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if my step has turned out of the way, and my heart walked after my eyes, and if any spot has clung to my hands,

then let me sow, and let another eat, yea, let the produce of my field be rooted out.

If my heart has been enticed to a woman, and I have laid wait at my neighbor's door,

For that is a heinous crime, yea, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges.

For it is a fire that consumes to destruction, and would root out all my increase.

what then shall I do when God rises up? And when he visits, what shall I answer him?

or have eaten my morsel alone, and the fatherless has not eaten of it

if I have rejoiced at the destruction of him who hated me, or lifted up myself when evil found him

because I feared the great multitude, and the contempt of families terrified me so that I kept silence, and did not go out of the door--

Surely I would carry it upon my shoulder. I would bind it to me as a crown.

If my land cries out against me, and the furrows of it weep together;

if I have eaten the fruits of it without money, or have caused the owners of it to lose their lives,

let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead of barley. The words of Job are ended.

His anger was also kindled against his three friends because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.

Behold, I waited for your words, I listened for your reasonings, while ye searched out what to say.

And shall I wait because they do not speak, because they stand still, and answer no more?

Behold, my breast is as wine which has no vent. Like new wine-skins it is ready to burst.

For God speaks once, yea twice, [though man] does not regard it.

His flesh is consumed away that it cannot be seen. And his bones that were not seen stick out.

If there be with him a [heavenly] agent, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to show to man what is right for him,

He sings before men, and says, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it did not profit me.

Let us choose for us that which is right. Let us know among ourselves what is good.

What man is like Job, who drinks up scorning like water,

Therefore hearken to me, ye men of understanding. Far be it from me to sin before LORD, and pervert righteousness before the Almighty.

In a moment they die, even at midnight. The people are shaken and pass away, and the mighty are taken away without hand.

He breaks in pieces mighty men [in ways] past finding out, and sets others in their stead.

When he gives quietness, who then can condemn? And when he hides his face, who then can behold him? [It is] the same whether to a nation, or to a man,

Teach thou me that which I do not see. If I have done iniquity, I will do it no more?

Shall his recompense be as thou desire, that thou refuse it? For thou must choose, and not I. Therefore speak what thou know.

so that we may not add to our sins, and lawlessness will be reckoned against us, speaking many words before LORD.

What [is] this thou think in judgment? Who are thou that thou said, I am righteousness before LORD?

That thou said, What advantage will it be to thee? [And], What profit shall I have more than if I had sinned?

If thou have sinned, what do thou effect against him? And if thy transgressions be multiplied, what do thou to him?

If thou be righteous, what do thou give him? Or what does he receive of thy hand?

Because of the multitude of oppressions they cry out. They cry for help because of the arm of the mighty.

Surely God will not hear an empty [cry], nor will the Almighty regard it.

How much less when thou say thou do not behold him. The case is before him, and thou wait for him!

Allow me a little, and I will show thee. For I have yet somewhat to say on God's behalf.

Yea, he would have allured thee out of distress into a broad place, where there is no confinement, and that which is set on thy table would be full of fatness.

All men have looked on it. Man beholds it afar off.

He covers his hands with the lightning, and gives it a command that it strike the mark.

The noise of it tells concerning him. The cattle also concerning [the storm] that comes up.

Yea, at this my heart trembles, and is moved out of its place.

Hear, O, hear the noise of his voice, and the sound that goes out of his mouth.

He sends it forth under the whole heaven, and his lightning to the ends of the earth.

After it a voice roars. He thunders with the voice of his majesty, and he does not restrain [the lightnings] when his voice is heard.

He seals up the hand of every man, that all men whom he has made may know [it].

and it is turned round about by his guidance, that they may do whatever he commands them upon the face of the habitable world.

He causes it to come, whether it be for correction, or for his land, or for loving kindness.

Can thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong as a molten mirror?

Teach us what we shall say to him. We cannot set in array because of darkness.

Shall it be told him that I would speak? Or should a man wish that he were swallowed up?

Out of the north comes golden splendor. God has upon him awesome majesty.

[O] the Almighty, we cannot find him out. He is excellent in power. And in justice and abundant righteousness he will not afflict.

Who determined the measures of it, if thou know? Or who stretched the line upon it?

Upon what were the foundations of it fastened? Or who laid the corner-stone of it

Or [who] shut up the sea with doors when it broke forth, [like] it had issued out of the womb,

when I made clouds the garment of it, and thick darkness a swaddling-band for it,

and marked out for it my bound, and set bars and doors,

that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?

It is changed as clay under the seal, and [all things] stand forth as a garment.

Have thou comprehended the earth in its breadth? Declare, if thou know it all.

Where is the way to the dwelling of light? And as for darkness, where is the place of it

that thou should take it to the bound of it, and that thou should discern the paths to the house of it?

By what way is the light divided, or the east wind scattered upon the earth?

to cause it to rain on a land where no man is, on the wilderness, in which there is no man,

Out of whose womb came the ice? And the hoary frost of heaven, who has engendered it?

Do thou know the ordinances of the heavens? Can thou establish the dominion of it on the earth?

when they couch in their dens, [and] abide in the covert to lie in wait?

They bow themselves. They bring forth their young. They cast out their pains.

Who has sent out the wild donkey free? Or who has loosed the bonds of the swift donkey

He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength. He goes out to meet the armed men.

He mocks at fear, and is not dismayed. Neither does he turn back from the sword.

He swallows the ground with fierceness and rage, nor does he believe that it is the voice of the trumpet.

Is it by thy wisdom that the hawk soars, (and) stretches her wings toward the south?

Is it at thy command that the eagle mounts up, and makes her nest on high?

From there she spies out the prey. Her eyes behold it afar off.

Can thou draw out leviathan with a fishhook, or press down his tongue with a cord?

Behold, the hope of him is in vain. Will not [a man] be cast down even at the sight of him?

Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth.

Out of his nostrils a smoke goes, as of a boiling pot and [burning] rushes.

If a man lays at him with the sword it cannot avail, nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft.

He counts iron as straw, [and] brass as rotten wood.

Clubs are counted as stubble. He laughs at the rushing of the javelin.

His underparts are [like] sharp potsherds. He spreads out [as] a threshing-wagon upon the mire.

And it was so, that, after LORD had spoken these words to Job, LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends. For ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Jo

Then there came to him all his brothers, and all his sisters, and all those who had been of his acquaintance before, and ate bread with him in his house. And they bemoaned him, and comforted him concerning all the evil that LORD ha

Hold them guilty, O God. Let them fall by their own counsels. Thrust them out in the multitude of their transgressions. For they have rebelled against thee.

My eye wastes away because of grief. It grows old because of all my adversaries.

lest they tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.

if I have rewarded evil to him who was at peace with me, (yea, I have delivered him without cause who was my adversary),