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In the evening she would go into the palace and in the morning she would return to the second harem, into the care of Shaashgaz, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the mistresses. She would not go again to the king unless the king wanted her and she was called for by name.

Now Esther was the daughter of Abihail, who had been Mordecai's uncle. Mordecai had taken Esther in as his own daughter. When her turn came to go in to the king, she did not want anything except what Hegai, the king's eunuch in charge of the harem, advised. Esther found favor with everyone who saw her.

The king loved Esther more than any of the other women, so he favored her and was kinder to her than he was to any of the other virgins. He put the royal crown on her head and made her queen in place of Vashti.

Now Esther had not declared her heritage or her people, just as Mordecai had instructed her, for Esther did what Mordecai told her just as she had done when she was raised by him.

When Esther's young women and her eunuchs came and told her, the queen was greatly distressed. She sent clothes for Mordecai to put on so he could take off the sackcloth that he had on, but he would not take them.

Then Esther summoned Hathach, one of the king's eunuchs, whom he had assigned to her, and she ordered him to go to Mordecai to find out what was happening and why it was happening.

Mordecai gave Hathach a copy of the written decree ordering the Jews' destruction that had been issued in Susa. Mordecai wanted him to show it to Esther, to explain it to her, and then to instruct her to go in to the king to seek his favor and plead with him for her people.

On the third day, Esther put on her royal attire and stood in the inner courtyard of the palace in front of the king's quarters. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the throne room, opposite the entrance to the building.

The king asked her, "What do you want, Queen Esther? What is your request? Even if it's half of the kingdom, it will be given to you."

Then Haman said, "Even Queen Esther brought no one except me with the king to the banquet that she held. Furthermore, I (along with the king) have also been invited by her tomorrow.

That day King Ahasuerus gave Queen Esther the property of Haman, the enemy of the Jewish people, and Mordecai came into the king's presence because Esther had told him how Mordecai was related to her.

But he replied to her, "You're talking like foolish women do. Are we to accept what is good from God but not tragedy?" Throughout all of this, Job did not sin by what he said.

It would weigh more than the sand on the seashore! Here's why I've talked so rashly:

"Come here now, all of you, and I won't find a wise person among you.

then let my wife cook for another person and may someone else sleep with her,

"Who will grant me a hearing? Here's my signature let the Almighty answer! Since my adversary indicted me,

and said, "You may come only this far and no more. Your majestic waves will stop here.'?

Can you bring out constellations in their season? Can you guide the Bear with her cubs?

She abandons her eggs on the ground and lets them be warmed in the sand,

She mistreats her young as though they're not hers, and she has no fear that her labor may be in vain,

because God didn't grant her wisdom and never gave her understanding.

Then I said, "Here I am! I have come! In the scroll of the book it is written about me.

The king's daughters are among your honorable women; the queen, dressed in gold from Ophir, has taken her place at your right hand."

In embroidered garments she is presented to the king. Her virgin companions who follow her train will be presented to you.

Just as we have heard, so have we seen; in the city of the LORD of the heavenly armies even in the city of our God God will establish her forever. Interlude

March around Zion; encircle her; count her towers.

Take note of her ramparts; investigate her citadels; that you may speak about them to the next generation.

Even the sparrow found a house for herself and the swallow a nest to lay her young at your altar, LORD of the Heavenly Armies, my king and God.

You will arise to extend compassion on Zion, for it is time to show her favor the appointed time has come.

Consider this: as the eyes of a servant focus on what his master provides, and as the eyes of a female servant focus on what her mistress provides, so our eyes focus on the LORD our God, until he has mercy on us.

"This is my resting place forever. Here I will live, because I desire to do so.

Wisdom cries out in the street; she raises her voice in the public squares.

She calls out at the busiest part of the noisy streets, and at the entrance to the gates of the city she utters her words:

delivering you from the adulteress, from the immoral woman with her seductive words,

because her profit is better than the profit of silver, and her yield than fine gold.

She is a tree of life for those who embrace her, and whoever clutches her tightly will be joyful.

Prize her and she will exalt you. Indeed, if you embrace her, she will honor you.

For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil.

You aren't thinking about where her life is headed; her steps wander, but you do not realize it.

Keep far away from her, and don't go near the entrance to her house,

Like a loving deer, a beautiful doe, let her breasts satisfy you all the time. Be constantly intoxicated by her love.

Here are six things that the LORD hates seven, in fact, are detestable to him:

So also is it with someone who has sex with his neighbor's wife; anyone touching her will not remain unpunished.

so they can keep you from an adulterous woman, from the immoral woman with her seductive words.

Proceeding down the street near her corner, he makes his way toward her house

Look! A woman makes her way to meet him, dressed as a prostitute and intending to entrap him.

All of a sudden he follows her like an ox fit for slaughter or like a fool fit for a trap

Don't be led astray by her lifestyle, and don't imitate her behavior.

For many are the victims whom she has conquered, and many are her slain.

Isn't wisdom calling out; isn't understanding raising her voice?

Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out her seven pillars.

She has prepared her food, she has spiced her wine, and she also has set her dining table.

She has sent out her young women, while calling out from the heights of the city,

"Let whoever is naive, turn in here." To anyone lacking sense, she says,

She sits at the entrance of her house, on a seat high above the city.

"Whoever is naive, turn in here!" And to anyone lacking sense, she says,

But he does not realize that the dead lurk there, and her invited guests wind up in the depths of Sheol.

If the righteous receive what they are due here on earth, how much more will the wicked and the sinner.

It's better to meet a mother bear who has lost her cubs than a fool in his stupidity.

If you say, "Look here, we didn't know about this," doesn't God, who examines motives, discern it? Doesn't the one who guards your soul know about it? Won't he repay each person according to what he has done?

Here are some more proverbs from wise people: It isn't good to show partiality in judgment.

Here are some more proverbs by Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah, transcribed.

for it is better that it be told you, "Come up here," than for you to be placed lower in the presence of an official. What you've seen with your own eyes,

Trying to keep her in check is like stopping a wind storm or grabbing oil with your right hand.

This is what an immoral woman is like: she eats, wipes her mouth, then says "I've done nothing wrong."

an unloved woman when she finds a husband, and a servant girl who inherits from her mistress.

She is confident that her profits are sufficient. Her lamp does not go out at night.

She works with her own hands on her clothes her hands work the sewing spindle.