquity, he shall set straight before his face, And then come in unto the prophet, to enquire by him of me. Yahweh will myself answer him on my own account;

And will set my face against that man And will make of him a sign and a proverb, And will cut him off out of the midst of my people: So shall ye know that, I, am Yahweh.

Therefore will I set my face against them, Out of one fire, have they come forth But another fire, shall devour them, - So shall ye know that, I, am Yahweh, by my setting my face against them;

And I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, thrusting about thee in thy blood, And said to thee - Despite thy blood, ye! Yea I said to thee - Despite thy blood, live!

And thou didst take thine embroidered raiment, and cover them,- And mine and mine incense, didst thou set before them;

And my food which I had given thee, Fine flour and ell and honey wherewith I fed thee, And didst set it before them for a satisfying odour Yea so it was, - Saith My Lord Yahweh.

To all harlots, they give a present, But thou, didst give thy presents to all thy lovers, And didst bribe them to come in unto thee from every side in thine unchastity!

Therefore behold me! gathering together all thy lovers unto whom thou didst make thyself pleasant, Even all whom thou lovedst, With all whom thou hatedst, - Yea I will gather them together unto thee from every side And will uncover thy shame unto them, And they shall see all thy shame.

Before thy wickedness was discovered, As now, thou art the reproach of the daughters of Syria and all round about her the daughters of the Philistines, - who are despising thee on every side.

So he took of the seed of the land, and planted it in a field for seed,- He took it near mighty waters, Like a willow-tree, he set it.

Yea took of the seed royal And solemnised with him a covenant, And brought him into an oath, Also the mighty ones of the land, did he take.

Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Therefore will I, Myself, take of the highest branch of the lofty cedar and set it, - Of the crown of its young twigs, a tender one, will I pluck off, and I. myself will plant it upon a mountain high and terraced,

Then set upon him the nations round about. From the provinces,- And spread over him their net In their pit, was he caught;

And it came to pass in the seventh year in the fifth month, on the tent of the month, that there came in men of the elders of Israel to enquire of Yahweh, - and they sat before me.

So then thou shalt say unto them Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, In the day when I made choice of Israel, then lifted I up my hand. to the seed of the house of Jacob, and made myself known to them, in the land of Egypt,- Yea I lifted up my hand to them, saying, Yahweh am your God.

And I said unto them. Every one the abomination of his eyes, cast ye away, And with the manufactured gods of Egypt, let it not be that ye defile yourselves: I, Yahweh, am your God.

But I said unto their children in the desert, In the statutes of your fathers, let it not be that ye walk, And their regulations, let it not be that ye observe, - And with their manufactured gods, let it not be that ye defile yourselves.

Therefore said I unto them, What! a high-place, whereinto ye are entering, And so the name thereof hath been called High-place, unto this day.

Then shall ye call to mind. there, your own ways and all your own doings, where- with ye had defiled yourselves,- And ye stroll become loathsome in your own sight, for all your wickednesses, which ye have done.

Son of man Set thy face the way towards Teman, And drop thy word against the land of the sun, And prophesy unto the forest of the field of the South;

Then said I, Ah! My Lord Yahweh: They are saying of me, Is not he a putter forth of parables?

Son of man Set thy face against Jerusalem, And drop thy word against the holy places And prophesy against the so of Israel.

Therefore, O Oholibah, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Behold me! musing up thy lovers against thee, Even them from whom thy soul hath been torn,- And I will bring them against thee from every side:

And they shall come upon thee - With battle-axe, chariot and wheel And with a gathered host of peoples, :Shield and buckler and helmet, will they array against thee on every side,- And I will put before them judgment, And they shall judge thee with their judgments;

When I set forth my jealousy against thee, Then will they deal with thee in indignation, :Thy nose and thine ears, will they remove, And that which is left of thee, by the sword, shall fall, - They, will take away thy sons and thy daughters, And that which is left of thee, shall be devoured by the fire;

And Yahweh said unto me, Son of man Wilt thou judge Oholah and Oholibah? Then declare thou unto them their abominations.

For they have committed adultery. And blood, is one their hands, Yea with their manufactured gods, have they committed adultery. And even their own children whom they bare unto me, have they set apart for them to be devoured.

Then satest thou upon a glorious couch With a table prepared before it, - And mine incense and mine oil, didst thou set thereon.

Then said I of her that was worn out with adulteries, Will they now join in her unchaste doings even hers?

Yea the judges Slmi1 set your lewdness upon you, And your sins with manufactured gods, shall ye bear; shall ye know ha am The Lord. Yahweh.

Put thou forth therefore, against the perverse house a parable, and say unto them Thus saith My Lord, Yahweh: Sot on the caldron set it on, Moreover also pour into it water:

For, her own blood, hath come to be in her midst, Upon the smooth face of the cliff, hath she set it,- She hath not poured it out on the earth, that she might cover it with dust.

To bring up indignation to execute an avenging, have I set her blood upon the smooth face of the cliff, - that it may not be covered.

Then set it upon the live coals thereof empty, - that the copper of it may be scorched and burn. So that the impurity thereof may be annihilated within it The scum thereof be consumed,

Then said the people unto me: Wt thou not tell us what these things are to us, that thou shouldst be acting thus?

So I said unto them: The word of Yahweh hath come unto me, saying:

Son of man Set thy face against the sons of Ammon, - and prophesy against them.