Search: 4806 results
Exact Match
- 1.Gen 1:27-Gen 24:33
- 2.Gen 24:35-Gen 37:20
- 3.Gen 37:21-Gen 50:7
- 4.Gen 50:9-Exo 29:21
- 5.Exo 29:29-Lev 14:25
- 6.Lev 14:28-Num 15:33
- 7.Num 15:34-Deut 10:8
- 8.Deut 10:9-Josh 5:13
- 9.Josh 5:14-Judg 8:8
- 10.Judg 8:14-Rth 2:10
- 11.Rth 3:13-1 Sam 17:25
- 12.1 Sam 17:26-1 Sam 27:4
- 13.1 Sam 27:6-2 Sam 11:25
- 14.2 Sam 11:27-2 Sam 20:17
- 15.2 Sam 20:21-1 Kgs 12:20
- 16.1 Kgs 13:4-1 Kgs 22:22
- 17.1 Kgs 22:26-2 Kgs 9:36
- 18.2 Kgs 10:4-1 Chron 11:10
- 19.1 Chron 11:12-2 Chron 15:1
- 20.2 Chron 15:2-2 Chron 33:19
- 21.2 Chron 33:20-Esth 5:9
- 22.Esth 5:11-Job 22:29
- 23.Job 23:3-Psa 22:24
- 24.Psa 22:25-Psa 89:23
- 25.Psa 89:24-Prov 17:25
- 26.Prov 18:13-Isa 14:29
- 27.Isa 15:4-Jer 19:14
- 28.Jer 20:2-Jer 50:16
- 29.Jer 50:17-Dan 5:17
- 30.Dan 5:19-Jnh 1:8
- 31.Jnh 1:9-Matt 8:4
- 32.Matt 8:5-Matt 18:21
- 33.Matt 18:22-Matt 26:67
- 34.Matt 26:69-Mrk 5:18
- 35.Mrk 5:19-Mrk 11:27
- 36.Mrk 11:28-Luk 2:25
- 37.Luk 2:26-Luk 9:11
- 38.Luk 9:12-Luk 16:14
- 39.Luk 16:27-Luk 23:14
- 40.Luk 23:15-John 5:6
- 41.John 5:7-John 9:34
- 42.John 9:35-John 18:25
- 43.John 18:26-Act 8:32
- 44.Act 8:35-Act 20:37
- 45.Act 20:38-Rom 14:3
- 46.Rom 14:4-Col 2:7
- 47.Col 2:9-2 Pet 3:15
- 48.1 John 1:5-Rev 20:11
- 49.Rev 21:6-Rev 22:18
For this cause, hath Levi neither portion nor inheritance with his brethren, - Yahweh, is his inheritance, as Yahweh thy God spake unto him.
Now, therefore, O Israel, what is, Yahweh thy God, asking of thee, - but to revere Yahweh thy God to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve Yahweh thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul:
executing the vindication of the orphan and the widow, - and loving sojourner, giving him food and raiment.
Yahweh thy God, shalt thou revere, Him, shalt thou serve, - And unto him, shalt thou cleave, And in his name, shalt thou swear.
And it shall come to pass, if ye will hearken, unto my commandments, which, I am commanding you to-day, - to love Yahweh your God, and to serve him, with, all your heart, and with all your soul,
For if ye do, indeed keep, all this commandment which I am commanding you to do it, - to love Yahweh your God, to Walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him,
After Yahweh your God, shall ye walk And him, shall ye revere, - And his commandments, shall ye observe. And unto his voice, shall ye hearken, And him, shall ye serve And unto him, shall ye cleave.
thou shalt not consent unto him, neither shalt thou hearken unto him, - neither shall thine eye look with pity upon him, neither shalt thou spare - neither shalt thou conceal him;
but thou shalt slay, him, thine own hand, shall be on him first, to put him to death, - and the hand of all the people afterwards.
And thou shalt stone him with stones that he die, - for he hath sought to seduce thee from Yahweh thy God, who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of servants.
and, the Levite who is within thy gates, thou shalt not forsake him, - for he hath neither portion nor inheritance with thee.
but thou shalt, open, thy hand unto him, - and, lend, him enough to meet the poverty which doth impoverish him.
Take thou heed to thyself lest there be something near thine abandoned heart, saying - Drawing nigh, is the seventh year the year of release, and so thine eye be evil, against thy needy brother, and thou give not unto him, - and he cry out against thee unto Yahweh, and it become in thee a sin!
Thou shalt, give, unto him, and thy heart shall not be evil when thou givest unto him, - for on account of this very thing, will Yahweh thy God bless thee, in all that thou doest and in all whereunto thou puttest thy hand.
When thy brother a Hebrew man (or a Hebrew woman) selleth himself unto thee, then shall he serve thee six years, - and in the seventh year, shalt thou let him go out free from thee;
and when thou lettest him go out free, from thee, thou shalt not let him go out empty:
thou shalt, richly load, him out of thy flock, and out of thy threshing-floor and out of thy wine-vat, - of that wherewith Yahweh thy God hath blessed thee, shalt thou give unto him;
It shall not be hard in thine eyes when thou lettest him go out free, from thee; for to the double of the hire of a hireling, hath he served thee six years, - -so will Yahweh thy God bless thee, in all that thou doest.
The hand of the witnesses, shall be upon him first to put him to death, and the hand of all the people, afterwards, - so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst.
thou shalt, set, over thee as king, him whom Yahweh thy God shall choose, - out of the midst of thy brethren, shalt thou set over thee a king, thou mayest not appoint over thee a man that is a foreigner, who is not thy brother.
so shall it be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life, - that he may learn to revere Yahweh his God, to observe all the words of this law and these statutes to do them:
But inheritance, shall he not have, in the midst of his brethren, - Yahweh, is his inheritance, as he spake unto him.
the firstfruit of thy corn thy new wine and thine oil and the first of the fleece of thy flock, shalt thou give unto him.
For of him, hath Yahweh thy God made choice out of all thy tribes, - to stand to minister in the name of Yahweh of him and his sons all the days.
A prophet out of thy midst of thy brethren like unto me, will Yahweh thy God, raise up unto thee - unto him, shall ye hearken:
A prophet, will I raise up unto them, out of the midst of their brethren, like unto thee, - and I will put my words in his mouth, so shall he speak unto them whatsoever I shall command him.
And it shall come to pass, that, the man who will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I, myself will require it of him.
Howbeit the prophet who shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who shah speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.
When the prophet shall speak in the name of Yahweh and the word shall not come to pass, neither shall come in, that, is the word which Yahweh, hath not spoken, - presumptuously, hath the prophet spoken it, thou shall not be in dread of him.
And, this, is the case of the manslayer, who shall flee thither and live, - Whoso shall smite his neighbour unwittingly, he, not having hated him aforetime;
lest the blood redeemer pursue the manslayer because his heart is hot, and overtake him because the way is long, and he smite him so as to take away his life, - he not being worthy of death, seeing that he had not been hating him aforetime.
But, when any man shall be hating his neighbour, and shall lie in wait for him and rise up against him, and smite him so as to take away his life that he dieth, - and shall then flee into one of these cities,
then shall the elders of his city send and fetch him from thence, - and deliver him into the hand of the blood redeemer that he die;
thine eye shall not look with pity upon him, - so shall thou consume the shedding of innocent blood out of Israel and it shah go well with thee.
When there shall rise up a wrongful witness against a man, - to answer against him perversely,
then shall ye do unto him as he had thought to de unto his brother, - so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst;
Then shall the officers speak unto the people saying, Who is the man that hath built a new house and hath not dedicated it? let him go and return unto his house, - lest he die in the battle, and, another man dedicate it.
And who is the man that hath planted a vineyard and hath not thrown it open? let him go and return unto his house, - lest he die in the battle, and another man, throw it open.
And who is the man that hath betrothed a wife and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, - lest he die in the battle, and, another man, take her.
Then shall the officers further speak unto the people, and say - Who is the man that is fearful and faint-hearted? let him go and return unto his house, - lest his brethren's heart melt as well as his heart.
When there shall be found one slain on the soil which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee to possess, lying prostrate in the field, - it not being known who smote him,
Then shall the priests the sons of Levi come near, for of them, hath Yahweh thy God made choice to wait upon him, and to bless in the name of Yahweh, - and at their bidding, shall be settled every controversy and every punishment;
When a man shall have two wives - the one beloved and, the other hated, and they have borne him sons, both she that is beloved, and she that is hated, - and it shall be that the firstborn son belongeth to her that is hated,
but the true firstborn the son of her that is hated, shall he treat as firstborn by giving him double out of all that is found to be his, - for, he, is the beginning of hi strength, his, is the right of the firstborn.
When a man hath a son, rebellious and insulting, who will not hearken to the voice of his father, and to the voice of his mother, - though they chastise him, yet will not hearken unto them,
then shall his father and his mother, lay hold of him, - and bring him forth unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
Then shall all the men of his city stone him with stones that he die, so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst, - and, all Israel, shall hear and fear.
But when there shall be in any man a sin worthy of death and he is to be put to death, - and thou shalt hang him on a tree,
his dead body shall not remain all night upon the tree but thou shalt bury, him on the same day, for a reproach unto God, is he that is hanged, - so shalt thou not make unclean thy soil which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee for an inheritance.
And, if thy brother be not nigh unto thee or thou know him not, then shalt thou make room for it within thee own shed and it shall be with thee, until thy brother seek after it, when thou shalt return it unto him.
And, so, shalt thou do with his ass, and, so, shalt thou do with his mantle and, so, shalt thou do with any lost thing of thy brothers, which shall go astray from him and thou shalt find, - thou mayest not turn away.
Thou shalt not see the ass of thy brother or his ox fallen in the way, and turn away from them, - thou shalt, raise, them with him.
Then shall the elders of that city take the man, and chastise him;
and fine him a hundred shekels of silver and give unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought an evil name upon a virgin of Israel, and she shall remain his wife, he may not put her away, all his days.
but, unto the damsel, shalt thou do nothing, the damsel, is not guilty of a sin worthy of death, for as when a man riseth up against his neighbour, and smiteth him so as to take away life, so, is this matter;
with thee, shall he remain in thy midst, in the place which he shall choose in any of thy gates where it seemeth good to him, - thou shalt not oppress him.
But if the latter husband hate her, and write her a scroll of divorcement and put it into her hand, and send her away out of his house, - or, if the latter husband die, who had taken her to him to wife,
When a man is found stealing any person from among his brethren of the sons of Israel, and making merchandise of him, or selling hint, then shall that thief die, so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst.
thou shalt, restore, to him the pledge at the going in of the sun, so shall he sleep in his own mantle, and bless thee, - and, unto thee, shall it be righteous-ness before Yahweh thy God.
And it shall be - if the lawless man be, worthy of stripes, then shall the judge cause him to lie down and he beaten before him, according to the measure of his lawlessness, by number:
forty stripes, may he give him not going beyond, - lest, if he do go beyond to smite him above these, with many stripes, then should thy brother be of no account in thine eyes.
When brethren dwell together, and one of them dieth, having, no son, the wife of the dead shall not marry outside to a stranger, - her husband's brother, shall go in unto her, and take her unto him to wife and do for her as a husband's brother.
Then shall the elders of his city call him and speak unto him, - and he shall stand and say, I like not to take her.
Then shall his brothers wife come near unto him in the presence of the elders, and draw his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, - and respond and say, Thus shall it be done unto the man who will not build up the house of his brother.
And his name shall be called in Israel, - The house of him who had his shoe drawn off.
When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, - and she putteth forth her hand, and seizeth him by his parts of shame,
And thou shalt come in unto the priest who shall be in those days, - and shalt say unto him - I declare to-day unto Yahweh thy God, that I am come into the land which Yahweh sware unto our fathers that he would give unto us.
he, shall lend to thee, but, thou, shalt not lend to him, - he, shall become head, and, thou, shalt become tail.
so that he will not give to any one of them, of the flesh of his sons which he will eat, because he hath nothing at all left him, - in the siege and in the straitness wherewith thine enemy will straiten thee within all thy gates.
your little ones your wives, and thy sojourner that is in the midst of thy camps, - from him that heweth thy wood unto him that draweth thy water:
but with him who is here with us, standing to-day before Yahweh our God, - and with him who is not here with us to-day.
Yahweh will not be willing to forgive him, but, then, will the anger of Yahweh and his jealousy smoke against that man, and all the oath that is written in this scroll, shall settle down upon him, - and Yahweh wipe out his name from under the heavens;
and Yahweh single him out for calamity, out of all the tribes of Israel, - according to all the oaths of the covenant that is written in this scroll of the law.
to love Yahweh thy God, to hearken unto his voice, and to cleave unto him, - for, he, is thy life, and thy length of days, that thou mayest abide upon the soil which Yahweh sware to thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, to give unto them.
And Moses called for Joshua, and said unto him, in the sight of all Israel. Be firm and bold, for, thou, shalt go with this people into the land which Yahweh sware unto their fathers to give unto them, and, thou shalt cause them to inherit it.
Then said Yahweh unto Moses: Lo! thy days have drawn near that thou must die. Call Joshua and station yourselves in the tent of meeting, that I may command him. So Moses went, with Joshua, and they took their station in the tent of meeting.
For I know that after my death, ye will break faith, and turn aside out of the way which I have commanded you, - and calamity will befall you in the afterpart of the days, because ye will do the thing that is wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, to provoke him with the work of your own hands.
They have broken faith with him to be no sons of his - their fault, - A generation twisted and crooked.
He met him in a desert land, And in the howling waste of a wilderness, - He encompassed him watched over him, Shielded him as the pupil of his own eye.
Yahweh alone did lead him, - And there was with him no GOD of a stranger.
He made him ride on the high places of the land, Caused him to eat the increase of the fields, - And gave him to suck honey out of the cliff, And oil out of the rock of flint:
Then Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: Thou wast fat, Thou wast thick, Thou wast gorged, So he forsook the GOD who made him, And treated as foolish his Rock of salvation.
They moved him to jealousy with foreign gods , - With abominations, angered they him:
And, this, is for Judah, when he said, Hear, O Yahweh, the voice of Judah, That unto his own people, thou wouldst bring him home, - Let, his own hands, suffice him, And, a helper from his adversaries, do thou become.
Bless, O Yahweh his substance, And with the work of his hands, wilt thou be well pleased, - Crush thou the loins of them who rise up against him, And of them who hate him, that they rise not again.
Of Benjamin, he said, The beloved of Yahweh, shall settle down securely, - With one to throw a shade over him all the day long, Yea, between his shoulders, hath he found rest.
And with the precious things of the earth and its fulness, And with the goodwill of One who dwelt in a thorn-bush. - Let it come on the head of Joseph, And on the crown of the head of him who was consecrated among his brethren.
His firstborn ox, be an honour to him. And the horns of a buffalo, be his horns, With them, let him thrust, peoples, All at once, to the ends of the earth, - Yea, with these, the myriads of Ephraim, And, with those, the thousands of Manasseh.
And, of Asher, he said, Most blessed of sons, be Asher, - Let him have the goodwill of his brethren, And let him dip, in oil, his foot:
So then Moses went up, from the waste plains of Moab into Mount Nebo, the head of Pisgah, which is over against Jericho, - and Yahweh showed him all the land - even Gilead as far as Dan;
And Yahweh said unto him - This, is the land which I sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed, will I give it. I have let thee see with thine own eyes, But thither, shalt thou not pass over.
and he buried him, in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Beth-peor, - but no man hath known his burying-place, until this day.
But, Joshua, son of Nun, was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him, - so the sons of Israel hearkened unto him, and did, as Yahweh commanded Moses.
by all the signs and the wonders which Yahweh sent him to do in the land of Egypt, - unto Pharaoh and unto all his servants and unto all his land;
Any man who shall rebel against thy bidding, and not hearken unto thy words in all that thou shalt command him, shall be put to death, - only be firm and bold.
And it shall be, whosoever shall go forth out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood, shall be on his own head and, we, shall be free, - but, whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood, shall be on our heads, if a, hand, be upon him.
And the two men returned and came down out of the mountain, and crossed over and came unto Joshua, son of Nun, - and recounted to him all that had befallen them;
On that day, did Yahweh magnify Joshua in the eyes of all Israel, - and they revered him, as they revered Moses, all the days of his life.
So Joshua made him knives of flint, - and circumcised the sons of Israel, at the Hill of Foreskins.
And it came to pass, while Joshua was at Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes, and looked, and lo! a man standing over against him, with his sword drawn, in his hand, - so Joshua went unto him, and said to him, For us, art thou, or for our adversaries?
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 1:27-Gen 24:33
- 2.Gen 24:35-Gen 37:20
- 3.Gen 37:21-Gen 50:7
- 4.Gen 50:9-Exo 29:21
- 5.Exo 29:29-Lev 14:25
- 6.Lev 14:28-Num 15:33
- 7.Num 15:34-Deut 10:8
- 8.Deut 10:9-Josh 5:13
- 9.Josh 5:14-Judg 8:8
- 10.Judg 8:14-Rth 2:10
- 11.Rth 3:13-1 Sam 17:25
- 12.1 Sam 17:26-1 Sam 27:4
- 13.1 Sam 27:6-2 Sam 11:25
- 14.2 Sam 11:27-2 Sam 20:17
- 15.2 Sam 20:21-1 Kgs 12:20
- 16.1 Kgs 13:4-1 Kgs 22:22
- 17.1 Kgs 22:26-2 Kgs 9:36
- 18.2 Kgs 10:4-1 Chron 11:10
- 19.1 Chron 11:12-2 Chron 15:1
- 20.2 Chron 15:2-2 Chron 33:19
- 21.2 Chron 33:20-Esth 5:9
- 22.Esth 5:11-Job 22:29
- 23.Job 23:3-Psa 22:24
- 24.Psa 22:25-Psa 89:23
- 25.Psa 89:24-Prov 17:25
- 26.Prov 18:13-Isa 14:29
- 27.Isa 15:4-Jer 19:14
- 28.Jer 20:2-Jer 50:16
- 29.Jer 50:17-Dan 5:17
- 30.Dan 5:19-Jnh 1:8
- 31.Jnh 1:9-Matt 8:4
- 32.Matt 8:5-Matt 18:21
- 33.Matt 18:22-Matt 26:67
- 34.Matt 26:69-Mrk 5:18
- 35.Mrk 5:19-Mrk 11:27
- 36.Mrk 11:28-Luk 2:25
- 37.Luk 2:26-Luk 9:11
- 38.Luk 9:12-Luk 16:14
- 39.Luk 16:27-Luk 23:14
- 40.Luk 23:15-John 5:6
- 41.John 5:7-John 9:34
- 42.John 9:35-John 18:25
- 43.John 18:26-Act 8:32
- 44.Act 8:35-Act 20:37
- 45.Act 20:38-Rom 14:3
- 46.Rom 14:4-Col 2:7
- 47.Col 2:9-2 Pet 3:15
- 48.1 John 1:5-Rev 20:11
- 49.Rev 21:6-Rev 22:18
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- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Jesus Healing
- Opposition To Christ From Scribes
- Others Not Answering
- Others Summoning
- Pharisees Concerned About Christ
- Praise The Lord!
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Righteous By Faith
- Settling Accounts
- Seven Days For Legal Purposes
- Sexual Union Intended
- Side Of People
- Sin Confessed
- Sin Produces Death
- The Father
- The One Who Sent Christ
- Those Demonised
- Those Who Believed In Christ
- Tying Up
- Where From?
- God's Things Concealed
- God's Things Revealed
- God's Truth
- In Men's Presence
- Keeping Christ's Commands
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Fear God!
- Fear Of Individuals
- Kings Of All Israel Or Judah
- List Of Kings Of Israel
- Named Prophets Of The Lord
- People With Apt Names
- Priests Atoning
- Giving Money To The Church
- Bread
- Obedience
- Satan
- Rivers
- Redemption
- Punishment
- Eternal life
- Righteousness imputed
- Forgiving others
- Death Of A Family Member
- Overcoming
- Acceptance
- Siblings
- God's Love For Us
- Baptism
- Death Of A Child
- Surrender
- Helping The Poor
- The Cross
- Debt
- Discipleship
- The Devil
- Faith And Healing
- God's Forgiveness
- Recovery
- Putting God First
- Serving God
- Gods Plan
- Being A Good Father
- Reconciliation
- Death Of A Father
- Working For God
- Rejection
- Boldness
- Humble Yourself
- Fathers Love
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Jesus Death
- Resisting Temptation
- Knowing God
- The Presence Of God
- Family Death
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Faith In God
- God's Plan For Us
- Discipline Child
- Giving Back
- Self Image
- Loving Children
- Servanthood
- Spanking
- Lent
- Saul
- Denial
- Following
- Ministering
- Gideon
- Crucifixion
- Lazarus
- Demonic Influence